Such a cool game! I don't know if I was supposed to fail after battling the 8, 8, 8, monster, but I did and it did feel like a satisfying ending to a "battling against all odds" kind of game. The strategy behind moving, merging and dividing is super well thought through and I feel like there are lots of was to play the game. It had a bunch of "oh yeah I am so smart- wait no!"-Moments. Definetly one of my favourites so far!
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You definetly have me on style and creativity, I could not figure out the puzzle however (maybe I am stupid), but I also had some performance issues.
I am otherwise though very impressed, the music and the background sound effects fit perfectly, the mood is just right and everything just fits nicely together.
A really impressive entry! Well done!
You definetly have me on style and creativity, I could not figure out the puzzle however (maybe I am stupid), but I also had some performance issues.
I am otherwise though very impressed, the music and the background sound effects fit perfectly, the mood is just right and everything just fits nicely together.
A really impressive entry! Well done!
You definetly have me on style and creativity, I could not figure out the puzzle however (maybe I am stupid), but I also had some performance issues.
I am otherwise though very impressed, the music and the background sound effects fit perfectly, the mood is just right and everything just fits nicely together.
A really impressive entry! Well done!
A cool take on the theme the speed is an issue though I think, especially since it makes replaying the level when dying a bit tedious. I also could not figure out how to beat the second level, I just kept falling through the pipe at the end. But I did manage to sequence break it (I think), by just mashing the spacebar, which lets you jump off of the breaking platform.
Overall a pretty solid game though, well done!
A pretty cool game, and I think that you succeeded in what you had set out to do. It feel pretty complete, allbeit a bit repetetive. I think the game could have benefitted from a bit of variety in what you have to do. And while I do like the voice acting and the different characters, I was hoping that they would somehow tell a story, like the first guy asks you to make his knife small, then the next guy tells you that he was robbed by someone with a tiny knife and needs you to make his crowbar bigger so that he can defend himself next time. Something like that.
All in all a pretty impressive and polished game. Well done!
What a cool little game! I loved the added extra of the hidden paths and pickups. I got frustrated on the last level though, the 1 gap jumps (Only one 1 hight corridors where you have to jump) seem a bit too punishing. Also I was struggling a bit with the fact that you can only scale up of you have enough space width wise, e.g. when you are standing next to a wall on your right you can't scale up, I feel like the game should just check if there is enough space in the other direction and then push you accordingly.
A small note, you should look into setting your rendering to nearest, to avoid getting blurry pixels (on the platforms it is very visible)
Enough complaining though, I think you made a really cool platformer with a cool mechanic! I really enjoyed it! Well done!
What a fun little base builder! The moment you give the option to generate resources the games balance broke :D I had somewhere in the 60 factories Really well done, but I do wish I could have gone more under water :D
One bit of actual feedback though would be that you don't have to select which block to place next every time. Or give me the option to hold down shift for example (a very common key for this) to keep placing the same block.
Behold my "Boot of UFO Butt Kicking"!
A neat idea, but I agree with the fact that some tutorial might help, just a little step by step guide on the game page could already go a long way. If you have some time maybe add that. I could not figure out what rewards I had give and which ones not, it all felt a bit chaotic, the quest giving step was quite clear on the other hand. All in all this is pretty impressive for a jam game, I love the art especially. Well done!
Making 3 games instead of 1 is quite the commitment. While all 3 of them are fun and creative I wonder if focusing on one would have ended up a bit cooler than quick 3 minigames. The tower game was by far the hardest, maybe giving a few more blocks to fail would have been nice. The racing game has some very loud sounds but otherwise was fun and easy to understand. The apple catching game was probably the most boring one, since I did not really feel an increase in difficulty here. All in all this is a pretty solid entry to the jam, well done!
I am sorry, what do you mean exactly?
EDIT: I just saw that you probably meant that the Linux version wasn't working for you. Do you know if there is anything I can do to maybe make it work on more Versions of Linux? (Assuming that it does work for other people, since I have multiple downloads already and you are the first one to complain)
A fun little game, and the mechanic with the 3 different powers is really interesting, I wish there were some more enemies, and maybe even permanent buff to the character, but it is a jam game afterall. I also think there is a bug with the timer not resetting after you die, so my 3 min something is actually like 5 different runs all added together. Either way, this is a solid jam game! Well done!
Super fun idea, that actually drove me nuts on the 3rd level. I wish there was some funny royalty free music playing and a bunch of just sheep sounds to add to the whole chaos. Maybe even add some animals that are not sheep, or a wolf in disguise or something. Either way this was super fun and actually has a lot of potential.
Well done!
A fun little endless runner, but for me the game becomes unplayable past a score of 50, it is just a bit too fast then :D Also I find it a bit punishing that you can have moments when there is a pill in each column at the same height, so you literally can't avoid any of them. Other than that the game was fun. Well done.
What a super fun and incredibly stressful game. My only complaint is that I was not able to select and copy the text I wrote in the end to send it to my friends. Really well done and a super cool mechanic regarding the spelling mistakes. My favourite misspell was this one: "gamer waschen fisch noch"
Well done!
A fun idea with a cool artstyle. I fell asleep, but still got the 1.0 that's how it should always work. I would have to agree with the fact that the game could use a bit more feedback on what you are actually doing and when you are doing something (like picking up a book, studying, etc.) But this is a nice start. Well done!
A game that I probably played for a little too long, partially because it is quite hard. I like the way it controls and the story has a really interesting take on the topic. The alien sounds were a bit irritating I would have preferred some 8bit goodness. Either way really impressive with all the different upgrades to unlock, etc. Well done!
Very cute little game, again like everyone else I have to say that the size of the level and the 22 second timer don't work too well together. I once made it to the ghosts, but the way back was impossible to manage. I also have no idea how to unlock the bombs or hookshot which you mention on the game page... Either way, the gameplay is fun and if it wasn't for the timer I would have definetly tried to finish this! Nicely done!