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Fighting ChanceView game page

Roll the dice. Face the odds. Take your chances.
Submitted by MaxMitchell, Max!, coreyshayman, AstronotCB — 37 minutes, 43 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
In our game, your stats are randomized each turn by dice rolls. Additionally, the theme/story of our game revolves around cards, dice, gambling, etc.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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The art and style for this game is amazing! I was a bit confused on how to attack and things but i got the hang of it. The minigame was cool as well. I think with some more feedback the game could be more clear to the player whats happening. i never really got a sense of what to do either. Otherwise great art and style and a great game! =D


Pretty fun but there were a few bugs such as being able to attack tiles with nothing on them and still kill enemies, being unable to attack some enemies (may have been due to them having all being on the same square but the last enemy from the bunch couldn't be attacked) and the continue menu showing up on the turn you defeated the final enemy before you see that you did defeat the enemy.  As everyone else has said the character art was amazing, really liked the sketch style with the splashes of colour.


Thank you for all of the feedback! we're aware of the attacking bug-- there's a similar one with movement highlighting + pathfinding. We're not totally sure why it's broken though :/ -Hope it didn't ruin the playing experience! 

Thank you for playing our game :)


I agree with the rest of the comments that the art was stunning . I did feel though that drawn images  didn't work all that well with the (pixel art?) tiles, in that case I think maybe illustrated isometric tiles would have worked better (though I'm guessing it might have added complications to the code). The gameplay was slightly confusing at first, (The fact that the kind of card sorting changes really threw me for a loop on the first run). 

The concept of rolling random  numbers with the dice and then you assigning them to stats was pretty neat, although the focus on this aspect was somewhat lost and I didn't think what I did with the numbers mattered much, mostly because the card sorting mechanic also decided the result of the player's actions. 

Overall, I liked the gameplay, it was fun. :)


Thank you for your compliments. I would have to agree that there is definitely an artistic disconnect between the tiles and the hand drawn characters. Our original idea for the look was to make the playfield look like a boardgame on a table, but due to time constraints, and a lack of technical skill, we didn't complete that look. (you can kind of see our attempt at it with the white background around each character looking like cardboard cutout pieces in typical board games.

The dice roll mechanic is supposed to work like this (we didn't make it terrifically clear): if, for example, you roll a 5 for attack, you have the ability to deal up to 5 hp of damage to whoever you attack. The card sorting then determines how many of those potential 5 hp you can actually deal based on your sorting accuracy.  Even when knowing that though, your point still stands, so thank you for the feedback! :)

We're glad you enjoyed playing, and we appreciate that you did! 


Really great presentation, it all looks good and relates to the theme. The dice roll mechanic doesn't feel like it changes the game that much, but it doesn't ruin it either, so it's not a big issue. The sorting cards gameplay was surprisingly tricky, intense and engaging. Good job!


Thank you! 

We tried to add the card sorting mechanic to spice up the strategy aspect, so there's still some other type of skill involved. The way that dice rolls impact attack and defense could definitely be telegraphed better, but the idea is whatever number you put in your attack / defense is how many hp you can potentially deal in damage or defend from being damaged. The # of cards sorted then determines how many hp you successfully attack for or defend against out of that number you rolled. Even still, the dice rolls could potentially do little to impact gameplay  so I see where you're coming from. 

 We appreciate the feedback!


So... all the 2D art in the game looks absolutely STUN-NING! 🎲❤️ Hats off to the artist on the team. A couple of gameplay comments - I see what you were going for, but unfortunatelly the game doesn't let me do anything but roll the dice and then move said dice around the level. I tried everything, can't move, no tiles light up anything than black. Unsure if it's bugged or if I'm doing something wrong. 


Can you elaborate for us so we can work on fixing this post jam? We had the 3 dice that you roll to move into various stats. Did the UI for movement/attack/defense with the squares for dices not show up? We would love to fix this issue.


Thank you for the praise, it's much appreciated! :)

For the gameplay, I think the issue is that you're supposed to drag the dice after you roll them into the 3 slots in the bottom right corner. Once all three dice are locked into the movement, attack, and defense slots you then play out your turn. It's possible we have  a bug that made the dice unable to be dropped into the slots though. Thank you for the feedback!


This is amazing!

Fits the theme super well and genuinely a lot of fun! Pairing the dice theme with playing cards and making the characters themed after the cards is such a clever idea.

Great job!


Thank you so much! We're glad you enjoyed it :)