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Minibeasts: Collectable Toys!View game page

Collect toy parts and battle it out! (LowRezGameJam2021)
Submitted by SeanLikes
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Authenticity (use of resolution restriction)#1284.4174.417

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Did you work in a team?
One member. I created the art, music, recorded sounds, and all programming.

Was the resolution a challenge?
Yes. I found displaying information the hardest part.

What did you learn?
I improved my Aseprite skills. I also learned some new techniques in Godot.

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That's hilarious xD. Amazing game. Loved authenticity, and visuals. It's fun to play. I will comeback to play this later :D 


I love the theme and concept!! Collectable fighting toys you can mix and match? Goes straight to my heart.

I found once you got a lot of parts it got pretty confusing, and it was hard to tell which did what. 

I feel this would do really well if you spent some more time working on it and polishing it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I love the take on the minibeasts theme idea. It would be great if there were more strategic depth to it. I found that you can win pretty much any battle if you just mash punch a ton of times. Then again, two weeks isn't much time to come up with a sophisticated A.I. haha


Thanks a lot! yeah, I had big plans in the beginning, but as it got close to the end and there was still no A.I, I had to go with a quick state machine run by a random number generator haha! The idea for the combat by the end was to just have something that has some strategy elements with the potential to be optimized if it was not a game jam game :)

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you so much! That's great to hear, I was really happy with how the art turned out! Any time I finished a toy drawing and put it in the player hand, if it made me laugh I knew I had to keep it :P


Look, this game is charming as heck. I can't believe you squeezed so much detail into the toy sprites. Sure, the gameplay isn't super deep, but I still played for a while because I was having such a good time opening the boosters, getting new toy components, and mix-and-matching to make a new monstrosity. I love this.


Thanks very much! I sort of knew that there wouldn't be much gameplay when I was  coming up with the idea initially. So I hoped that the 'mix&match' element was interesting enough, and that the toys smashing together was funny enough that it made up for the lack of gameplay haha!


I liked the concept alot and the visuals are good. I wish there was more strategy in the fighting as spamming seemed to work most of the time. Also a victory/death screen would be a good addition, but this has great potential.


Thanks! yeah, at first it was just mashing buttons, but decided I wanted a bit of strategy. Unfortunately didn't have enough time to change things too much or add a lot of new elements to it. It's more the idea I was trying to get out :)
And yes, a victory/death screen/animation was also planned. I wanted the loser to dramatically drop their toy and then have the win/lose screen, but again I just didn't get the time.


It's different, fits the theme and you've shoehorned it into 64x64 nicely, so well done!

I  found I could win every fight by spamming the 'D' key though.


Thanks! Yeah, it was difficult to find the time to work on it so it was hard to get everything balanced :)


this game is so beatiful <3 i love the booster pack design. 


Thanks very much! I was really happy with how the booster pack turned out! :D