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A jam submission

Inside My WorldView project page

Submitted by TanES, Dousalad, AZEVITO — 7 minutes, 53 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#214.2694.269

Ranked from 67 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • "Main Menu" had a wonderfully high-flying quality that I thought was really nicely complimented by the use of percussion-- particularly snare-- just a smile on my face from beginning to end. I appreciate the focus on legible melodic content as well (true throughout the entirety of this entry, really). I very much appreciate the effort put into having a live version of "Shrinking World" in your submission. The performance here really adds to the whole, and I thought it was rendered with just the right amount of expressive playing. Thank you so much for this! Sometimes I felt that the tracks ended a bit abruptly, which is to say that I was enjoying them quite a bit and would like to hear some of them developed even more-- "Cat Chase" and "Beyond the Door" in particular felt like the story was just a tad cut off from a structural point of view, and that there was more to say with the material you had presented. Overall, I was very impressed with the material here. Very nice work!

Hi everyone this is our submission for OST Composing Jam #7. The theme of the competition was "Inside My World". Our biggest hurdle was finishing up the "Shrinking World" theme since it was last minute we had to play it live. We ended up using the theme as the name for our soundtrack. If you're interested, we made a little story below that goes with the whole soundtrack. Anyways I hope everyone can take the time to listen to our soundtrack we put a lot of work into it! Enjoy!

Isochron Studio Links

Soundcloud link:
YouTube link: It glitched out but there is also the playlist link at the very bottom

Personal links,


YouTube: It glitched out : (
Discord: tanendershard


Discord: dousalad

Discord: azevito

Inside My World:

In a nice cozy town in the middle of summer, a little girl named Bell discovers a mysterious door leading to a magical world full of imagination. This is her story.

Cat Chase:

One summer day while playing outside Bell notices a little cat. She calls the cat over, but the cat just stands there looking confused. As Bell starts to walk over to him the cat runs off. Bell wanting to play with the cat chases after it, running through streets, yards, and even by the beach just to catch the cat.

Beyond the Door:

After chasing the cat for so long Bell gets lost in an alleyway somewhere in the middle of town. While Bell looks around trying to find the way back home she sees bubbles, water, and even floating golden fish coming from around the corner. Bell rushes over to see where all of it is coming from. When she turns the corner she finds herself in front of a door leading to a magical world. Filled with curiosity she slowly enters the door. Bell finds so many magical things in this world like floating bubbles, a magical sea floor golden and brimming with joy, and even talking fish that swim in the air. She starts playing with the fish and running around realizing that anything she wants can come to life inside this world.

Fish Lullaby:

After hours of playing with the talking fish, she lays down on the golden sea floor to take a nap. While she naps the fish play her a beautiful little lullaby.

The shrinking world:

Bell wakes up suddenly because of a nightmare and realizes she can't find the way back to her world. Since she can't find the door she starts feeling afraid and the world starts shrinking around her, the bubbles start to pop, the talking fish start to disappear, and even the golden sea floor starts to become dim. She's scared and running everywhere trying to find a way out.

A Way Out:

Right when everything was about to disappear she finally saw it, it was the door. She starts to run towards it and a sense of relief fills the world around her. She hears her mom calling out to her wondering where she ran off to, saying "Bell dinners ready, where are you". The world instantly expands with bubbles, golden light, and even the talking fish that had disappeared. As she walked towards the door wanting to show her mom this new world the fish waved and said "Come back soon, we'll miss you" With a final step she walked out the door and fell onto her mom who was waiting for her in the alleyway.

Inside My World (Credits):

Bell's mom asked in a flustered state "Where have you been your food is getting cold". Bell grabbed her mom's arm saying "Mom, Mom look at this I went through this door and..." but when she turned around to look at the door it wasn't there, it had disappeared without a trace. There were no more fish, no more bubbles, and even the water that covered the alleyway was gone. Her mom said "What are you talking about silly, what door." Bell pointed at where the door was and said, "It was just right here I promise". Bell explained everything to her mom but she just thought that it was Bell's imagination. Then after getting up off the ground they both walked back home and began to eat dinner. The little girl never saw that door again but she always referred to it as "Her little world".

The End

Message from the artist
We worked so hard on this thank you for listening!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
We built a story around the girl and the magical world she finds. I think that the story we made matches perfectly with both themes.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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This submission was really fun! I really like how each piece fits naturally into an imaginary arc for a story, and that there's a consistent vibe across them (even when they're clearly playing different roles in the narrative). My favorite piece is probably #4 Fish Lullaby - the perc is really tickly in a good way in the middle. Great work guys!


I'm happy you enjoyed our OST!!!

p.s (just thought I'd let you know our studio always looks forward to your submission ever since OST Jam Crunchtime)


Phew... I finally got to one of the main mastodons of the last OST camp jam...

...and it was F**KING AWESOME. You have made music that is incredibly beautiful in sound, which literally evokes the necessary emotions in me every second (Are you magicians? Witches?)

Thank you very much for the very VERY great soundtrack!

P.S. I am 100% sure that you are wizards


Don't tell anyone because we might get disqualified, but we secretly did a wizard ritual before posting the whole OST.

Thank you very much for the very VERY great comment!!! I'm happy you enjoyed listening to our OST!!!!


It feels very hopeful, like swimming in a vast ocean, reminding me of the game ABZU.


ABZU is a pretty game so I'm glad you related our OST to it! Thanks again for listening!!!!!!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

So, so well produced as always!! You guys did an amazing job!! Loved reading the story while listening as well.


As always :0? I'm glad to hear an OST Jam winner listens to our music. I'm happy you enjoyed the story we put with it, we tried to put just as much care into that as the OST itself. Thanks again for listening!!!!!


I literally get chills every time I play Beyond the Door. This whole soundtrack is packed with care and emotion.

I love the composition and production value of this. It's so well polished! You used leitmotifs to their fullest potential, and it all just ties together perfectly.

I'm gonna assume you recorded all the vocals in Beyond the Door. They just sound too good to be anything else.

This is a really small detail, but I really dig the heavily modulated reverb on the glockenspiel in A Way Out and Fish Lullaby.


I'm really happy that you paid super close attention to the soundtrack as for the vocals it'll always be a secret for what we do for them : ). Thanks again for taking the time to listen to our OST!!!!


Thank you. The reverb is a custom preset I made on Raum by Native Instruments.


Wow the orchestral production on your submission was super polished! Agree with most of the feedback here already and don't have much else to add. Great job!


Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed!


Y'all won the last OST jam so I have been waiting to get to you and after 623 other entries I finally made it!

As expected the quality is of the highest caliber! Although, I started on youtube and saw the tracks were out of order so I switched to the Sound Cloud playlist instead and almost skipped the Main Menu music because I thought it was the same as the first song on the youtube playlist, A Way Out.

I really do think that a couple of the songs start out a bit too similar that I almost couldn't differentiate them at first!

They were all excellent of course and after a few seconds I could distinguish them and it was only a few of them that started with the rising strings that it happened.

The leitmotif is beautiful and moving as well as ever present tying it all together!

An incredibly grand entry! 

Also, when you say you had to play a shrinking world live, do you mean you recorded a live piano or just that you didn't do much editing to like a midi piano that you recorded?


Thank you so much for telling me about the YT playlist thing I didn't realize it was out of order lmao. For Shrinking World (live) it was 30 min left in the jam and we had to play it live and then mix and master it. I think only very slight MIDI editing was done to get rid of completely wrong notes.

Thanks again for telling me about the YT playlist and thanks for taking the time to listen to our OST and so many others!


A beautiful soundtrack! One of my favorites


Thank you, we worked hard on it!!


i never thought that i could watch a movie just by listening into a soundtrack. it was beautiful, emotional. The song really takes you everywhere. Great work!!


Our goal is to always tell a story with our music so I'm happy it did that for you! Thanks for listening to our OST!!!!!


Another perfect entry... perfect for a movie! (Or a walking sim with lush landscapes and people hugging)


Thank you!! I still think there's stuff we can improve on and that it's far from perfect but I really appreciate the comment!!!!


The most majestic cat race I've heard in my life bruh. LMAOO! Amazing composition reminds me of life is strange (somehow, lol). The piano inflections with everything else are amazing man(keyscape plugin ????) keep it UP! 🌵


Thanks for the kind words. The piano plugin is Noir from native instruments.


Thanks for listening to our OST!


What more I can say that hasn't already been said in other comments? This was simply fantastic


Thank you!





Thank you I'm glad we made it to that quality!


As I've promised, here I am!

First song in and I can already tell I'm in for an amazing ride! I can tell how much passion and hard work was put into each and every track, you guys did an amazing job! Everything from the writing all the way to mixing is so high quality, how have I not seen this sooner?? I can easily see you guys get into the Top 20 or heck, even first place! Each track is also so expressive and tells the story you guys wanted to tell so well.

Overall, just some very high quality and amazing tracks that just show how much passion, hard work, time, and love was put into them, outstanding work! I'd love to be able to do what you guys have done someday, but that'll probably years or even decades lol. DEFINITELY up there as one of my personal favorite submissions, you guys did a wonderful job!

That's all I have to say, have an amazing day you guys! :D


Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to our OST!! I'm honestly hoping we somehow get 1st place again we put a lot of time into the OST, but there are so many amazing submissions out there so our goal is top 20. 

Thanks again for listening!


You can tell by listening to this OST just how much hard work was put into it in such a short amount of time, and it paid off so well. This is genuinely beautiful. The writing, the harmonies, the mixing, even the storytelling throughout, y'all knocked it out of the park. This better be in the top 20 submissions, I love it so much.


Thank you! I hope we're able to get top 20 as well we put a lot of heart into it!!!


Ever since speaking with TanES, I've been looking forward to rating this one!!
As expected from a previous 1st placer, it goes unsaid that this is VERY high quality. I love the playful childlike feel kept throughout throughout this OST. This evokes so much nostalgia and I'm absolutely adoring it. Each song is so peaceful and has so much personality in their own unique ways. Amazing effort, and I can't wait to hear more from your studio!!


Thank you so much we were going for a spirited away type of feel when making this OST. Also shameless plug, but we post every Friday on the YT : ). Thanks again for listening to our OST it means a lot!!!!!!!


This was such a high quality entry, everything about this felt professional and well handled from the orchestration to the actual compositional aspects themselves, you all clearly put a lot of heart into this and it felt like i was sitting watching a live performance and not just listening on soundcloud. Excellent work!


I'm honestly so happy that you think our music sounds live, we put a lot of work into getting it as realistic as possible so thank you!!!


This was an amazingly beautiful soundtrack. There is so much movement and excellent dynamics throughout the whole thing. Very impressive work from you guys, you should be proud! This is the kind of stuff that makes every other composer who listens strive to make their craft better.

Extremely well done!


Thank you so much I'm happy we're able to make people strive for better, it means a lot!! Thanks again for listening to our OST!!!


Really really pretty soundtrack. Especially liked to piano on Shrinking World


Thank you!


Winner, that's it


That would actually be crazy if we won twice in a row so I hope so. Thanks for saying so!!!

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