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Lukas Buchel

A member registered Feb 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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What an awesome game! I really enjoyed playing, the story was captivating, the mechanics fun, the enemies unique with really cool designs and even the music was such a vibe! It felt really polished and the difficulty was challenging but fair and really made you have to use the powerups which is good. Ori definitely took a few attempts but I got to the end :D 

It gets really difficult on storm 4 but I had a lot of fun! My strat was to place a billion planks in a circle buut didn't really work in the later waves :D I really like the mechanic though of being able to place the defenses it adds a lot to the game! My only critique would be to lower the difficulty a little, but maybe I just suck haha. Great job!

Hey! I played your game and really liked it :D Would appreciate if you could try mine as well! Rate Outpost by Lukas Buchel for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

(1 edit)

I had a lot of fun playing through this! And the ending 'boss' level was challenging but fun! I really like the mechanics of the bubble and the flame, took me a minute to find out you aim it with the mouse haha. The only thing I didn't like was the colliders on the jellyfish, sometimes it got a bit tricky and frustrating trying to jump onto them or sliding off of them. Very good game guys!

I really enjoyed this :D Hilarious voice acting and the game mechanics were really cool. I also really like the randomness and replay value it has. Great job!

Very nice looking game for your first one :D I like the idea of the game and the animals are cute! I do agree with others that some interactive tutorial would have made things more clear but it is a game jam so understandable :D

Thanks a lot for playing! Yes I made all the art myself, glad you liked it :D The upgrade system was added in the last hour of the jam and it has some issues with the UI elements blocking raycasts so speed is hard to select haha. Thanks for the feedback!

Oh I see! That's smart, I like that :D

Fun and unique premise! I really enjoyed the strategic puzzle element of the game and the objects washing up to the shore is really smart! The first level with the chairs is diabolical haha. But the larger objects in the next ones made it more manageable. I really liked the looks of the game and the use of music to signal the incoming storm. There were a couple physics based issues, like the time I sent a stone pillar helicoptering into the shadow realm :D But it felt quite polished and good to play. I'd like to have a way to skip the remaining day time as a quality of life addition. The controls for rotation felt a bit clunky and hard to predict, but I can imagine a system like that tough to design. Maybe also with mouse controls? 

Overall, I enjoyed my time playing! I think it is an idea that could be further expanded upon and perfected :D Great job!

I was a little confused why there were four digits for the bunker code when each paper had two digits on it? But I really liked the atmosphere and the feeling of rush before the aliens arrive. The randomness on each playthrough is also a really cool addition that adds replayability so great job!

This game felt really polished and great to play! The art is very cute and the mechanic of rising floods makes for quite a challenge! I enjoyed it! :D

I quite enjoyed the stamina mechanic, which added a unique twist to the game :D I think if the obstacles came at you faster over time it would make it more entertaining and replayable as well. But good job, I liked this one!

This was quite fun! I like that there are multiple recipes that you have to juggle between and the orders came in fast so that you always had something to do. I enjoyed this :D

10 clams out of 10. Very enjoyable, I had a good laugh. Quite tricky in certain sections but not enough to be frustrating. I really liked this one :D

This was a lot of fun! Love the mechanic between brewing and making money and buying stuff to be able to extend the time. Very good game :D

Unique idea I liked it a lot! The art is really good too :D 

The character feels quite slow and as a result the jumps can be really tough, but I like the increasing difficulty and the lightning and sounds :D

Now I want some tea :D Good job, it was fun and easy to learn. 

I really liked the sound design, it made it so much more intense :D Pretty great game, but some sort of win state rather than just the score would work better for this type of game in my opinion, but I still had fun! 

I had fun playing this! I like the minimalist but still pretty graphics and the controls and shooting felt snappy and responsive. 

10/10, would chuck ice cream at children again

Thank you so much. I had a lot of fun making it and I want to keep working on it! Would love to add more enemies, weapons, special abilities and so on :D 

Pretty cool twist on the classic pvz format, with cute art. I really enjoyed it :D

Pretty fun game, great soundtrack and I really enjoyed the writing on the dialogue :D Good stuff!

Very fun and strategic gameplay! I liked the art a lot too. Crazy to see what seems like a drop of water destroy an entire house haha. Good job!

What an amazing game. I had a lot of fun playing this and it feels so polished for a game jam game too! Love the use of music to indicate the incoming storm. 

I'm sure everyone says this, but the art was really great, I love the style! I wish there was a little more mechanics for the gameplay, but it was still fun and a good game!

I had a lot of fun playing this! It felt great being an overpowered machine and filling the screen with bullets :D 

That is great to hear, thank you so much for playing :D

Ah sorry about that, it is a bug with the burrowing enemy, which spawns outside of the arena for an unknown reason. Will be fixing it after the voting 😅 Hope you enjoyed despite it!

Thanks! There technically isn't a health bar per se, but the player gets damaged and is a lot slower as a result. The only way to lose is if all the lightning rods get destroyed. Thanks for the feedback!

Very cool and interesting mechanics. I like that you have to discover recipes first. And the art is great of course :D 

Love the weather and time mechanic, very unique and interesting! The art was also really pretty. Although the 'gusty' weather was quite OP and you could skip a lot of sections with it. But I had a lot of fun playing through the game, great job!

Quite a fun experience! I liked the sprites for the vegetables and the drawing patterns was a cool and unique mechanic :D

Really well done, I love the intro and menu as well as all the art. It was quite fun building pizzas although I wish there was a way to see how much time a customer still was gonna wait. The tutorial also bugged for me at the beginning which left me quite confused at first, until I figured it out. 

Very fun to play! The movement felt good to control and I enjoyed the levels and the art. The track was also a vibe, great job!

Cool puzzle mechanics and art! I think the sprites for the direction change could have been just simple arrows rather than the circular 'restart' icon, as it confused me multiple times which way the player would go haha. But nice one!

Quite a fun game with a twist on a classic. It did take me a while to figure out how to gain energy, despite reading it in the description ahead of time haha. It seemed quite polished and well put together, good job!

Cool mechanic with the timers! I enjoyed it, but it felt quite hard at times, maybe consider tweaking the colliders a little so that you don't have to be so pixel perfect precise in the movements. 

I enjoyed the animations quite a bit :D Fun and short, a good game jam entry!