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Results Page 8

189 entries were submitted between 2023-04-01 10:00:00 and 2023-04-08 10:00:00. 3,121 ratings were given to 170 entries (89.9%) between 2023-04-08 10:00:00 and 2023-04-22 10:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 16.5 and the median was 15.

Patience & Fury

by jb431

Ranked 145th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 11 ratings (Score: 2.958)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#603.3483.909
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#633.1143.636
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#793.3483.909
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1342.6473.091
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1452.9583.455
No image :(

Fire and Ice

by Oderem

Ranked 145th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 11 ratings (Score: 2.958)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#383.5034.091
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1402.5693.000
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1452.9583.455
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1472.4912.909
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1512.4132.818

Sundered Helix

by CV33Games, lisamichele, HumanHardDrive1

Ranked 147th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 13 ratings (Score: 2.936)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#383.7954.077
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#573.3663.615
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#823.2943.538
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1172.5062.692
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1472.9363.154


by DarkMoves

Ranked 148th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 12 ratings (Score: 2.907)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#243.7274.167
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1092.9073.250
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1172.9073.250
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1382.6092.917
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1482.9073.250

Trials Of The Mage

by unitycoder_com

Ranked 148th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 12 ratings (Score: 2.907)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#933.2053.583
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1212.7583.083
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1332.6833.000
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1392.1622.417
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1482.9073.250


by Cevelean

Ranked 150th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 15 ratings (Score: 2.867)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#203.7333.733
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#333.6673.667
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#653.5333.533
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#972.7332.733
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1502.8672.867

Deepest Dungeon

by JellySandwich

Ranked 151st in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 13 ratings (Score: 2.864)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1042.6502.846
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1212.8643.077
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1282.7212.923
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1412.5062.692
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1512.8643.077

The Blood Mage (Jam Edition)

by SmokeSomeFrogs

Ranked 152nd in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 16 ratings (Score: 2.813)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#303.9383.938
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#363.5633.563
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#383.5633.563
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1252.7502.750
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1522.8132.813

Dungeons Of Mana: Lebab

by Platypus_Gems

Ranked 154th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 11 ratings (Score: 2.803)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#912.8033.273
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1052.9583.455
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1412.5693.000
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1542.8033.273
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1561.9462.273

Hunt on the Snowfield

by Matteotti

Ranked 155th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 13 ratings (Score: 2.793)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1412.5062.692
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1552.7933.000
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1572.2922.462
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1601.6471.769
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1651.2171.308

Slime Dungeon

by Minkasas

Ranked 156th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 20 ratings (Score: 2.750)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#693.0503.050
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1182.8002.800
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1222.8002.800
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1262.8002.800
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1562.7502.750

PlushMine Adventure

by diamondgelato

Ranked 158th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 11 ratings (Score: 2.647)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1102.5693.000
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1342.6473.091
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1472.4912.909
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1512.4132.818
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1582.6473.091


by TaskbarGOD

Ranked 158th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 11 ratings (Score: 2.647)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1272.7253.182
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1322.2582.636
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1522.4132.818
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1572.3352.727
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1582.6473.091

Gradien (game jam)

by Zombiesl8yer38

Ranked 162nd in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 14 ratings (Score: 2.622)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#423.5193.643
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#993.1743.286
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1072.6222.714
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1412.5532.643
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1622.6222.714

The Town Watch

by QuishyTehQuish

Ranked 163rd in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 11 ratings (Score: 2.569)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1102.5693.000
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1342.5693.000
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1412.5693.000
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1632.5693.000
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1691.0901.273

LIFESIM v1.0.0

by F0xzilla

Ranked 164th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 16 ratings (Score: 2.563)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1492.4382.438
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1511.8131.813
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1552.0002.000
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1641.8751.875
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1642.5632.563

Ally Abducted

by farmdogs, Waygone

Ranked 165th in Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? with 12 ratings (Score: 2.534)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#952.7583.083
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1422.5342.833
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1472.4602.750
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#1592.2362.500
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1652.5342.833