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Sparkship EngineerView game page

Tile-Building Clicker In Space
Submitted by matthew-marmalade
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of the Limitation#652.5303.200

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team members
Matthew Marsland, Jordan Reece, Ellen Kate Malpas

Software used
Unity, Aseprite, Procreate, Reaper, Ableton

Use of the limitation
The goal of the game is to reach the speed of light.

Cookies eaten
Surprisingly, none :(

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I love the system you've built with different resources, tiles, all working together. UI, pixel art and animation are great, too!

It's a little bit difficult to figure out the game mechanics when you're just starting out because there is so much stuff. But I built new blocks one by one top to bottom and managed to win without even placing a couple blocks from the bottom (something related to antimatter)

I think with more content and gradual introduction of new mechanics the game has potential to be a great idle game!


Hey! Thanks so much for playing and commenting. Work and travel hit hard after submission; I’m really sorry that I’m responding so late.

Thank you for all the kind words! I’m delighted you enjoyed. Jordan’s work on the art and animation is indeed stunning. Glad you liked the UI too - it was almost certainly not the most efficient way to do so, but it’s actually a tilemap! Jordan made the individual tiles for it, which worked surprisingly flexibly given how much the layout was iterating during development (and given this is my first Unity game).

Onboarding and information overload is definitely a common critique! I’ve got to get better at taking time within the jam to take a long hard look at the game’s mysteries without the benefit of being the one who programmed ’em.

Thanks again for commenting, we really appreciate it; I hope to be more timely in future!


Looks like we has fairly similar ideas but took them in different directions!

I love the strategy approach and the amount of depth and customisation you get from different configurations of the options. It suffers a bit from information overload, it would have been nice to introduce the different tiles a bit more gradually but that's an understandable issue with the time limitation. What you've managed to put together is really impressive, it looks and sounds great, everything works smoothly, the UI is very intuitive and there's a good amount of feedback!


Hey! Thanks so much for playing and commenting. Work and travel hit hard after submission; I’m really sorry that I’m responding so late.

Ha, yeah, I played and enjoyed your game, there’s definitely a lightspeed + clicker similarity here! Gradual introduction of the tiles is a great idea; I had some early thoughts about them being locked behind reaching certain speeds, kind of defining different eras of the game? The organization of the grid into rows of three that sort of represent ‘tiers’ was originally intended for that - but I couldn’t find an easy way to justify narratively that ‘certain parts can only be constructed at certain speeds’, and for that and time pressure it hit the cutting room floor. Definitely regret that though; With the other comment above on this subject (and I actually got a similar criticism IRL from a friend as well) I think it would be a good priority for any update!

Thanks very much for all the kind words, and again, I apologize for my late response! I owe you all a timely rating-back next time you’re jamming.


Fun and interesting concept, although it's fairly easy to cheese if you get a bunch of levers in a row, it also looks really good, especially considering the limited timeframe.


Hey! Thanks so much for playing and commenting. Work and travel hit hard after submission; I’m really sorry that I’m responding so late.

Yeah the balance was a major element that we did not put enough time towards… I’m glad it errs on the side of ‘way too easy’ rather than ‘impossible’ but it sure could do with a more challenging arc. Glad you enjoyed the looks; even with the limited timeframe as you say, Jordan produced maybe 50% more assets than actually made it into the game, the mad lad!

Thanks again!