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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Unfortunally it don't load :(

I walked around and at some point couldn't get out of the bushes. And the text wouldn't go away, no matter which option I chose.

If I fall into the abyss, the UI follows me xD

The player looks like a mage, but you kill by jumping like in Mario. It has some graphic charm, but I miss something special.

Sehr hübsche Grafik und anscheinend ein Spiel für 2 Spieler. Ich habe beide einzeln gespielt. Der rote Char ist mir einfach zu schnell, ich falle zu oft runter, in dem ich Wände hochrenne und dann wieder auf der anderen Seiter runter falle.

Thank you! I hadn't realised at first that they were printing plates. I also didn't realise at first that when you die you leave behind statures that you need for climbing. It was a bit counter-intuitive. But once I understood it, it was easy to play.

I love puzzle platformers. The best game I've tested in this jam so far. And I played it all the way through (:

And what's about opening the door?

I like it, but unfortunately I was completely overwhelmed after a few minutes.

The description under "Controls" doesn't really explain how to control the game. The character you play looks cool. The game works well. The boss isn't bad either, but a bit unfair. Sometimes his weapon spawns directly in the player.

The drawing style is great, but the animations are a bit stiff. I like the transformation mechanic, which suits a collectible game like Donkey Kong 64. Unfortunately, the game is nothing more than collecting crystals. It was at least somewhat entertaining.

The game has a nice concept with layers and looks charming. However, it also looks very unfinished and you kind of just walk around and talk to people.

The game looks great, unfortunately I don't understand how to open the door. Was it intentional that you jump on the other person's head at the beginning?

(1 edit)

One of the few games where you don't have to click through walls of text. The preview looked exciting, but unfortunately the opponent just runs around randomly. It doesn't look really well realised, but the idea looks exciting! And it's a bit small and could be zoomed in closer.

As far as I know, you are not allowed to mention "Tetris" in your game without a licence. The Puyo-Combined version is interesting and the filter looks interesting too, but I'm afraid that Tetris is not really "folklore". Music also seems to be missing.

Nice concept, unfortunately I don't like reading.

Short game with charming graphics and different levels of difficulty. The movement feels good. A little short on content, but what you have is good.

I don't quite understand what shooting down kites in aeroplanes has to do with yetis, but the aeroplane game is very difficult, while the other mini-game is very easy. I like the dragon sprite.

Lots of text. I didn't know how to control it, but pressing the space bar brought up a new text box at the bottom. By clicking around wildly, the text at the bottom was no longer displayed correctly. I then clicked on the building and there was a crooked frame around it. I didn't get any further.

The game is simple and the sword is much more useful than the firearm. I like the dynamic shadows!

We actually created a tutorial for our game and unfortunately forgot to reactivate it at the end.

It's hard to avoid similar names with so many games out there. Personally, however, I think that your game has something to do with not many colours, which makes the "chromo" somewhat inappropriate. I would have rather called your game "Duotris".

Je trouve dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de musique ni de score. Les mouvements du personnage sont également très limités et il est probable que l'on ne puisse parfois même pas survivre, car on ne peut esquiver qu'en sautant sur le côté lorsqu'un ennemi arrive par le bas. Mais si un ennemi volant arrive, on meurt.

Sur le moment, j'ai été surpris par la qualité du jeu, mais j'ai ensuite réalisé à quel point il était saccadé. Les couleurs des pièces changent et de temps en temps, c'est noir. La musique est effrayante et les commandes me dépassent. On a besoin des touches fléchées, de la souris et de la barre d'espace pour sauter.

Dans le niveau de difficulté moyen, je devais aller sur une surface turquoise, mais la même couleur m'a été interdite en même temps. De ce fait, on ne peut que perdre si on a de la malchance. Le concept me plaît, mais la musique est plutôt effrayante, même si le jeu a l'air plutôt joyeux. La difficulté devrait augmenter au fil du temps pour que cela ne dure pas indéfiniment. Bon jeu :)

Le concept me plaît, car j'ai moi aussi envisagé de faire un jeu de ce type. Je trouve que les touches 1, 2, 3 sont un peu mal choisies, car cela m'oblige à superposer mes deux mains. Les touches fléchées auraient mieux fonctionné ici ou, alternativement, on aurait pu choisir les couleurs en cliquant sur la souris. À partir du niveau 4, j'ai malheureusement dû abandonner car le niveau de difficulté était trop élevé.

The game didn't load until the end

Very games have the same principle, but this one looks really pretty!

I chose English and the game was still in Chinese.

I think that a game like this needs music and images.

I like that the menu is set up like a plfatformer.

nice artstyle

Looks like a Metroidvania. It seems like a good game to me, but at some point I just died without understanding why.

I like the shadow effects

I find it a shame that the games that look like they could be highly innovative and interesting are often completely unintuitive to understand. I love chemistry.

Nice idea, unfortunately there are too many blocks on the screen, which is a bit overwhelming.

Most of the time the cuts are accurate, but sometimes they don't come, even though you hear it and I thought I hit it. At first I got points, but at some point my score counter stopped at 11.

The game has tat potential, but I'm not sure it's currently just a pure gamble.

Nice physic. The game is well suited for a joystick.

When I press "Level selection", all I get is an empty sky without any buttons. In general, the picture is somehow shifted upwards.

nice idea. I like that you can move by hold the button :)