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A jam submission

Slime DestroyerView game page

Made during the Indie Tales game jam with Starcadius
Submitted by eternal_renegade — 3 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering)#1272.6922.692
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement)#1372.6152.615
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation)#1672.6922.692
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme)#1682.5382.538

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Made by One or Two People

yes this was made by just me / us

All Original Content

yes everything was made during the jam

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Nice art! I like the gameplay, but a little bit of feedback on what I'm hit would be nicer! But good Job!


Really cool and fun game! The sound effects felt a little obnoxious at first, but the art more than makes up for that. Overall I enjoyed it.


Nice work! Bashing crates and collecting coins was really fun. Trying to manage the turrets, hopping between destructible cover, and considering how to balance objectives and high scores leads to a bit of a learning curve and the potential for some risk vs. reward, given that the levels are designed around such balance. It was quite easy to avoid damage, however.

In the future, I'd like there to be more hazards that populate the levels, both in order to raise the difficulty, as the game was quite easy, and to improve level variety. Having optional objectives or collectables sequestered in difficult sections of the map may also be an idea to give the player some agency over the difficulty curve.

Aesthetically, the pixel art on the characters was charming! Given more time, I'd like to see more varied environments/tilesets if more development is planned for this.

Great job!


Nice game! I liked the different levels and graphics were cute.

The "enemies" value in top left corner confused me a bit at first. I believe it is the total health of all the things? Is it even relevant enough to show to player?

Good job, it was fun.


I loved running around picking up all the coins that burst out of the creates. The slimes seem to be pretty easy to kill since you can hit them behind creates. It was fun, Nice Job!


Thank you for playing. :) Glad you enjoyed it


The lvl design and mechanis-cs were pretty good, with a different kind of challenge each time. But I don't quiet grasp how it fits the theme.


That's okay, thanks for playing :)


Really good vibes and really fun. I felt like a shop as mentioned below would be cool, with some simple changes and more levels this would be awsome! I got some weird bug where the game ended before i killed the necessary enemies 2 times btw.


Really good vibes and really fun. I felt like a shop as mentioned below would be cool, with some simple changes and more levels this would be awsome! I got some weird bug where the game ended before i killed the necessary enemies 2 times btw.


Thanks for playing! I know the turrets bullets can kill the slimes as well. I wonder if it's related.


What a funny small concept, I had so much fun playing it even if it was really simple, I don't know if there was a shop to buy things with the coins but either way I was rich as hell!


There wasn't a shop, though we did have some talks during development, but ultimately didn't get to do anything with the coins. I'm glad you enjoyed playing this tiny little game ☺️


a nice simple concept that fit the theme well. sound effects were good (maybe a bit loud) and the controls were easy to learn. the difficulty curve was a little steep, as the early levels felt really easy and the later ones just threw enemies at me. i'm also not sure what the point of the coins was (maybe a shop was planned but not added?) 


Thank you for playing! Yes we did talk about doing something more meaningful for the coins but didn't have enough time do execute anything. As far as the level design is concerned, (thanks for the feedback btw) I actually only ended up getting about an hour or 2 to put them together, so I ended up making some massive jumps in the structure.