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Those Without NamesView game page

Gridbased Dungeon Crawler Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft
Submitted by Rubikow — 54 minutes, 24 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall fun and playability#53.9233.923

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Theme incorporation
The game takes place partially in ancient ruins and a temple where cosmic horrors are bound in an evil ritual!

You can acquire a companion, so the Solitude might only fit on a vibe level here, as you and your friend are alone against the evil forces. Same goes for the Endless Infinity. The environment suggests an endless cosmos around you, but that is a very lose interpretation, if any.

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Honestly i think this is one of the most complete and polished games of the jam i played so far and i really had fun playing it. The movement is smooth and snappy maybe a little bit fast. (not turning, only moving). Art and sound design is perfect. Art is very consistent, nothing sticks out. You may have used AI for sfx and art but you have utilized it perfectly, your art direction is great in my opinion. I love the old school UI. Character portraits look fantastic. Fonts are a little bit hard to read and hurt the eyes but no big deal.

Inventory system works nice but there are some critical flaws like both characters shame the same inventory space. Each chararter needs it's own inventory space in a RPG game. Also you cannot drop unncessary item to open up space for more useful items. The implementation of armor system is great.

Levelling system works well. We level up too fast but it's a jam game so it's a condensed experience, not really a flaw.

Combat is fine but we need to see the how much cooldown time left on the UI. Also there should be a window where we can see how much dahamage we inflicted to the enemies. The window is there i know but it opens up when we click on the character portraits. I think it should be more accessible. Enemy sprites look very cool but i haven't noticed whether they have differen attack types. I think only difference between the enemies besides their look is their health and damage but this is just nitpicking at this point :)

Game has a few bugs. One of them is you cannot move or turn when you engage in combat. You can turn actually but if you tap q/e like 5 times. This is annoying since enemy can hit you while you face a different direction. Another bug i encountered is i think at the last section of the game where there is a fog. I encountered an enemy and couldn't do anything, can's hit or run. Game is just locked out there and had it to quit.

My final thoughts are;

Definitely a very solid dungeon crawler. The art and sound direction is top notch. Gameplay loop is fun and engaging. A great throwback to 90's gridders. I'm guessing that this game will be in the Top 10 but i can be wrong of course. Great entry, nicely done!


Nice visuals, everything feels pretty consistent and meshes really well.

It took me a while to discover how to open the inventory, a hover effect indicating the portrait was clickable would help =).

Got surrounded upon leaving the jail on my first run and died.  Second run I tried drawing them one at a time, but the "wait" button doesn't seem to do anything, at least for these enemies, and I died again.

Having to re-fight these same cultists again... combat is a little slow and uninteresting.  Since it's turn based, and no interesting choices especially at the beginning, it'd be nice to be able to just click repeatedly and get it over with.  Once I speed hacked it to 5x speed, it was bearable =).  Also once getting through the starting area for the 5th time it wasn't too bad later, as the combats were much more interesting.

3rd and 4th tries I died to the pair of cultists and the dog, just ran out of healing potions and couldn't survive.

5th try I stumbled upon a secret room and that run I managed to make it to the end and win.

Fun entry.  Inventory and leveling up was cool.

Submitted (4 edits) (+1)

I really enjoyed the combat once I got the hang of it.  I only a few nit-picks.

-The direction to 'go down the hall' felt a bit misleading.  I thought something had gone wrong or I was doing something wrong because I couldn't find the Wizard's items in the same building.

-For some reason, when my inventory was full, I couldn't pick up and stack certain items until I had dropped an item first.

-It was a little hard to tell when enemies would and wouldn't follow you.

-The movement and general field of view is good, but the doors were so narrow, there was no way to tell if one was to your left/right.

-The interface was mostly intuitive, except for dropping items from your inventory, which I had to look up.

-The last Boss and enemy waves was cool, but it would have been cooler if there was some indication I was doing something.  Because there was no indication I was progressing, I started to wonder if the waves were unending, and there was something else I was supposed to be doing, like sealing the portals.  So when I did finally win, it was a surprise, and a little anti-climactic.

Other than that, solid entry.
Playthrough: Those Without Names Pt1 by Rubikow


I made it out!

The game was very fun to play and had nice touches that made it even better. There is a story which adds a lot to the game. The movement is good. Combat could be a bit faster, it was a lot time wasted just waiting. That said the combat wan still interesting though easy. I think its simplicity is perfect. The hidden rooms behind walls was a nice addition. Did end up in some bug I think when I was in a fight, nothing seemed to happen for a while and I managed to get out from it by using the wait/hourglass. I see you used Sumo for the music, I though of adding that as well but did not feel like paying for the subscription. Music and sounds make a good match though and engulfs the player into the game. It is interesting all the way. Graphics is head on nice and the games scope seems good as well like it.  

I think that it comes down to the combat not being that snappy.

Very good submission!


"It seems that this is not the end ..."

I had a lot of fun playing the game. It looks quite amazing, with all the parts really consistent : the portratis, the UI and the environment all look great. The environments are quite detailed given the context. I also love that the bestiary is also very consistent, there's no enemy diverging from this kind of medieval x Cthulhu settings, no enemy feels out of place (high fantasy or something). The game controls well, movement and perspective feel great and the inventory is perfectly functional.  The structure of the dungeon felt good too, I liked the indication of hidden doors with the first one being someone hinted by the fact something had to be there. The stat system is pretty good, with each stat doing something for any character but specialisation making sense anyway, that's exactly how I want it to be. Combat and resource management are well balanced I thought. Finally the game ends with a satisfying boss fight, better it ends with the kind of satisfying boss fight you want to face when playing Call of Cthulhu (except medieval here), not really directly fighting against a god but fighting some mortal minions trying to bring it to the mortal world. 

At the beginning of the game especially combat felt too slow, but as I only upgraded the stats related to damage it became fine as I managed to smash the enemies in one or two turn.

That's a very cool entry, thanks for sharing.


This is one to be played through, nice telling of a little story. Snappy movement, nice loot, very well made graphics and sound. I always thought it would become unfair, but at least at the end many enemies were dropping health potions, until I understood, that the shadowy guys had to be killed, to stop them from summoning the flying monster. Great game and a good showing, why this jam is something special.


I should've read the instructions on how to drop items before playing this game... :D

Cool game! Managed to see the end credits and thoroughly enjoyed it! For my first character I decided to stack dex, as getting hit less sounds better than having more health to burn healthpots to. Was cutting it a bit close a few times until I freed the companion. I found some secrets, which certainly helped with those early fights. I specced the mage with int (because duh, mage), but I may have had some doubts when I found the multihit str weapon. But shortly thereafter I found the int version so it was all good. I liked the arm chopper puzzle, but obviously I had to bite an arm off twice before it worked :D final boss was intimidating but luckily we didn't have to fight it directly. At the end I had more than 10 greater healing and magic pots left.

Visually the game looks pretty great! Nice consistent theme, cool UI, and quite pretty. I'm not a fan of the audio style but that's not the game's fault. I know it fits, but it's just not for me. Story sprinkled throughout the game was interesting and also somewhat informative, which is always great.

Combat felt a bit slow and tedious, which is my only real complaint (if you can call it that). In the early game it wasn't that bad as you are still learning how things work and you don't want to get killed in a round accidentally, but by the lategame it was becoming a bit annoying having to keep stomping bugs while running around chasing the three spookybros.

Early game balance felt hard but fair, but lategame was a bit on the easy side. But in hindsight, it didn't feel like you had a lot of agency or tactical options during fights (except for maybe stepping back to not get flanked). The RPG building counters that, of course, but the three builds that I could see seem pretty similar in execution. I think that if there's one thing that could use a slight revision, it's the combat system. But since the game is pretty short, it wasn't distracting and it felt pretty good while playing.

Good stuff, excellent game! :D


Very good and straight forward dungeon-crawler, I never played a proper dungeon-crawler but this is exactly what I think they were, it's just that clear and cool, good job had a blast!


OK phew, managed to complete this one! I was stuck for the longest while trying to find the key to the wizard's prison because there's a little bug where if you can't loot the final bag completely because your inventory is full, even though there were just potions I think left in it, it won't progress your quest. And I had no idea how to make room in the inventory until I noticed the command on the main page.

ANYWAY, GOOD JOB! I really liked this one and played to the end. Good art, good atmosphere, very classic vibes, very well done! Had fun with it.


Nice one, big Dungeon Master vibes! You used AI to the benefit of the game, making the visuals very polished. Will return for a more comprehensive playthrough :)


This was really well done. There was a moment when Balor didn’t join me after I brought him his things, but eventually, he did, and good times were had.

The art looks great, and the combat feels pretty good. I couldn’t tell what the blue gem in the middle did. I would get a “hand” icon, but I noticed nothing clicking it.

Great job overall; I really enjoyed my time with it!


This was really neat! I liked the creepy generated enemy art and the UI, you're much better at using AI in game dev than I am lol.

I found the combat could feel a little bit slow sometimes when waiting for multiple enemies to attack, but it wasn't too bad. I also found the difficulty was just about right for me, I never died, and whenever I seemed to run out of healing potions I had both characters at roughly full health and found more fairly quickly. Also, I should mention I like that the second character is kinda optional. Though from reading the comments it seems like other players had more difficulty with the game than I did. I also liked the final encounter, tbh it felt like the exact opposite of the ending to my entry 😂.

The variety of weapons and items was also nice. And I remember seeing the discussion on the discord about adding the flashing highlight around the ground items, and I think it works really well. I'm kinda surprised you were able to fit in the levelling and item restrictions, but maybe I just suck at making RPG systems.

Oh and I loved the little shortcuts and secrets strewn throughout the game, that's actually something I wish I had time to add to mine.

The only noticeable bug I found was sometimes I couldn't pick up potions of the same type I already had in my inventory. This seemed to happen when all the party inventory slots were filled, so maybe the inventory only checks slots and not stackables?

There's some other little things like some wall textures noticeably cut off, but for the most part it was surprisingly polished.

Great work!


Thank you for taking the time to play the game and write the feedback!

I looked it up and yepp, there is a bug in the inventory system if the inventory is full. Something to fix after the jam ^^. I will also invest time to polish the textures and make them more seamless, and also arrange the walls better ^^

I have also more balancing plans ^^.

And I can absolutely confirm that the state of "polishment" is surprising :D


The game presentation is awesome, the graphics and atmosphere are on point. I tried everything to get the second character in hopes that would help me get past the encounters with more enemies but I must be missing something and keep dying. Difficulty is in the higher end. I will revisit this one to try and beat it.


There are some hidden rooms / fake walls, maybe the items there will help you :)


I liked the strong old-school vibe. Nicely done, though the writings are too small for me.


Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I will change this in the post jam version!


I mean lets face it the presentation is on point. I feel like I’m missing a trick though, I simply cannot beat the 3 cultists and a dog no matter what I do. But I feel like there is a trick, and I get to see the sexy game over screen which is super nice so I’m not mad.


Did you found the hidden room behind a wall? It might boost your attack a bit ;)


I did not. Just the first cell, and the two chests at the end of the hall, clearly I must try again 😂


What a rad game. The presentation is great. Combat feels a bit slow as you wait for enemies to animate, but it works well. There is good software out there to make your textures seamlessly tile better - GIMP has a script built in.