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Filamental Frequency

A member registered Sep 11, 2024 · View creator page →

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I believe you can post a screenshot on your project page even after it's published (for a video)

I really like the industrial overtones, and the drums that come in every so often are really cool. I keep wanting them to keep going and break out more, but not doing that really creates this sense of unease and tension. Super cool.

This is a really fantastical song that seems like it would be right at home in a elven woodland. I especially liked the (claps?) towards the middle lightly accenting the drums and acting like high hats, they really added a lot to the character.

This feels like it would play during a movie while panning over the antagonist army preparing for an invasion, and I love it.

I really liked the balance you have in this song, it feels very intimate and grand at different points, and the range between the high plucky strings and the very low legato strings is a fantastic contrast and really tells your story!

Very dark and ominous, the drones combined with the microtonal strings really adds to the anxiety of it. Definitely feels like something you'd hear walking in the dark through the woods in a horror game.

I absolutely love this song, especially the guitar. You can totally hear everything else supporting it, but the way they're mixed to just give that little bit of support and the very resonant guitar is just perfect. Absolutely beautiful. The only thing is the piano is just a tiny bit loud for my taste, at least compared to the guitar., but that's probably just because I turned up the volume during the guitar section because it was so lovely :)

This is really cool. Very dark and moody, but with those light twinkly elements that keep it from being fully foreboding, which creates this really tense feeling. I really like the texture of the harsh plucks as well, it really adds a richness to the song that I really like.

I really like how peaceful this song is, it's very calming and relaxing and just beautiful to listen to!

(1 edit)

I really like the transition from what sounded to me almost chiptune style into the more ambient orchestral feeling, it really sold the story you were telling with it, and added this surrealism into the middle section which I loved. I wanted more though! Just a bit more time to explore each section would have been really nice.

This is a wild ride. You know from the beginning it's going to be a bit crazy, and it does not disappoint. It's very industrial sounding to my ears, almost like what you'd hear in the back alley of some futuristic cyberpunk city.

Agreed with everyone else, this is an amazing first orchestral piece! Absolutely love the composition and general theme of it, and it really fits the theme. And the variety and scale of it is truly awesome!

I do agree with some of the comments about the transitions, especially the cutoff around ~3:40. And if you're looking for some BBC Symphony alternatives/additions that lets you play with attack and release, Orchestools is another free one that you can mix in with the BBC instruments too add some extra layers which can help with that sometimes.

I really love the epic scale this song has, the drums hitting just right and not being too overpowering, the way the orchestra blends together, it's all extremely well done!

This is a gorgeous piece. I love the sparseness to really let the tones of the piano ring out, as well as the contrast between the really low notes and the light airy ones. It's got this sort of confidence to it because of the minimalism that really makes it sound amazing.

The dark foreboding feeling in this song is really well done. It feels like at any moment it's going to break out into a full heavy metal descent, and that anticipation really keeps you engaged as it you listen. The additional sound effects are amazing too, and really help tie it into the more natural aspects of the theme. Really nicely done!

I really like the storytelling this song has! The beginning was very quiet and I had to double check it was playing, but it really fit the story you're telling of the ascent into the mountains. I do agree it could have maybe used a bit more variety towards the end, something to really set the peak apart from the climb itself to go along with the really dramatic swells.

I would have never thought to take this painting in this direction, but I absolutely love it. If it weren't for the choir, I would have thought it was straight out of a retro adventure game. And yet, it still totally fits the theme perfectly somehow, and I don't know how you did that. Easily one of my favorites of this whole jam.

I love the birds and other sound effects, it instantly paints this vivid, natural scene in your mind when you listen. The use of spacial sound is fantastic as well, as it really feels like it's all around you.
The xylophone (marimba?) almost sounds like it's clipping a bit to me, but it might just be some distortion you applied. Either way it adds a bit of grittiness to the otherwise rather tranquil, peaceful feelings of the other instruments.

I really like the chatter sprinkled throughout the song. It;s like traveling through time or memories while different scenes are playing around you, book-ended by the synth plucks that are very innocent and calming. Very, very spooky eerie vibes which I dig.

As the Fog Clears
You have a great voice, and the vibes are amazing here. The plucky strings and the slight swing really adds this relaxed jazziness that I wasn't expecting from the beginning of the song, and the slow reveal as it progresses is fantastic. Of the three, this was easily my favorite.

When the Spirits Come Out To Play
I really liked the start of this one, and loved the introduction of the piano, but the piano ended up being so relaxed in the beat it ended up just sounding maybe a bit too off beat, at least for my taste. There was also another very high instrument playing along with it that was also on a slightly different beat, which I think exacerbated the problem for me. But the overall feeling was very playful and a fantastic followup from the first song.

Fantastic song, and I really loved the instrument choices for it. Honestly the only knock against it is that it ended when I wanted more!

I really like this song, the vocals on this are amazing, and really stand out in the mix. It really does feel like a grand open space someone is performing in.

The only thing I might say was one of the strings plays this really extended note around the middle section that everything else plays around, and that note ended up distracting from the rest of the piece a just little bit.

These are all amazing in their own ways, but Vættirdans is definitely the standout to me with the jaw harp. The rain and the slight breathing are perfect for the ambience as well, and the ramping of the drums towards the end is fantastic. But all of these have such unique elements to them that you've made work incredibly well!

Those first few glitches were really unexpected, and then it kept sort of expanding into this really surreal feeling. I really like the use of the ping pong delay on the lead to carry the rhythm as it really helps keeps everything light and airy.

Absolutely love this. I really really enjoy the trumpet, it blends in so well with the rest of the orchestra, and really gives it this fantastical element to it.  If someone said this was part of the next Elder Scrolls soundtrack I would have 100% believed them.

The atmosphere on this is fantastic. You immediately get the spooky, ominous vibes, and all the sound effects throughout really add to it as it goes on. I especially love that buzzing, almost sounds like an insect around the 52 second mark, and the warbling towards the end with what sounded to me like wood blocks was wonderful.

I really like the sense of foreboding that really comes across from the groans of the bass. It feels very... old and raw, which I love.
I do agree it could use something just a bit higher frequency somewhere to add in just a bit of brightness, even if it were just a few hits here and there to add some anticipation.

This is super cool! The variety of moods and the shifting between each piece is amazingly done.

I really liked those early chants (grunts, shouts?)  They were definitely surprising, but they really added a layer of anxiety over the otherwise very tranquil beginning. Thalvindr - Spirit of Wind would have to be my favorite.

Agreed with the others about more variety being nice, but the repetition did lead to a good anticipation for the strings to come in, which added a slightly different rhythm and feel that was sort of eerie which I quite liked.

I also really like the ending, but I do think that if you had ended it just little earlier (~3:25) on the home note it might have felt more satisfying. But as it is it leaves it a bit more eerie, which is nice as well for the theme