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Since everyone else is making a rate for rate post...

A topic by Bent Tiger Games created Aug 05, 2019 Views: 735 Replies: 43
Viewing posts 1 to 25

Here is my game:

It is called Broken Robot. It is a puzzle platformer where you can only press each button once per stage.

I will try as many people's games in the comments as I can.


I really enjoyed your game nice work. Here is mine hope you enjoy.

I actually already rated yours, but thank you!


Done and Done my Friend! glad i could help you get ratings!

I like how cryptic the game is, and it has some really cool controls with the multi jumps and gliding. Good job!


Seriously cool game! I was thinking about a similar concept but I'm glad you took it as I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done such a good job

my game:

I think that it was pretty cool, I had a bit of issues reading the text but it was good overall. I liked the message at the end too.


Airship Adventure - A short game of aviation

I don't know if I'm just stupid but I got stuck after getting the turning power up. I tried to go left to the room before but it wouldn't let me. It was a cool idea though.


If you're still up for trying it again, there's a pathway below the one you entered from.

Deleted 4 years ago

In the second room you can see a pathway. That's where you need to go

Deleted 4 years ago

Thank you for playing!


Hey look at this idea, bet you'll think this is original! (it's the same idea as your game...)

It definitely has similarities, but they are different enough. I like how yours has a story to it and it looks really good.


Won't say no to some feedback :D

It is a really good concept, but for some reason it was super laggy on my computer. I might have been my side, but I couldn't get much out of it unfortunately.


I made two games this GTMK jam. The first is a social anxiety during networking simulator
And the other is a skill game.

It is pretty impressive that you made two games in 48 hours, especially since they are pretty different. I barely got my 1 game done, so good job!


Hey, you've done a great job . This game was really simple and enjoyable for me, that's why I went through all of levels! With some kind of polishing it will be even greater.

I hope that you'll enjoy my game too :)

It's kind of like the new God of War with only having one weapon to throw, really cool! It is quite difficult, I couldn't get very far.

I did the art for this game, you play as a cute blob:

It was a nice game, but it was pretty short. I get how tough it is to make a game though.


It reminds me of a flash game called Avalanche that I played a while ago. It's a good concept that I could see getting addicting.


Thank you!


I'm downloading your game now!

Here's mine:

It's an endless platformer with only one platform. I hope you enjoy!

This is kind of like pev285's game as they both seem like classic flash games that I used to play that can get pretty addicting. It looks pretty nice too!


Played and rated your game. It's really fun. I collected all the batteries and really enjoyed the core gameplay of it, which is the puzzle of each stage. Being that this was your first game jam, you did a great job dude. This was my first game jam as well and it was stressful for me haha I now know to start much earlier and just think about the core gameplay before building anything.

Any who, here is my game jam entry:

It's a simple endless top down shooter. Since I was short on time, unfortunately I was not able to add a win state and little improvements here and there.  Please let me know what you think about it!

Great job on your game!

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I agree, even little things would make the game a bit more enjoyable, such as adding juice to the game.


well done, nice job on your game!

in the need for rating too! i try to play as many games as i can. thanks for rating and commenting my game in advance! good luck.

my game is a 3d shooter and as boss battle, using only one hand (WSDA keys).

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey, thanks for helping out! 
I'll be sure to try out your game as well!
Here it is: 
It's a simple 2d monster fighting game, where you have to search for the lost shoe and defend yourself from monsters by throwing various objects that you can find lying on the ground. 
Also, here's some screenshots:

Deleted 4 years ago

Rated you game! 

If you want, see my puzzle-horror ->

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks! Please rate me =)


Playing your game right now...

My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page:

Deleted 4 years ago

I will check out your game, and here's ours:

If you don't have 2 controllers, look in the comment section for a build that uses keyboard + mouse. If you go with this route, keep in mind that you are not experiencing its full potential. There are preview videos also in the comments section if you don't have a buddy but still want to check the game out.

Deleted 4 years ago

Just played and rated your game! Nice and well done game!
Our entry

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks! :)

Hey man, this is my game and I'm also looking for any feedback too as I really want to learn from this whole experience

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks man! I've just rated yours too :) But yeah, we agreed to treat it as a prototype rather than a finished games because 48hrs is so little :(

Deleted 4 years ago

Please rate our game too

Deleted 4 years ago

Hi ! Enjoy slaying all the slimes and the four bosses. There's 20 levels. Can you beat'em all ?!
In this game you have only one bullet that you can pick up to shoot again !

Share your best time and the level that you reached.

Don't forget to rate ! Web is available ! Windows too ;)

Deleted 4 years ago

cool game... already rated you...hope you will return the favor..

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm not sure if you've seen mine yet, but if you haven't, could you please check out "The Last Thing that We Do Together"? It's a visual novel in which there is only one choice point. The choice point is in the style of an adventure game, where players must input a verb and a noun.  It's simple and short, with about ten minutes of play time.

Deleted 4 years ago

Hi there! Mine is a platformer... but with only 1 platform. (馃 Can you even imagine that?) 
Please play and rate! I'll rate yours

Deleted 4 years ago