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A jam submission

The Great Adventurer ClassicView game page

Try and Error platformer make for the LOWREZ game jam
Submitted by IronPowerTGA (@IronPowerkh) — 1 hour, 24 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Authenticity (Use of resolution restriction)#174.7714.771

Ranked from 35 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Cute game! I included it in my LOWREZJAM compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)


Thank you very much


Fun and easy to play platformer! The only issue I found with a 360 controller is that when I died it kept rumbling forever lol, other than that, great job!
Good pixel art and soothing music.
Out of curiosity, did you just use plain SDL to make this?


you use the linux version, so yes this is not my fault this the FNA lib bug, but they correct it, so i will fix it ;). Thanks for much. I didn't "use" SDL i use FNA this is an reimplemention of xna, but the creator of fna have code a binding of sdl for c# and he use it in FNA, this is FNA link. It's a full code oriented game lib.


Nice job! I like the little art flourishes around the levels (leaves and torches and such) and the lighting is really cool. You have a player size and scale and levels that work really well for the low resolution, and the levels you've designed work well for the mechanics.


Thanks so much.


Beautifully made! Lovely graphics and gameplay! I'm not very good with wall jump games so could be me, but felt odd to be pushing into the wall when wall jumping. I also found it a little confusing knowing where the level ended so a bit more of an indication would help. A solid platformer!




Reading the instructions help, as I didn't realise you could dash, so got past the first bit by careful wall-jumping across the spikes.. certainly fun that you can abuse the wall-jump in such a way and fling yourself quite a distance!


Thanks. yep it's completely normal to abuse the wall jump, they are different way to make the same level, for people with lot of skill and the other ;)


Impressive work! Pretty nice, good gameplay, and interesting art!
What do you used for programming it?

Developer (1 edit)

Thank's. I use C# with FNA reimplementation of XNA. 


Got a little frustrated with the controls but overall a great game. Something about the art is so compelling. Its cute but not in a sissy kinda way. Awesome job!


Thank you very much ;)


I liked the game, but it was a bit frustrating for me. He moves so slow and it was hard to make a good dash. I died becouse of it many times when you need to dash in narrow place. Idk what level it was... the 4-th i think.

Developer (1 edit)

Yes the 4 level is hard. but the 5 level is so cool :) they are lava and i have made a red light shader


I spent the first few minutes trying to complete the levels with JUST the dash, and getting stuck haha. Then I realised I could jump too, oops lol. Really like the art style - for a moment I thought it wasn't 64x64! It gives the impression of being higher resolution (probably because of the open spaces so the screen isn't too busy). 

Trying to solve the levels with the jump/dash combination was good fun. I even managed to pull off some (if I do say so myself) cool moves and solve the puzzle in a different way to what was probably intended. The wall jumps felt nice as well. 

Oh and the music is great!

Good job! 


Thanks soo much.

Deleted post

Thank you very much,


The dash/wall jump combos were very fun, great use of mechanics with level design.  Loved the music as well!


Thank you very much.


The wall jump feels good, I liked that stage 1 and 2 had multiple solutions. I don't think the long drop in the top-right corner of stage 3 that has spikes outside of the camera view is fair though..

Enjoyable music too, nice work (= 'ω'=)ฅ


Thanks soo much yes le stage 3 is very difficult but after they are a very cool stage ;) with lava ;)


Les graphismes sont vraiment au top, j'adore l'ambiance du jeu. Les capacités du perso sont cools : le dash, le fait de pouvoir sauter entre deux murs. Ce n'est ni trop facile ni trop dur, tu as réussis à trouver un bon équilibre et de plus tu as mis des checkpoints ce qui évite de trop faire rager le joueur x) Beau travail !

Pour information, j'ai fait une petite vidéo qui regroupe certains jeux de la LOWREZJAM pour pouvoir exposer leur travail et tu es dedans ^^


Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire, il est super gentil.


God use of the Caves of Gallet pack (i realy like this one).
The gameplay is cool, the dash mechanic work great.
Sometimes the collisions are a little weird, your character can be stuck for a small time on the border of a wall on a jump or a dash.
The collisions look too perfect to allow the player to go on a small 1 bloc area effectively.

Good game :)


Thank you very much


The controls are very consistent. I like the wall jump and the dash combination since it enable yo to attempt many skips (that normally ends with you in the spikes) but is really enjoyable.  I think is fun to run this game, and the challenge escalates pretty fast!

Also I liked the menus and how the controls are clarified in game. Definitively that adds to the gameplay.


Thanks soo much


Definitely challenging and pretty fun if you ask me. GJ




A very solid little game.  I really like the graphics, cute lil wizard and the platforms/background/atmosphere are great.  Nice job friend!


Thanks so much.


Solid game.  Simple and satisfying to play.  Very cohesive low rez package.  Nice.


Thanks ;)


Nice work on this. Great overall look, solid controls, and nice levels. Makes you want to explore the map and look for secrets.


Thanks so much ;)

Submitted (2 edits)

I like the game, it's really cool... however, I'm worried about Your assets. Are You sure You made them/know someone who maid them? Your main character reminds me of game called Legends of Yore:

and the button sound sounds exactly like buttons sound from Towerfall Ascencion. If I'm wrong, sorry. But level design is cool though!

Developer (2 edits)

For the sound effect i use a sound effect of And the player yes it's an inspiration. Yes i will add  it in the description sorry ;) . And thanks you very much ;)


Yey, I knew it ;P Good job on the game!

Submitted (1 edit)

Huh, I actually was inspired by something else for the character but changed it a bit only to end up looking closer to your example. I guess there's not many ways to draw a wizard in 8x8. If I had more time and wasn't working on my own game I would have tried to do a better job on the idle "frost breath" animation.

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