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A jam submission

Croak / AnoleView game page

Submitted by Delvan, GreenCastleB, frogsyyy, extremelymild — 1 hour, 58 seconds before the deadline
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Croak / Anole's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
ZZZ..., Seasons

Game Description
A crokinole froguelite discbuilder!

How does your game tie into the theme?
Our story of mistaken revenge is built upon the theme, and crokinole embodies the spirit of 'unintended consequences', like sinking an opponent's disc or sending your own off to infinity.


Discord Username(s)

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
1st to 3rd jam for our team members

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Really enjoyed this! I can tell you all put a lot of time and effort into it.

  • I had the bug others mentioned where it soft-locked me after a shot. Restarted and it happened again.
  • A tutorial would be really helpful! I tried to play the first go-around by flinging the discs, which worked, but it was a lot easier to clear a round when I figured out you were supposed to click the board. A visual indicator showing your current power based on where your mouse in might have helped?
  • It wasn't clear to me what was happening in the opponent's rounds? It almost seemed like the board was moved a bit but only the opponents discs drifted?
  • Did you all do all the graphics and music?

Really impressive that you all got this much going in such a short amount of time! Great work!


Thanks! We have a post-jam patch ready to address the first bullet point (the fall terrain softlock) as soon as we're able to upload a patch.

A tutorial would be GREAT! We were pushing bug fixes as late as 20 seconds before the deadline and didn't have time to set up a clear walkthrough of the mechanics.

On the opponents turn all the enemy discs nudge themselves in a certain direction. For the jam, we only implemented one basic enemy who moves in a random direction, though we had plans for a variety of enemies with other behaviors (aiming for the nearest player disc, aiming for the 20 hole, smartly aiming including some collisions, etc.).  Our post-jam patch adds an indicator arrow to each so you can preview where they are moving next turn and try to focus on high priority targets.

All the graphics are our original assets (either frogsy or extremelymild depending on the asset), the music is cc0 that we did not generate ourselves as our musician ended up too busy during the jam to participate.


This is excellent! Very creative to turn crokinole into a dungeon crawler haha


So mine is travelling from island to island and has to sink balls into holes, okay. The music is pleasant, but I still don't quite understand where the depth of the game lies. The shops are an interesting addition to the game.


Thank you for playing our game! I hope you were able to have some fun tossing disks around! Let us know if you have any specific questions about it and we would be glad to help!


Really cool concept! It's like carrom meets curling! Initially I was quite lost on how to place and shoot discs; A small picture tutorial in game would help to explain the instructions, but the inclusion of the flashing placement area helped a lot. It would also help explain the scoring rubric (discs left on board scores point).

It's also very cool to have a shop mechanic added to this! Maybe a text label showing "Shop" on the navigational map would help. Since the discs are spilt by type, maybe an inventory-based UI would help by stacking discs of one type into a stack with a quantity label!

Overall, I had fun with this entry!!


Thank you for trying our game! We are very happy you had fun!! Also thank you for the feedback, we will keep those in mind if we have the chance to touch the game post jam. We added some more rules/instructions in description of the game, so hopefully that will help other players better understand the mechanics.


Your gameplay is fun and I like the rogue like structure. Unfortunately there is a bug where disks landing on color borders spin endlessly and softlock you. If this is fixed in a post jam update I'd love to come back and play through the game (but I totally understand if you don't want to touch the game again after the jam).


I had the some problem. Game fits the game of the jam well since you don't exactly know where the discs will end up after colliding with them and those discs colliding with other disks.


Thank you for giving our game a try! And I am sorry you met that bug :/ We thought it was fixed, but it seems there are situations when it could still happen. We hope to work in a bit of post jam bug fixing/content and would love if you have the time to give it another try then!


Thanks! We have a fix for it ready to go (we've gotten into the habit of at least pushing out a 1.1 QoL patch for our game jam games after the jam ends). It'll be uploaded as soon as voting ends and we're free to upload fixes.