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A member registered Nov 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks!! <3 Big warioware fan too :)

Thanks <3

Really cool game. The scene transitions were well done. They really put a bow on top of everything.

Great game. Can't say I was very good at it, but had a lot of fun. Clearly lots of polish on this one

Amazing. Art is extremely well done. Great interpretation of the optional theme; I like that the frozen blocks would heat up over the flame.

Most certain most people who chose to play this one played club penguin in the past (guilty as charged). Game ports over well. Good execution!

I know a jam game is going to be great when there's an opening cut scene. Not much to say. It's a fun and polished title. Easy five stars.

Fun little experience. A Nokia game can only be so scary relative to modern horror games. Despite this you did a great job. Loved the scares. I'm a sucker for a "don't look back".

Even Godzilla would fear Uranium Boy. Felt a bit like a Warioware collection. Love the originality!

So true haha

Valid critique. Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

I love seeing fan games in this jam. It's really interesting to see how people navigate the limitations while respecting the source material. I understand this may be your first game/jam, so first off good job for participating. My only comment would be that the controls were a bit difficult to use. I oftentimes had to repeat a button press for me to travel in the direction I was intending to go. Other than that, good job! Hope you're proud of what you made :)

OH MY GODDDDD!!! Neat concept for a game :)

I love how calculated you have to be and how you reward accuracy with more ammunition. Good work :)

Honestly I have no clue how we got around to the idea. Glad you enjoyed it. I completely agree Jerma should've been featured within the game. I suppose it's false advertising haha

Not much to say, fantastic game. You clearly put a lot of time, effort, and love into it. Loved that Jackpot trick, too funny.

That's the kind of feel we were going for. Glad we could encapsulate that. Thanks for playing!

Absolutely insane. With the specified limitations, an RPG was definitely not on my mind when planning for this jam. Hope you're proud of the final result.

I'll take that as a complement haha.

Great idea. My jam partner and I talked about that. Never ended up doing it because we weren't sure how many people had numpads. Definitely something I'll consider doing post jam.

I'm a sucker for a casino game. You've clearly laid great groundwork, I'll be back to play it when you update it :)

Fun little game. I like that snowballs are finite. Had to make every shot count. Great job!

Unsure if this is your first jam/experience making games. Regardless, good on you for putting yourself out there. Try not to beat yourself up on the final product. Not all of them can be good. I've had my fair share of games that failed to meet my expectations, that's just how it is. It takes a lot of courage to submit a product you're disappointed in and you should be proud you submitted, even if it's just screenshots. Would've loved to hear what you planned on making in the description. Keep your head up and keep jamming :)

Very fluid controls. I love how the pixels fade as you move around the screen. Great job maximizing the limitations of the Nokia

Love this interpretation of the optional theme. Good work :)

Really cool game! I loved how the buildings hid to increase visibility. The game felt really well put together and polished

Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll be fixing the inventory and making the sure either the levels fit the movement better or vice versa. Otherwise I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Thanks for playing! There's a lot of things missing and needing fixing of present. My intent is continue development on this!

Thanks! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it :)

Great job team. I already enjoyed it the previous week before submission and in that last week of polish you really made it shine. Nothing short of impressive!

I love looting games. Only thing is I found the movement a bit disorienting. I like how the world is turned 45 degrees however I don't think the player movement should be effected by this stylistic change. When I press "W" I expected to move up rather than forward relative to the character within the world. Especially where I only had 10 seconds to loot things became very difficult. Otherwise, I thought this one was very cool!

I like that you updated the menu screen (from what I remember) and I appreciate that you added a notice on how to get back to the menu. Good work :)

I'm glad you toned things back with the screen shake :) Could benefit from a nicer looking HUD but I'm very impressed. Great job! Hope you're proud of your submission.

I absolutely love the explosion animation. Music and sound effects will really make this game pop. Felt nice and polished otherwise :)

It's great to see you in the comments again. I find your style of commenting very informative.

It seems the movement is a recurring issue. What is your thoughts on keeping this movement but making the maps more friendly to this movement style? Once I stitched together the game and played the maps even I found myself getting frustrated with how precise some of the jumps were for the movement.

I'll be working on this project in the future and will be using your feedback as inspiration for what needs to be changed and implemented. Thanks again for taking the time to play our submission :)

Inventory is has to be redone as it's riddled with bugs a few features. Had to cut my losses debugging it as it was cutting into other development time :( Also I agree that the movement was a bit too floaty. Either that or the maps weren't constructed in a way to facilitate the movement. If one were to change, which would you prefer? (Both can be an option too)

Otherwise, thanks for playing and commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed the concept :)

Thanks! I'm really glad to hear.

I realized that as I stitched the game together. I had someone else on my team work on the levels and realized that either the movement needed to be toned back or the levels needed to be sculpted to fit the floaty movement.

I intend on working on this project in the future. In your opinion, would you rather see new movement to fit the current style of levels or new levels to fit the current style of movement?

Thanks again for taking the time to comment. Feedback is very much appreciated :)

Glad to hear you're relatively satisfied :)  I'm not completely attached to the wall running as it stands right now. I'll consider reworking wall running where I could incorporate holding Spacebar to continue the wall run given I find time to change this. Thanks for your feedback!

Big fan of this one. Aesthetic was nice. I liked the diversity in enemy behaviour. Controls were fluid. Surprisingly one of my favourite things was the pitch shifting of the orb and the dashing. It was like frosting on the cake. Easily one of my favourites thus far.

The art is very nice and I liked that there were sound effects/music. Only comment I'd make is I think it was a little weird that the text-typing sound kept changing even though it was the same character talking. It seemed to be random as far as I could tell. I think it might be nice if it's kept to one text sound per character. However, if this was intentional please let me know. Other than that good job!

Cute mini-game pack. I think it would really benefit from a way to return to the other games. If this is already implemented, it would be good to add a reminder in the top right corner on how to exit to the menu.