If you still have some time, would love some more feedback on mine as well :D
Lukas Buchel
Creator of
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Very fun gameplay with great bosses and art! While playing, I did wish for a dash ability or some way of avoiding attacks, as sometimes due to luck you would have an attack spawn and come towards you with no way to dodge which made it feel unfair. But I really liked that you can choose the bosses to try them all and also characters to have different ways to attack. Great job!
Well made game that is fun to play, but quite tough! I really like the mechanics the game has. For combat, I would prefer a little more movement speed and the dash seemed too short, but that is just my preference. The spin platform in the middle was a little confusing ngl. Little more 'tutorial' for how the main gameplay loop works would have been nice. But very good overall, I had fun playing!
This was fun :D The mechanic of charging your attacks by spinning was cool and the vfx for it looked nice. I also appreciated not having to do full 360 turns around the character but just side to side movements seemed to do the trick, made it simpler to play. The story was funny and nice addition as well. Good job!
Very fun game! Controls seemed really strange and tricky at first, but with practice I got the hang of them and beat all the bosses too :D I really like how you crafted a story for your game and the art and music were really great. I actually quite liked the controls, yes they were hard, but they gave the game a unique way to play and I really enjoyed that. Good job with the game!
Good implementation of the screen spin mechanic, it was easy to control and fun to play with. I really like the visual look of the game as well. Bosses were pretty tough, especially 2 and 3. The environment was cool but the traps were hard to avoid while running from the boss haha. Maybe a little less of them would be good.
Absolutely perfect art and animations, the game had a lot of feel to it and it was so much fun to play. The music was also very good! Combining cooking with bullet hell is crazy! But you pulled it off super well, wasn't too difficult or too easy. Did make things harder on myself since I didn't know you could take things back from the rats at first. You both did an awesome job!
Very pretty game! It played quite well with the controller and I had a lot of fun (I beat both bosses). Reload mechanic is pretty cool. The rolling bush attack in the first boss was quite hard to dodge. With the second boss, I didn't really figure out what the tell was for whether he would reflect the bullets or not. Regardless, it was a polished and well put together game. I also really liked the ammo wheel and animations in the corner, I've done a similar thing with my own game :D
Very pretty and stylized art, and I think the bosses were designed really well, with clear and telegraphed movesets. The attacking mechanic is also unique and interesting. I quite enjoyed the healing mechanic of the game as well, you implemented it well and it seemed to fit the gameplay. Not sure about the lives though. Restarting the whole game from the beginning is all well and good for something like a roguelike where you upgrade the character, but I didn't see much point in it for this game. I think it would have been better, at least for the game jam version, to just spawn the player at the last checkpoint no matter how many times they die to a boss.
Cool visual style and theme application! I didn't like how floaty the character's jump was and the hitboxes on bosses seemed a little large sometimes. The telegraph animations on the first boss were nice. The idea of different debuffs with the wheel is also a nice mechanic that uses the theme even more. Good game :D
Love the souls franchise and the game definitely made me feel something similar :D Managed to beat the boss after a few tries and learning the attacks. Like others said, I didn't like how 'clunky?' the character was to control, attacks took a long time to perform and you couldn't change direction mid combo (though locking on helped). I really liked the Sekiro inspired parry system. And the visuals remind me of Hollow Knight which is pretty epic :P Honestly a great game if you can make the character play a little more responsively to make the combat feel fair.
The first boss arena does not seem to have any colliders on the walls. Anytime the boss hits me and knocks me into a wall, I get sucked into the void :( Doesn't seem to be a way to skip the intro cutscene either. But the boss looked cool and I liked his animations. I like the environmental story telling you've got going on as well.
This was very fun! Bosses were well designed and you could predict which attacks were coming, the art is really cool and I enjoyed the controls as well. For the game jam version, I think it could benefit from having a little less health on the bosses or maybe checkpoints after each boss. But it was still well made and bosses were fair and fun to fight.
Great music and I like the different types of playstyles you can choose at the beginning. Dodging attacks was also quite fun, although I would recommend making the colliders on the projectiles a little smaller, as sometimes I would get hit because of a single pixel touching my character, which can often times feel unfair. Great game though!
Very pretty game and I love that you found the time to craft a story for the game as well! Choosing between different abilities during combat was an interesting idea, though sadly I didn't find it too necessary to switch from the basic melee attack since nothing really prevented the player from spamming it and taking the boss down that way. I did at least try all of them to see what they did and felt like and I really liked the variance in combat styles they offered.
Oh hey, another snake game! And involving sacrificing yourself too, haha, we had very similar ideas :D I really like the idea of building your snake out of multiple different types of body segments, inspired by the game snkrx perhaps? The game felt polished and looked visually pleasing, despite the very simple graphics thanks to vfx. While playing, I kind of wished for a way to speed up movement, as it was quite hard to dodge attacks and get to a safe position in time. I had fun playing your game!
The combat mechanic fits the theme perfectly and it was implemented well. I had a lot of fun playing the bosses, though I do think their health was a just a little too much for my taste. The art is obviously fantastic and I love that you have a range of weapons and also items to choose from to make the combat fun for any play style. The team did an awesome job!
Pretty unique genre for this game jam. It was well implemented and it was fun watching the numbers go up :D I think the UI could have been made a little more polished like others have said. Pretty cool game that you can play in the background while going around and rating other people's games in the process XD
I had to install a newer version of Microsoft visual c++ to play XD. Really nice lighting in the game! I enjoyed playing quite a lot. Bosses were challenging but not too hard once you figure out the trick. Besides a couple bugs like with the last boss, it played quite well. I also didn't know there was the nail gun, only found it at the last boss haha. The areas were designed really well, the last boss fight's arena was visually very cool, although a little bit annoying to fight in. Music was also very nice to listen to :D Second boss fight with the bell was in my opinion a little too repetitive and long, maybe a couple different attacks would have made it more engaging. But very good game overall!