Honestly i think this is one of the most complete and polished games of the jam i played so far and i really had fun playing it. The movement is smooth and snappy maybe a little bit fast. (not turning, only moving). Art and sound design is perfect. Art is very consistent, nothing sticks out. You may have used AI for sfx and art but you have utilized it perfectly, your art direction is great in my opinion. I love the old school UI. Character portraits look fantastic. Fonts are a little bit hard to read and hurt the eyes but no big deal.
Inventory system works nice but there are some critical flaws like both characters shame the same inventory space. Each chararter needs it's own inventory space in a RPG game. Also you cannot drop unncessary item to open up space for more useful items. The implementation of armor system is great.
Levelling system works well. We level up too fast but it's a jam game so it's a condensed experience, not really a flaw.
Combat is fine but we need to see the how much cooldown time left on the UI. Also there should be a window where we can see how much dahamage we inflicted to the enemies. The window is there i know but it opens up when we click on the character portraits. I think it should be more accessible. Enemy sprites look very cool but i haven't noticed whether they have differen attack types. I think only difference between the enemies besides their look is their health and damage but this is just nitpicking at this point :)
Game has a few bugs. One of them is you cannot move or turn when you engage in combat. You can turn actually but if you tap q/e like 5 times. This is annoying since enemy can hit you while you face a different direction. Another bug i encountered is i think at the last section of the game where there is a fog. I encountered an enemy and couldn't do anything, can's hit or run. Game is just locked out there and had it to quit.
My final thoughts are;
Definitely a very solid dungeon crawler. The art and sound direction is top notch. Gameplay loop is fun and engaging. A great throwback to 90's gridders. I'm guessing that this game will be in the Top 10 but i can be wrong of course. Great entry, nicely done!
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