That was dope as hell! What a great game! I looooved the art, atmosphere, music, story it was all so great. I really like all the creative ways the mechanic was used too very slick. Over all I am just hella impressed. This was awesome, great job!!!!! >:3!!!!
Lost Online
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Omg I loved this one. Honestly one of the best I have seen in the jam!!!! The art is soooo good and the mechanic is great too! I was getting my butt handed to me but I wanted to see more of the pretty lady so I pushed through and beat it lol. The mechanic where you have to drag away the goons was a good ramp up at the end with out making it too hard. My fav part has to be the cut scenes though I loved those. Great work both of you : 3
Holy cow! This is an incredible game for the time y'all had to work on it. Feels like a finished product. The art and characters are so cute! Music is really good. Lots to do and explore. I could go on but I'm sure y'all already know you killed it ; ). Really goes to show what an organized large team can get done!
This is great. The concept is so fun! I enjoyed it a lot. That being said don't get it twisted you need some real gamer skills to defeat that dastardly ant eater. The mechanic where you get pushed by the kick back of the gun is actually pretty cool and the art is very enjoyable. The number one thing I would change is increasing the speed that the gun is allowed to spin, I think this would help the game play a lot. O also I love a game with a composer so shout out to the music person. Great work on this!
This is really cool! The mechanic is fun and it's easy to jump between the two game modes. The whole experience feels very polished and I am impressed with the time and stars players can try to get after they beat a level. I personally did not care for the music and the jump sound but those are minor complaints. Over all a great submission and deserves more people checking it out. Great work!
This is really cool and under rated so I am glad the random section of the jam led me here! The mechanics are quite interesting and the over all style is on point. That being said being able to kill your self when you are on top of a platform with the spikes on the side of the platform will lead players to feel cheated as they already cleared that obstacle in their mind. Over all I think y'all came up with something really cool here. Great work! : )
This was very cool and interesting! I am honestly impressed with the amount of writing that was put into it. Music loops were short but some how did not get on my nerves which is honestly impressive. Also really enjoyed the story and characters, it took me back to playing MMOs : ) Great work the lot of ya!
I loved this one! First off the game is pretty cleaver with its take on the theme. Having to build a platform that can support its self totally hits the mark. I did manage to get to a point where my tower was so tall I could no longer see what I was placing the duplicate tower on top of and died which is a shame as I would have loved to see just how tall it could get! Audio work was great. The fun sound effects tickled me and helped illustrate the mood of what was happening on screen. Art was really nice too! The game pieces where very nice to look at and the character has a lot of style. Over all loved this one. Great job the lot of ya >:)
I love the tiny lizard. So cute and small. The animation when the lizard falls off the ceiling is cute too. The puzzles where tricky but not too long which I think was a good balance. I got really far in the game when it just froze after I went in the finish tube. I don't know if it was a bug or if that was just the end but I thought I would let you know. I enjoyed it! I did not like the music. Great job on this it was fun!