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A jam submission

"In My World"View project page

Submitted by 404_JbN — 18 minutes, 45 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3003.4993.813

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

A girl, having created her own world, goes on an adventure to free her father from corruption. In the beginning, everything seems fine to her (represented by the rather calming and upbeat music), but as she explores said world, she discovers the dark secrets of it.

In the end, the player gets to know that outside of her world her father isn't alive anymore and how she tries to at least keep her father with her at that time.

(names were changed after being submitted here. All of the changed names of the tracks can be seen on Soundcloud)
"01 - In My World" is the music for the title screen.

"02 - Aquatic Adventure" is the music for the first area of the game.

"03 - Area Theme 2" is the music for the second area of the game. I couldn't think of a name, honestly. ("03 - Cave Of Mysteries" on Soundcloud)

"04 - Final Battle Music - Intro" is the music before the final battle against the corruption and represents her fear when seeing her father as he is. ("04 - The Corruption" on Soundcloud)

"05 - Final Battle Music - Battle" is the music for the corruption fight. ("05 - Corrupted Heart" on Soundcloud)

"06 - Bad Ending Theme" is the music for the Bad Ending in which the girl wasn't able to win against the corruption and thus losing her father in her world aswell. ("06 - Forgotten" on Soundcloud)

"07 - Good Ending Theme" is the music for the Good Ending in which the girl succeeds to free her father and thus he remains in her world. ("07 - Remain" on Soundcloud)

The soundtrack consists of a mix of Orchestral and Electronic music. The final boss theme specifically uses Metal/Rock elements to create tension.

The DAW I used is FL Studio Mobile.

Message from the artist
I've experimented with a lot of stuff during the given time window. I am proud of some of the work I've done whilst some other compositions I've made for this are less good in my opinion.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
(Some music might not fit the theme individually as both the picture and words are "part of the game". The music is composed to fit in the story.)

The music sounds happy and childish while having a tone of mystery in it. Later on as the journey progresses, the music gets more mysterious (as composed in "03 - Area Theme 2"). The more tense parts of the songs are supposed to be a kind of adaptive music which changes when you are being attacked or generally being in combat. A big inspiration for it was the soundtrack of the Super Mario Galaxy Series as, in my opinion, it really lets one feel the magnificence but also mystery of the vast universe. I tried to replicate that by using synths mixed with "real" instruments (like violins, pianos, etc.) and some suspended chords here and there as they sound dreamy to me when used as an arpeggio.

Both ending themes should let the player experience how the girl feels after either failing or winning at beating the corruption. There's also a motif I used throughout most of the soundtrack, which I don't really know if it is audible (as I know where they are), but it is used almost everywhere.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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I may be mistaken but your submission reminded me a lot of the vibe in Pokemon's games, especially in "Corrupted Heart". Nice job doing so much variety between your tracks!


I haven't played many pokemon games yet, but heard some music from it. Can't say the OST was directly inspired by Pokemon's music, but I can see where it could have some of the vibes of it. :)


Corrupted heart was my fav of the bunch! It reminded me of late game Terraria Calamity Mod bosses!


Corrupted Heart is definitely different from all the others I submitted (in a good way). Never played Terraria Calamity Mod, but heard some of the great music from it. :)


Corrupted Heart took me by surprise ngl xD

 Really solid OST all around, also FL Studio Mobile, I mean that's amazing lol

Great job!


Thank you! I wanted to at least compose one dramatic track in the OST and so I did. Corrupted Heart could feel a bit out of place at this point, but I can't change that now anyways. :)

Submitted (1 edit)

i'm sorry i wasn't clear, I meant Corrupted Heart was my favourite actually, it was super good! Sorry I wasn't super clear ahaha


Don't worry, I didn't take it as something negative at all. :)

I just added my thoughts of how the track could feel out of place because of the change of pace and genre. But I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Corrupted Heart! :)


Oh, the cute smiley face on the cover art on SoundCloud...

was it fun? Uniquely. You managed to make a small, diverse and interesting soundtrack. I had fun! Thank you)

P.S. I LOVE Corrupted Heart


I had fun composing all of the tracks aswell! :)

I didn't have any idea on what to make as a cover art so I just quickly drew that smiley... I also enjoy listening to "Corrupted Heart" because it is more of the genre that I am usually making and listening to compared to the other music I submitted. :)


"Aquatic Adventure" was my favorite. It suggests going on a cool adventure that gets darker and more ominous. It's a really nice combination of conventional genres and the soundtrack flows very nicely overall.


Thanks! I had a lot of fun composing "Aquatic Adventure" as I most of the time don't do many calm tracks, but I really enjoyed working on that :)


"Inside my World" and "Corrupted Heart" were my favorite tracks. A lot of great ideas were explored in this soundtrack. Also, this is a great advertisement for FL mobile lol.

Great work!


Thanks! I experimented a lot with different ideas and concepts during those days. Writing down ideas and trying to implement them into the compositions later actually helped very much. :)


Quite an interesting listen. The first track really reminded me of the start of UNDERTALE with the reverse cymbal being the first thing you hear (very specific reference, I know). The sound selection definitely left an impression as well as the rhythms used throughout the album. My favorite track is Corruoted Heart. Keep it up!


I am glad you enjoyed it! The beginning of the first track was actually inspired by "101 - Good Night" from Undertale. I also used some intruments from "100 - Megalovania" in "Corrupted Heart" (shreddage, bass, orchestra hit and staccato violin). :)


i liked the house elements in the first songs, they are a bit rough on the mixing but to be honest? i like that, i think it's actually a good thing.
It gives a particularly cheesy vibe to the first song. You could get away with saying that it's a way to represent something way too upbeat to not have some sort of dark secret behind it.
Those rough edges on the drums made the transition to the more rock sound of the battle music less of a stretch soundscape wise. specially from the last bit of the Cave Song.
a tad bit of a point downer is that im p sure all of this may have been something you'd consider an accident. referencing a bit more to those rough EDM sounds on the final battle song would've made everything super cohesive as an interesting proposition. Instead it feels like it's trying to cover those sounds from the previous listens. Still, that's not a big deal considering it's like, THE grudge i could possibly have against this.
all the other aspects have generic cheesy vibe to it, that's not a bad thing mind you, it accentuates the rough edges in a charming way. fitting for a small girl dealing with self delusion as a coping mechanism for a lost father.

overall, if a 10 is a paradigm shifting banger, this would be a 6/10 with huuuge potential. make more electronic music i like seeing people give their own personal spins on the sounds instead of just making catchy for the sake of catchy


Thanks for the criticism! The first composition is indeed on the rather happy side of music I made for this and it is because I thought of it being an exciting journey at the start. As the game would progress, the girl would've uncovered some secrets of her world and thus the music gets more mysterious. Regarding the final boss music, it was easier to just make rock/metal as I often compose it when I've got some time to spare and it adds some tension to the fight. I could've added more EDM sounds into especially that final battle theme as I've only added rather quite EDM sounds in the background and I would've done that, but I was low on time and so needed to finish it quickly and not get too much into detail with all the music. Again, thanks for the advice! :)


This is a cool mix - I dig the style you've gone for in the first 4 tracks in particular. The kick may be a little loud at some points for my taste but that's hardly an issue for a jam entry. Was not expecting the eclectic change in tone and pace with Final Battle Music - Battle, that came in swinging! Sounds great honestly, good layering of instruments and a solid progression to keep it driving forward. A great selection of tracks, well done - and best of luck!


Thanks for the nice comment! In the beginning, it was actually pretty hard to figure out how I could make it sound as I wanted it to and the overall style is not something I am usually composing, but overall I am satisfied with what I've made. However, the "Final Battle Music - Battle" is very much in my style (I usually make Symphonic Metal) so it felt quite natural. It was easier to create the needed tension by switching the genre and turn it more into Metal/Rock mixed with orchestral elements. :)