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BrawlerView game page

A fast-paced fighting game fit for a Nokia 3310
Submitted by Basil Termini (@BasilTermini) — 54 minutes, 17 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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There's a lot of good things that can be said about this game, so I'll stick to what stood out to me the most.

The ghosting effect for movement is awesome and such a clever move to replicate the effect of playing on a Nokia. The difficulty got pretty tough, and I enjoyed that, though I admittedly found myself spamming kicks at the end because it felt like the safest option, but it should still felt doable with a more varied playstyle for sure. Also, very readable and pleasing art style.

Good job! ♥


The respect of the Nokia spec is incredible. I love that when moving the pixel is running "almost" off (with the  the persistence of vision ? ) How di you achieve such effect? redrawing but with a very low alpha?
Because of this effect, I didn't play to much, I just check pixels 😂

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really nice! Great concept, art and use of sound! Movement feels good too - love that cartwheel. How was the experience of making it in C with Raylib? I was considering it but decided to give Godot a spin


Thank you very much!

For the most part development went really smooth. I first got the fighting working for the player, then I created an intermediary 'brain' that provides the inputs for a fighter, and the inputs from the keyboard control the player's 'brain'. I really enjoyed doing the background art and adding the animation to the grass. Adding limitations like frame blending and 4:3 pixel scale to my rendering were fun challenges also. Working in the parallax was a bit less fun, mostly because the state that controls it was starting to get messy.  

It got stressful at the end when I still had a lot of features to get in such as proper timed enemy spawning (the ! flashes, then an an enemy spawns). When working on a program with a lot of moving parts in C you really have to think about how to integrate new state machines into the ones already there, otherwise you'll turn really clear and elegant code into spaghetti by the end of the project, like I did.

Now, that having been said, C is my favorite language and I love the freedom and simplicity of using Raylib. I've used GameMaker, Unity, and Godot over the years, but I've learned that for me, simple procedural programming is the way to go (I also like really fast compile times).


Very interesting - thanks for sharing. Ive only played around with RayLib a little bit while doing a C course, but still enough to know how complicated this would be to pull off. You’ve come out the other end with a fun little game, so definitely worth wading through that spaghetti. Good work!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Good job! It’s very fun and challening, congratulations!


Thank you!


nice stuff. the movement and attacks feel very good and the sound is also cool




pixel streets of rage!




Very creative game. I would like to see his evolution. I feel like Neo in the matrix doing cartwheels


Awesome, thank you!


Amazing. love the fading pixel effect. Fun.

Only critique is would be fun if there was a reason to use either the punch or kick as opposed to just spamming the kick attack.


Thanks for the criticism, and I agree, the kick is just a better version of the punch. Having the punch, say, stun enemies for less time would mean you could deal damage faster, which might make it more useful.


Very fluid controls. I love how the pixels fade as you move around the screen. Great job maximizing the limitations of the Nokia


Thanks a lot! I had to make quite a few changes to the rendering stage of my 'engine', particularly for the frame-blending.


The game feels good! I really liked the onigiri to eat tho replenish the healtH! and the old screen effect that you used is amazing! very good job!


Thanks a ton!