Critical feedback as requested :
Highland Dawn : Personal taste but the cello sound is pretty airy and missing some vibrato if you can add some especially at the end of long notes. At 0:37 the cello movement feels a little weird and stiff maybe the portemento was not well done on the VST. In terms of composition so far its fine, nothing is really happening and I think thats intended you just want to introduce the mood.
Droplet dance : Like I said really some hollow knight vibe like this track :
.The main issue here is probably the woodwinds and strings together except when you play the tonic chord, all the others doesn't seem to match in terms of chord voicing and woodwinds melody the biggest example is at 1:25
Mist Descends : I think now would be a good time to use tremollo especially on the cello and double bass while the bassoon is playing the dark pitch. Watch out for the bassoon note mix with the cello and bass especially at 2:10, it starts to get too low and muddy for them to work well together 2:15 nice chords, I think its a great opportunity to make the cello or viola move and play some notes while the violins are suspending the legatos. Strings like to move often.
Shards of Air : Nothing really too say, its a great change of mood, very modal keeping it straight, nice expressions
The Mismelt : Okay the big bang, distorted a bit in terms of volume gotta watch out for that. I think it would've been great to have a plain chord here like a good major triad and not a suspended chord the transition at 3:23 is also a little hard, not very smooth you can probably automate that better. Same for the Bass/Cello at 3:27 it goes on the lower registrer pretty fast, you can probably add some notes to make it sound smoother. Also 3:40 until end is also a good opportunity to move even more the strings together you're moving a bit the high notes and then you probably need some response on the lower registrer, you did it a later on which is good but you're mostly moving around the same notes at the same tempo, you can probably go and mix more your rhythm and good finale chord I like it.
Overall : its a nice orchestral composition, just need some tweek in terms of harmonic works, strings movements, maybe add some percussions nothing too strong keep it orchestral with timpani or triangle or something to add some shiny details but its not necessary just an idea.
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