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Beyond Wave's End (Composing Game Jam 2024)View project page

Submitted by andrew_nugooyeen — 3 hours, 27 minutes before the deadline
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Beyond Wave's End (Composing Game Jam 2024)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1133.9003.900

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

We utilized genres like classical, jazz, and ambiance within our 3 tracks. The kind of game we composed for is a 3D art based game with a style similar to Tunic which utilizes music and the environment to create an atmospheric experience. The title theme (made with Cubase) represents the starting screen where the girl gets immersed into her dream like state full of uncertainty but wonder, which utilized rubato uses of piano, music box, bass, and strings. The main theme (FL Studio) represents the main OST for the overall mood of adventure and happiness of childhood which utilized strings with a motif use of the acoustic guitar. Lastly, the ending theme (Musescore 4) represents the idea of hope for the future after living through dreams and memories with the usage of strings but with female choir this time.

Message from the artist
Thanks for listening! All of 3 of us worked hard to make this and the names of our tracks are in the YouTube playlist. The one who is typing all of this is andrew_nugooyeen.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
All 3 tracks represent different moods of the world or psyche of a person whether it's contemplation, as shown by the thoughts of bubbles rising through the title theme, a sense of childhood and adventure, as shown by the child-like drawings of sea creatures through the main theme, and then hope for the future as the bubbles rise up to the surface with the credits theme.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Very nice collection of tracks. I definitely hear the watery location feel of a video game for each of these. I would say my favorite of the three is the second one because of the general combination of instruments, but each has its own unique feel to it that makes sense to have included. 

Very cool to have a collaboration project like this in here. Very cool to see different interpretations like this.


Yeah we were inspired by the sense of wonder and underwater nature of the art. Thanks!


Really liked the dreamy feel on the Title Screen track, good stuff!


Thanks! That was definitely the vibe I wanted to go for.


A Future's Worth - A bright track with a nice chorus that opens the soundtrack nicely)

Those We Cherish - Some piano fighting with orchestral instruments for a place in the song! Eventually they come to a compromise and..... end the track)

Polyphonic Waves - Waves, water, sea, oceans...

Overall - good ambient with interesting melody and magical sound, heh)

I liked it. Thanks!


Thanks! That's what I went for my track, polyphonic waves. The random bubbles and underwater imagery made me wanna compose something delicate and a bit random but together.


polyphonic was so calming ^_^

Great job on this ya'll! :D


Thanks! It seems people reallyyy like polyphonic waves a lot LOL


Very pretty! I was a little sad because it felt like it was over before it had really began. 

I think if they were a tad longer they would have been even better but I understand the time constraints.


Appreciate it. It definitelyyt could've been fleshed out more years in terms of continuity.


I like polyphonic waves especially. The delayed effect on the piano (whether it was played or added later) makes it sound really dreamy and nostalgic. Nice job! 


Thanks! It's a mix of delay and reverb.


You have a way with textures, great piano writing! ^^ I like when it comes to the forefront in the 'Those we Cherish', the elements complement each other well. Keep it up!


Thank you! I went for a very ethereal vibe that matched the imaginative state of the art.


Very impressed with your work! Beautiful composition and atmospheres you've created and I love the pianos. Great stuff and looking forward to hearing more!


Thank you so much! I was inspired by the random and playful bubbles and did a piece that was very out of but in time at the same time with the title theme


Super strong compositions! I really like the title screen and the ambient piano. Great work!


Thank you so much! I love composing piano based compositions


I really enjoyed the piano.


Thanks! I love composing for piano


These are solid! A nice variety with some unique flair for each composer.

Title Screen is a nice, soft introduction. Piano playing is good - nice articulations and whimsy. Supporting strings and accompaniment do a good job of never overtly crowding the playing space; letting the piano melody weave its way through at the forefront, bolstering it from the sides and below. Only thing I'd change with this is boosting the volume just a tad as it is a little on the low side of things, but that's more of a nitpick as ultimately this isn't a major issue for a jam.

The Main Theme reminds me of a slightly more modern arrangement of an RPG theme you'd hear on a SNES or some other 16-bit console.  Good progression, nice variety of melodies and countermelodies and the orchestration is nice and comfortable in the back.

Finally, the Credits Theme is similar to the main theme above - same kind of old-school vibes with a little bit more of a modern twist on the production. I really like how it transitions from an almost victorious fanfare into a lull around the mid-section before beginning to crescendo again, gradually building as the end of the credits draw near.

Great work you lot! Well executed and produced. 


Thanks man! Yeahh unfortunately on the last day of the game jam, I couldn't get cubase to work so the volume ended up being a little cold or low.


Hey Andrew, awesome stuff! I would love to hear more music from you next time, but I love what you submitted. Keep it up! (This is Zoomy btw from discord)


Thanks man! This was a collaborative effort and I wish I could've done even more within the week I had but I'm happy with the opener that I composed. Work life and music creativity gets hard sometimes haha. I'll show you more of my recent film compositions I've worked on and a demo of the game that I'm working on at the moment