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AngeloDev (ツ)

A member registered Apr 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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np dude ,thanks :D

This is the best game i've ever played in my life ,thanks man

YOOOO this is sick man ,keep it up :OO

Thankksss , i rly apperciaite it ,the difficulty was hard bc i got used to da game xD ,when u slap an enemy ,it has to be another enemy not the one u already killed ,and the level design was uhh a bit bad bc i made it :D

Cool game man :D

me too ,but me getting used to A LOT of games i like shift now ,the ctrl didn't bother me tho :

Yeah some one added the ctrl (vlosyros) but i fixed it so I've added ctrl and shift for the dash :D Ty tho 

Cool game .love the vibes, the art is funny its hilarious!!

Thanks man ,i really apperciaite your feedback ,Imma apply your feedback and maybe add them to my feature games :O

Yo this game is sick ,keep it up man!

W ,da music is obv me :D uhh everything else you didn't like is my teammates fault xD but seriously ,I apperciaite your feedback ,btw to heal u kill an enemy u get into slap mode and slap an enemy using the right click .then u get a finger back ,i see u didn't read da tutorial >:< ,anyway the level design was rushed ,i was going to add areas where u have to 1v1 da enemies so u can open da door to continue your journey but uhhh ,i forgot to add it so.. :/ ,thanks man for ur feedback :D

.. This game changed my prespective of game dev ,The art is so cool ,the mechanics are perfect :O Man ur winning dis xD *clap* *Clap*

I fell and went to the Backrooms 0-0 Good game tho ,i enjoyed it :D

Don't blame me for the transition 0-0 it was vlosy idea >:(

Thanks man ,I didn't wanna cap the vlocity in the y direction because it was HALIRIOUS ,the game design was bad bc i made it :D If i had a little time to learn da level design then i would've made smt good but... :(

Never gotten scared by a game jam game before 0-0 ,bro this game will win i tell ya xD

Yo this game is a cool simple game :D da wizard is so cute man

O M G ,This game is A MASTERPIECE ,if u had audio and more levels and good level design u wouldv'e won ,some levels are simple ,you should've had some limit to how much i can edit the player timeline ,but bro 9/10 EASY

Yoo this game is sick man :D

YOOOO this game is SOOOO GOOD ,yet super hard ,like VERY VERY hard ,i couldn't even get passed the first checkpoint D: but the voices gave the star SO MUCH PERSOANLLITY .5 stars :D

Cool game man ,keep it up ,i hope you make more games like this and better :D

This game had is good but it had a bug where when i fall into one of the areas i don't die ,i just keep falling.. D:  suggestion is pls offset the camera to the player direction so the player can see whats ahead ,maybe more effects? And thats all i have to say ,Great game man keep it up :D

Thanks man ,the dying animation is slow because we need to like make you suffer for u killing da player >:)

Omg this game is a masterpiece ,no actually I LOVE IT 

thanks man!!

Ty :D

YOO this game is SICK ,I incountered 0 BUG :O ,I kinda died 50 times bc I suck :( But I LIKE IT :D

Thanks A LOT :D I don't know about the bug you encountered :(  I will fix it as soon as possible (Maybe) ,idk if the game is a precision platformer :O but thanks for the feed back ,I rly appreciate it

The funny thing that I never played those games xD But thanks man :D

(1 edit)

U were the guy who helped me make the game... Its all your fault for not telling me whats wrong with it xD

And we made this in 2 DAYS not 3 remember?

Great game .Simple .and Fun ,only thing i struggled with is How to pick things (I was dumb) ,The hitbox for picking things is VERY annoying ,The timer is too low for me bc I don't rly play these kind of games .Maybe add a option menu to select the time... But this game IS VERY FUN :D

This game IS PEAKKK ,First when i loaded up the game I thought it was just a boring game about destroying blocks ,I WAS TOTALLY WRONG ,it has so many content ,The music ISSS FIREE ,I rly enojyed it my man :D

Cool game man :D .It was hard for me to find bc you didn't have a thumbnail or screen shots :) And i didn't know you can move with WASD bc there wasn't any tutorials ,I recommend adding a simple tutorial in the description of you game ,and a thumbnail bc its 80% of what people see before they click on your game.

Tyyyyyy :D I really appreciate it  ,but the other games also have their mechanics and specialty

Thank you my dude :D

Thankkk youu :D ,The main menu music was made by someone in youtube called: @JJCraft31 ,and the main theme music: Waterflame

The prize is you trying to win ,then you don't sleep for hours to add 1 mechanic that won't be used in the whole game only once ,bc you don't know how to game desgin :D

Ty man :D

Thanks man ,and the glitch effect wasn’t using css ,it was using a website (forgot it’s name) that makes that glitch effect :0