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Dead Rubicon: InfiltratorView game page

2D Survival Horror
Submitted by Burnerknight Studios — 13 days, 22 hours before the deadline
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Bootcamp Track


Devs finishing their first games

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Bootcamp Discord username
Raul "Exevalon" Rivera

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Wow, man, this was so awesome, especially considering the time we had to make something! At first, I died, a lot haha, but then I turned out the lights and played and it was a really fun time. Actually still playing, trying to work out where to go :D  

Loved the OG Resident Evil vibes with the little snippets of story written on notes - very cool. Awesome theme and the story seems solid enough to make it fun and a little bit scary when the zombies rush out of the shadows at you haha!

Art also really cool. For me, the main character is too spooky. I'd make him more of a character, with face etc, because at first I thought he was a zombie for a moment! That's subjective though, just what I would do tbh.

I'm not sure if the zombies cool off and head another way when you turn out the light? If not, I think that should be something haha :D

Anyway, man, I'm really impressed. It's a pretty great achievement to make this, let alone finish it in such a short time. Look forward to seeing how it develops - great work ;) 


Thanks for playing! Glad to hear you liked it. I plan on expanding it for round 2 of the bootcamp, so stay tuned!


Well done game. rather impressed with a lot of it. here is my feedback:

1) mouse is not always visible on title screen. took a moment to find the start button because mouse wasn't showing and it was already highlighted red for some reason. the mouse movement over it didn't show any changes and it stayed red the entire time. 

2) once i got the game to start there is a message about me stealing a top secret vial that doesn't go away. i feel like 2 things should happen here. either the game should not be playable until these message go away or you show them a different way like at the bottom of the screen and they auto advance. i was able to walk around for a while before i realized space bar made it go to the next message. please restrict the game from beginning until these messages are gone or move them out of the view of the player. if you keep them how they are now, please put some indicator that says press space to advance the message. another options would be to have a piece of paper on a table at the start like the other tables that says this stuff so you don't have to click through the messages at the start of every game.

3) please let the player know what their controls are inside the game. once i pressed run game i couldn't see the controls listed and longer. 

4) i was able to glitch myself outside of the play area by standing in the doorway and closing the door on myself a few times. walked all the way to the end without picking up the keycard but couldn't find a way to get back into the playable area to escape correctly.

5) death screen and win screen could use a lot of improvement.

6) add more levels and more enemies and this could be a wildly popular game.

7) I do like the varying sounds when you walk on different things like grating vs concrete. i was able to find a section of grating in the room with the keycard that didn't make the correct sound though.

I would love to see more in this game. make another level if you can and possibly some other enemies. The current enemies are not challenging enough in my opinion. its just a simple dodge and wait game in that aspect. if you can make some that follow you while your light is on that would be a cool game mechanic instead of just staying on the same path the whole time. 

overall a very well done game just needs some more content to it and i could spend a while playing it. if you can figure out a way to make a random room generator that would be nice to see so then you would have a sort of dungeon run aspect that would keep the players interested and want to come back time and time again after they beat the store line. 

Not exactly sure how i would score this game because i broke it with the door glitch on my first run but it feels like it should have an 87% for me outside of that glitch. fix the death and win screen and that could easily go into the 90-95% range. if you make changes and upload a new one, please let me know. otherwise, keep up the good work and i hope to see more from you in the future!


Hey there, thanks a lot for playing and I'm glad you really liked the game! That's a lot of good feedback too. Most of it I was in the midst of implementing and hadn't been able to upload a new build until now.

Points #1 - 4, and 7 should be taken care of now.

In regards to point #1, if you don't have a gamepad connected the game defaults to keyboard and mouse, and registers the first selectable button available, so that's why the first option stays red because you can select through the available options with WASD or arrow keys. If you click anywhere with the mouse, you'll see that the option in red loses focus and will highlight when you go over it.

For points #5 and #6, these are planned for a future iteration. I plan on continuing to make improvements on the game and grow the gameplay opportunities in it, as well as gameplay length. Stay tuned for this!

Meanwhile, try giving the game another spin with this new build!


1) seems to be fixed

2) after you die, the message comes back and you are forced to go through it time and time again now which can become cumbersome for the player. i did notice that it now says to press a button to progress which is much better than before. still needs a little work but good progress.

3) seems to be handled with first paperwork (player could pass this up on accident but most likely will look at it). you may find it useful to display a text at the bottom of the screen with the player controls just while the player is in the beginning room. you could place 2 trigger tiles next to one another in the first hallway and as they exit it turns the text off and if they enter again it shows it again. this way it will only display in the first area and the user has no chance to walk past the paperwork. like i said they will probably look at the paper but if you can make it 100% that they see the controls without it obstructing gameplay, that would be the better option. well done on the progress, it is much better than the prior revision of the game already.

4) door stays open until you are out of the way. considering fixed. well done

5) you said future iterations. i will wait for a better response when they change

6) you said future iterations. i will wait for a better response when they change

7) seems to be fixed

8) NEW ITEM: please look at the door that is near the end. it matches with the grating and is hard to tell that it is a door. consider a slightly different color or pattern scheme for the doors so they don't blend with either floor tiles. a quick fix would be to change that grating tile to the concrete floor tile with the door on top of it for right now so there is a better separation of the two.

I like the addition of the overhead beams that block the view in some places. that is a nice touch.  I am excited to see your progress and fixes. keep up the great work and i look forward to your next update. let me know when you do more so i can look it over again!


This is really great. The atmosphere and environment really sell the story. I loved the exploration you pushed for and getting caught was a bit nerve racking haha. Really great job on finishing this game. I look forward to seeing how it develops further. 


Thanks for playing, glad to hear you liked it!


The game really feels uncomfortable, which is nice for the game.
I may miss something so, I didn't know how to close. the first dialog lol.


If using keyboard and mouse, hitting spacebar or enter will work.


I love stealth games, so this one was definitely a lot of fun to play! I beat it in the first try without getting caught once. ;) The trick seems to be to turn off your flashlight and never turn it back on again. :D At least I felt it was unnecessary, since I could still make out where I was going and where the zombies were even in the dark. Maybe you can somehow add some level of difficulty for us steath nerds (although it seems a lot of people in the comments had difficulty, so maybe it was just me...)

I also LOVE that you had controller support! I played it with my XBOX One controller and it worked great! I'm looking forward to seeing what this becomes in the future!


Oh, so we've got a wise guy over here, eh? You say you beat the game with the flashlight off? Ok. Ok. Next build I'll have a surprise for you :D.

Thanks for playing! I just rolled out another build with some more QoL elements, but nothing major since your last playthrough. Regarding difficulty, I'll certainly be adding something for folks of different skill levels! Also, I tend to play games like these with a gamepad, so almost always I try to get gamepad functionality working ASAP, glad you enjoyed that!

One question I have is how did you get past the one enemy who moves up and down? There are two ways to get past, so I wonder which way you solved it. They technically can't "see" you, since they don't chase you, but they pick up speed if you're close. With that said, as long as you stay out of there way, a player will be fine. Can't say that about the next group of enemies though...

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Not exactly sure which enemy you mean, but I definitely tried to stay as far away from the zombies as I could. So if there was one sniffing me out, he probably wouldn't have smelled me. :D

I was also very patient. as there is no timer or anything, so no hurry to get to the other side.

Or maybe I just got lucky and just happened to play it as was needed. I'd have to play again to see if I can do it a second time. :) Maybe in the next build I'll try it out and give you some feedback.


So in the starting area, there are three enemies. Two who move horizontally and one who moves vertically. There are two ways to get past the enemy moving vertically. Because I didn't think people would catch on during the initial builds, also because it might be too difficult, I ended up adding a walk-around to make it easier and more apparent where to go. Some player feedback clued me in on that.

However, for more daring folks, the initial way is still there.


I liked the ambiance but for me it's too difficult. I couldn't get passed the first zombie, since it's too dark for me to see much, even with the flashlight on. The zombies were incredibly fast too. A blink and they appeared and disappeared. If I hadn't watched your discord video, I would have had no idea why I kept dying.

But I do have some vision problems so it's probably just me. Maybe consider adding difficulty levels, with a few easier settings and a few harder settings.

But from the discord video the story sounds great, and I'd watch a whole playthrough just to see how the story turns out.

The full screen version of the browser version didn't respond to either my gamepad or mouse or keyboard, but the window browser version was responsive. The gamepad didn't seem to work for the menu. The mouse seemed off for the menu too. I have to aim the to have the top of the cursor over start rather than the center of the cursor. 

After the menu screen I played using a gamepad and it was very responsive and worked as expected. I didn't try the keyboard or mouse. The instructions below the game about controls definitely helped me out.


Thanks for playing!

Currently working on a fix for the hardware cursor so the pivot is centered. It's proving tricky. Also, getting gamepad responsiveness for the menu is on my to-do list for sure!

Difficulty settings is something I have been considering as well, so I may implement it in a future build!


I added a new build with some more QoL improvements, including centering the pivot on the cursor when using the mouse, and allowing gamepad functionality right from the start.


Hey there, congrats on getting your game out! I really like where this is going. Your pixel art is impressive, and the feel of the game is spot on. I am a sucker for RE and this gave me some throwback vibes to the very first ones. Great job. I initially wanted to do a zombie game but I have not done pixel art before so they ended up becoming little alien creatures. 

I had issues playing however, the zombies were patrolling very fast, so fast that I could not get past either of the two first ones and was unable to progress. It seemed I only needed to step in their pathway to die. I am wondering, did you optimise the movement by time? i.e. so the zombies move at the same rate for everyone regardless of framerate. 

It's a shame as this game looks super promising. If you think you can fix it let me know as I'd love to try again. If there's anything you need from me to help with this let me know. 


Thanks for playing, and glad you like it! Sorry to hear though you got stuck at the beginning.

The colliders need a bit more optimization. Other than that, the zombies pick up speed when you are in their range since they sense you. Ideally wait till they are out of view, and you will be able to move past them. Yes, they also move at the same frame rate as everything else, with that said, I don't have the player or zombies delta timed, so it could be the game runs a bit faster on your machine.

I'll let you know when I drop the next update!


Zombies have had their colliders updated, which should make it so you can get past them now a bit easier. You can also see them in the dark by way of their glowing eyes.


Nice work!, thanks for letting me know. I have just played through and been able to beat the demo. I really like where this is going. It's got mega original Resident Evil vibes whilst being distinct enough that I don't immediately think of it as a clone. I find the atmosphere and glimpses of story are intriguing and I want to know more. At one point I did wonder around aimlessly for a while after I obtained the key card, I looped back to the control room but didn't go near enough to the PC to unlock it to make the progress, though I could see the path leading on from the lower right. I'd suggest making that a little more obvious or dropping a clue when trying to interact with the door. 


Hello Friend. From the beginning, I liked the intro graphics with the blinking eyes very much. However, when the game started, I found it poor. I played it in a Google Web Browser, and the Graphics were poor, like in the 1980s.The sound effect with the dripping water was nice at first but after a while it was annoying and I wanted to turn the sound off. You could have made the sound when you approached certain points to be activated and instead of the continuous sound you could have nice music playing in the background.The game's controls were very difficult because it was hard to see what was there due to the lack of lighting, the difficult handling of the lens, and the low-quality graphics.I believe that if you work on the graphics and music, the game will have a much better result. For starters, it leaves a good impression with good development prospects.Good luck my friend. 


Thanks for taking the time to play my game!

I will take into consideration your feedback! And controls could definitely be better with regards to mouse control. Glad the beginning resonated with you however!


I've adjusted the mouse settings and it works well now. Feel free to try the game again!

Regarding the graphics, the game is intentionally pixel art and lo-fi, but can still be improved and I'll be doing that over time.

Also, you can lower the volume of the SFX in the options menu, but for my next build, I'll see to lowering the drip effect less than the default so it's not too problematic.

Again, thanks for playing!

  • The vibe is really good, you set a great atmosphere
  • At first dying felt random, but than I figured out that the enemies have patrol routes so I was more careful around corners
  • played on laptop (keyboard and trackpad) and the light rotation did not behave as expected which was quite frustrating

Thanks for taking the time to play!

Mouse definitely still needs some work! I hope to get that working better in a future update. Have you tried playing with a gamepad?


Sorry I don't have one handy.


Hey there, I've uploaded a new build with fixed mouse controls. Feel free to try it again!


Feels like one of those games where you die a lot but makes you want to come back for another try.  Really enjoying the 90's anime cyberpunk vibe, the lighting and sound effects work great for creating atmosphere and those written notes are cool also.
I had a some issues with mouse control for the flashlight, but I plugged in an xbox controller and used the analog stick which seemed to work perfectly 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing! 

By far the gamepad is the defacto way to play. Still working on getting the mouse to function properly. Mouse controls work perfectly now!


Dude, the atmosphere is soooo good! I love the setting, the writing and the exploration. Also had one hell of a scare when I died after recklessly traversing back to a previously discovered spot while completely forgetting the zombie in there. hahaha
The main issue I had was with controlling the flashlight. I was using WASD for movement and the mouse for the flashlight, but couldn't seem to point it to where I wanted, so I would just slide the mouse left or right until it stopped kinda in the place I wanted and then rolled with it until the corridor changed direction. One specific issue is that it stopped computing mouse movement if the cursor went outside the game screen. I would personally prefer one of these alternative control schemes: seeing a stylized mouse cursor in game and the flashlight always pointing to it; or the flashlight always rotating counterclockwise or clockwise if I drag the mouse left or right, while ignoring vertical movement and working regardless of the (then invisible) cursor position (a bit quirkier, but one could get used to it and it could double down as a quirky, RE1-style car control gun aim), or even the flashlight always pointing to the character front, perhaps with some angle interpolation just for polish and extra suspense.
Ah, another minor hindrance was the floor and wall having such similar colors, making it a bit difficult to understand the collision boxes for the labyrinth.
These were literally the only problems I had, and I'm VERY curious to finish the game later and see the rest of the story! The ambiance is just fantastic! I can also definitely see the potential for a commercial release, if you want to expand on it :)


Glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing!

 That's motivating to hear that you think it has commercial potential because I've been considering it. Faith is another 2D top-down horror game that has three games and I believe has done well for itself. So there's definitely an audience. I'll be figuring out how to take advantage of my angle and surface with Dead Rubicon and see where I can take it.

Getting that mouse to work properly has been a real piece of work. And with multiple monitors, I find that the mouse cursor doesn't constrain to the game window, I need to look into that. I heard it may be a WebGL issue. Your suggestion of constraining it horizontally so that it rotates by moving left or right is a nice compromise I'll look into. Having a cursor as well is a good idea, and someone else has recommended it too!

Regarding the art and colliders, I'll be putting in the work to better distinguish them for better traversal. Also looking forward to sprucing up the art some more.


Nice job, It's way more difficult than it looked in discord :) Well done on getting it this far in a few weeks, looking forward to playing it more. (FYI, I'm seeing the intro text a couple of times)


Thanks for playing!

I've noticed that bug about the intro text as well, I'll need to figure that one out!


Fixed the bugs with the intro text which were a result of multiple calls to the GameManager from the enemy collider once you get caught. Also, the mouse will be much more responsive if you happen to use Keyboard + Mouse.