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A jam submission

Under DestructionView game page

A unique 2D top-down action game with a destroyable map
Submitted by Anthony Long — 6 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of the Limitation#24.0004.000

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team members
1 just me

Software used
Turbo Warp

Use of the limitation
Distrucable Map, and Escalation through the level and dynamic play area mechanic

Cookies eaten

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This was made SOLO in 3 days?? It feels so TIGHT! It was a perfect level of difficulty, I both felt like a master and a moron back and forth. The tails you can't see on the long missiles until they were in the player area kept them a constant threat. I don't know if this was intended, but I ended up collecting loads of bombs, so I never felt like I needed to manage my inventory of those. The whole thing really scratched an itch in my brain. It was a great time, and if you continue, I'm gonna be back for sure.


Thank you so much! And im glad you noticed! I was thinking of more enemies and maybe a boss taking advantage of that threat, like a small red dot being the only part of a massive enemy you can see. But I'm glad you enjoyed it! Based on the support I'll probally release a small balance update at least and at most the whole finished game

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Wonderful, i fell in love with it! I Wish there was more weapon. :(


Thank you! If I come back to this project id add much weapons and bombs, as well as maps/enemies and bosses


Really fun game, impressive for a one man team. The sound design is good and the kick and shake of the gunfire feels nice. Love that there is a final boss kind of enemy, allows it to end on a climactic note, but I would have loved if it had more health/shot more projectiles, because it only took 3 or 4 grenades to kill it. Also thought there might be another weapon based on the no weapons "yet" text, but that probably refers to it not having been implemented just yet. Overall great game feel though!


Thanks! And I'm glad you beat the game! The game could defiantly use some balancing lol. And yes I haven't implemented any new weapons yet. but have the sprite work for at lease one done so far, (spoiler lol) but I had planned for the weapons to all take advantage of the unique map style. and change gameplay to basically be like another game


Music and sound design are really good! I actually loved the little bullets coming out of the gun. The enemy that makes the 3 width block across the whole was really cool. 
I kinda zoned out after a bit and died to the red squares. I wished they weren't just squares but I think that is just a personal preference.
The stages after you clear the room takes a really long time. Then once the enemies start to ramp up, it gets really interesting.


Thank you! And me too, the casings are surprisingly pretty simple, just a mix of tweening and animation. I am proud of the effect how they kind of all blend into each other when they darken instead of overlaying.

And a mix, I was planning on having the enemies themed around explosives and construction equipment but ran out of time


This is awesome :D! The sound design is very nice, the visuals are pleasant, and the gameplay is really fun. It is a bit slow to really get interesting though, the early levels start feeling a bit like a slog.

The enemy that generates a whole row of blocks is really neat and unique- i was just expecting a “beam that hits you”, not “beam that changes the level layout if you dont deal with them early enough”. V cool :)


Thank you! And your defiantly right lol, I procrastinated on the enemies for a while, If i come back to this game That along side new weapons and enemies would be at the top of my list. 

I glad you like the 'barnacles' or 'constructor' enemy's! I'm proud of the interplay they make with the driller guys and i think it lends it self well to the theme, Thanks for the feedback!


This game IS PEAKKK ,First when i loaded up the game I thought it was just a boring game about destroying blocks ,I WAS TOTALLY WRONG ,it has so many content ,The music ISSS FIREE ,I rly enojyed it my man :D


Cool game





I just have a little difficult seeing the hud visuals on the sides because they are a little tiny, and the buzzer sound of the constructor is very irritating xd

But everything was very good, very impressive that a game like this was made on three days, i loved the visuals. 

The shoot that pierces everything but the block is a good choice of game design, because you can explode the grenades with your bullets so you can feel like a master of destruction.


Thank you so much! And you could say it just gives more incentive to kill them lol! (also constructer a good name for them, i have them called barnacles in the code) I was thinking of adding more enemies to take advantage of the destructible map like a lazer enemy that you'd have to hide behind a wall from


that enemy would bee funn!! ohand i think it is an artistic but i think it  would be better if the square enemy is a bug shaped thing or something like spider xd


Very good visuals and very juicy game play, the restart button didn't work for me but I was willing to refresh the tab to play again!


Thank you! and you're right, looks like i forgot to add back some code I deleted while testing, and glad you liked it!