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A member registered Jun 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was so good! From the art to the mechanics this was a great play. Super clean and well made. Great work to everyone at the team. Also I laughed at the dev message at the beginning.

Holy cow! This is an incredible game for the time y'all had to work on it. Feels like a finished product. The art and characters are so cute! Music is really good. Lots to do and explore. I could go on but I'm sure y'all already know you killed it ; ). Really goes to show what an organized large team can get done!

This is great. The concept is so fun! I enjoyed it a lot. That being said don't get it twisted you need some real gamer skills to defeat that dastardly ant eater. The mechanic where you get pushed by the kick back of the gun is actually pretty cool and the art is very enjoyable. The number one thing I would change is increasing the speed that the gun is allowed to spin, I think this would help the game play a lot. O also I love a game with a composer so shout out to the music person. Great work on this!

I really liked the character and how the character sfx pitched based on size! I gotta say that end screen... WOW! Very cool.

This is really cool! The mechanic is fun and it's easy to jump between the two game modes. The whole experience feels very polished and I am impressed with the time and stars players can try to get after they beat a level. I personally did not care for the music and the jump sound but those are minor complaints. Over all a great submission and deserves more people checking it out. Great work!

This is really cool and under rated so I am glad the random section of the jam led me here! The mechanics are quite interesting and the over all style is on point. That being said being able to kill your self when you are on top of a platform with the spikes on the side of the platform will lead players to feel cheated as they already cleared that obstacle in their mind. Over all I think y'all came up with something really cool here. Great work! : )

I enjoyed this! The highlight was the cut scene at the end hahaha. I too would explode if my repair bill was that high!!! I also liked the music. Nice job!

Great game! Art was super cute and I loved the ending! The game functioned very well and I had a good time playing though it! Great work! : D

What a good entry! Super stylish and the game functioned great! I love the story and concept. Voice acting was super cool too. Over all a great game! Well done!!!!

A fun and cute little puzzle game! This mechanic could be taken in a lot of cool ways so I would love to see it expanded after the jam! My only crit is I did not love the music but it did not take away from the game for me. Great work!

What a cute game! I am a big fan of mouse characters so this was a hit right away. Also the art was sooooo cute! Great Job!!!!!!

This was very cool and interesting! I am honestly impressed with the amount of writing that was put into it. Music loops were short but some how did not get on my nerves which is honestly impressive. Also really enjoyed the story and characters, it took me back to playing MMOs : ) Great work the lot of ya!

Cute game! Very easy going n chill. I did not love the music tbh but it fit well enough and I still enjoyed solving the puzzles. Good job!

I loved this one! First off the game is pretty cleaver with its take on the theme. Having to build a platform that can support its self totally hits the mark. I did manage to get to a point where my tower was so tall I could no longer see what I was placing the duplicate tower on top of and died which is a shame as I would have loved to see just how tall it could get! Audio work was great. The fun sound effects tickled me and helped illustrate the mood of what was happening on screen. Art was really nice too! The game pieces where very nice to look at and the character has a lot of style. Over all loved this one. Great job the lot of ya >:)

I love the tiny lizard. So cute and small. The animation when the lizard falls off the ceiling is cute too. The puzzles where tricky but not too long which I think was a good balance. I got really far in the game when it just froze after I went in the finish tube. I don't know if it was a bug or if that was just the end but I thought I would let you know. I enjoyed it! I did not like the music. Great job on this it was fun!

This is so good! What a great little puzzle platformer!!!!! Art was very cute and the puzzles where legitimately fun and cleaver. I loved this great job!

That intro was fantastic hahaha. Loved the voice acting! Game is quite hard for me and so did not make it very far. Still really enjoyed the experience!

Very creative and cool! It's like the worlds most elaborate DAW! I imagine people making things that resemble Factorio worlds that play Mozart. Very cool!

I looooved the art style! That buff Squirrel will live rent free in my mind palace for quite some time. I also thought the cut scene was so cute and creative!!! Game play was fun and tricky. Great work!!!! : )

A cool and creative puzzle game! I feel like if you have a fast enough reaction time you could crush them out first go but I sadly am but just a man... so it took me quite a few try's to beat the levels. Lots of polish on this one great job getting this all done in time!

A very cool and fun physics builder! There is an impressive amount of game here for the length of the jam! Easy to play and get stuck into so I had a great time building my car and completing those errands : ) Great work!

What a cool game! I am not going to lie when I saw those butt cheeks in the intro cut scene I laughed out loud. The give and take mechanic is interesting and the music has a very quirky style. Great work to all of you!

Wow what a cute and creative game! Loved the art style and the concept!!! I found the controls a tiny bit confusing but it might just be because I stayed up to 3am finishing the jam lol. Great work!!!!!

A fun take on the traditional platformer! Controls felt tight nice work!

A fun little game! I like the colour choices and the push pull mechanics to managing your scale vs speed is an interesting resource to try manage. The congratulations voice made me smile too : )

A unique take on a great game style! Scaling the towers was cool. Great Job!

What a fun game! Took me a little bit but I beat all the holes and secured my spot as the greatest golfer of all time! Great work!

Loved the art style! Found the mechanics a bit confusing though. Great job!

Anytime dude : ) Glad to see it working now!

Wow just beautiful! The streaming link seems to be down but I just downloaded the track and listened to it that way : ) The way the melody evolves and brings in the other instruments is so well done and the mixing and mastering strike such a good balance between the harmony! A gorgeous OST!

What a cool OST! Songs were on point and totally nailed the purpose of each track. Mixing and mastering sounded good too. I think the second song was my fav out of the three but its really hard to say. Great work on this I really enjoyed checking it out : )

This was very cool! Felt epic and foreboding so I think you nailed it there. The sound selection was really cool too so great work on these tracks! : D

Some very cool n chill dungeony tunes! Last song is for sure my fav. The vocals in the mix add so much to the track! OST goes great with the game you have described so very good job!!!!

Loved the vibe of this OST. It was so moody and cool, like walking through a rainy city at night or a lone ship drifting through space. Mixing was super clean too! Great work!

What a fun OST! I could totally see thing going hard in a rpg maker game. The little voice clips made me smile "victory!". Fav song has to be Boss Battle, I could totally see an epic fight going down to that. Great job with the motifs too. Loved this OST, its very charming.

This OST is bubbly and fun! I really enjoyed the mix of electronic sounds and more traditional instruments. RAM-EATER was for sure the stand out track for me. Cool OST!

Very pretty and well written! I really enjoyed how it paired with the album cover and the game story you have written. Despite not being able to get your big finish in I think you did a great job!

This OST is so much fuuuun!!! I really enjoyed listening to it and the production on the drums was sick. Great job!

A cool OST and a cool take on the theme. My fav song was number 4 with its big chuggy guitars. Great job!

(1 edit)

I like the spin on the theme! Going for a bunch of epic boss themes is something not many people are doing so good job! The songs feel epic and dangerous and definitely capture the mood of battle. My only gripe is the mixing could have used some love. In particular giving the drums some more volume and presence over the other tracks would help them out a bunch because the breaks are great! It also sounds like the sounds in the tracks could use some low end cuts to let everything breath. This is a cool OST keep up the good work! : D