645 entries were submitted between 2024-07-12 16:00:00 and 2024-07-21 16:20:00. 16,200 ratings were given to 648 entries (100.0%) between 2024-07-21 16:20:00 and 2024-08-04 16:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 25.1 and the median was 19.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Creativity | #372 | 3.353 | 3.444 |
Correlation to theme | #416 | 3.244 | 3.333 |
Quality | #422 | 3.190 | 3.278 |
Overall | #485 | 3.104 | 3.189 |
Impression | #507 | 2.920 | 3.000 |
Composition | #546 | 2.812 | 2.889 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #374 | 3.327 | 3.625 |
Impression | #523 | 2.868 | 3.125 |
Overall | #531 | 2.971 | 3.237 |
Quality | #542 | 2.868 | 3.125 |
Creativity | #542 | 2.982 | 3.250 |
Composition | #548 | 2.810 | 3.063 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #300 | 3.499 | 3.813 |
Creativity | #357 | 3.384 | 3.688 |
Impression | #463 | 3.040 | 3.313 |
Overall | #476 | 3.120 | 3.400 |
Quality | #542 | 2.868 | 3.125 |
Composition | #548 | 2.810 | 3.063 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #323 | 3.441 | 3.750 |
Creativity | #357 | 3.384 | 3.688 |
Impression | #404 | 3.154 | 3.438 |
Correlation to theme | #428 | 3.212 | 3.500 |
Overall | #435 | 3.200 | 3.487 |
Composition | #548 | 2.810 | 3.063 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #245 | 3.613 | 3.938 |
Creativity | #498 | 3.097 | 3.375 |
Overall | #544 | 2.914 | 3.175 |
Composition | #548 | 2.810 | 3.063 |
Impression | #569 | 2.696 | 2.938 |
Quality | #629 | 2.352 | 2.563 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Creativity | #301 | 3.474 | 3.474 |
Correlation to theme | #322 | 3.421 | 3.421 |
Quality | #436 | 3.158 | 3.158 |
Overall | #459 | 3.158 | 3.158 |
Impression | #506 | 2.947 | 2.947 |
Composition | #552 | 2.789 | 2.789 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #365 | 3.338 | 3.529 |
Quality | #516 | 2.949 | 3.118 |
Overall | #542 | 2.927 | 3.094 |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Impression | #560 | 2.726 | 2.882 |
Creativity | #578 | 2.838 | 3.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Creativity | #447 | 3.227 | 3.412 |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Quality | #563 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Impression | #592 | 2.560 | 2.706 |
Overall | #593 | 2.693 | 2.847 |
Correlation to theme | #628 | 2.114 | 2.235 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #166 | 3.784 | 4.000 |
Impression | #450 | 3.060 | 3.235 |
Overall | #471 | 3.127 | 3.306 |
Creativity | #505 | 3.060 | 3.235 |
Quality | #516 | 2.949 | 3.118 |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #470 | 3.060 | 3.235 |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Overall | #558 | 2.827 | 2.988 |
Creativity | #561 | 2.893 | 3.059 |
Quality | #563 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Impression | #579 | 2.615 | 2.765 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Creativity | #505 | 3.060 | 3.235 |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Correlation to theme | #560 | 2.726 | 2.882 |
Overall | #572 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Quality | #574 | 2.726 | 2.882 |
Impression | #579 | 2.615 | 2.765 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Creativity | #578 | 2.838 | 3.000 |
Quality | #588 | 2.615 | 2.765 |
Impression | #618 | 2.393 | 2.529 |
Overall | #620 | 2.493 | 2.635 |
Correlation to theme | #642 | 1.836 | 1.941 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #397 | 3.283 | 3.471 |
Composition | #553 | 2.782 | 2.941 |
Overall | #565 | 2.804 | 2.965 |
Quality | #574 | 2.726 | 2.882 |
Impression | #579 | 2.615 | 2.765 |
Creativity | #613 | 2.615 | 2.765 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Creativity | #338 | 3.407 | 3.500 |
Correlation to theme | #354 | 3.353 | 3.444 |
Impression | #443 | 3.082 | 3.167 |
Overall | #475 | 3.125 | 3.211 |
Quality | #488 | 3.028 | 3.111 |
Composition | #560 | 2.758 | 2.833 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #187 | 3.728 | 4.063 |
Quality | #485 | 3.040 | 3.313 |
Overall | #513 | 3.005 | 3.275 |
Composition | #561 | 2.753 | 3.000 |
Creativity | #571 | 2.868 | 3.125 |
Impression | #577 | 2.638 | 2.875 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #408 | 3.269 | 3.563 |
Quality | #506 | 2.982 | 3.250 |
Creativity | #518 | 3.040 | 3.313 |
Overall | #545 | 2.914 | 3.175 |
Composition | #561 | 2.753 | 3.000 |
Impression | #603 | 2.524 | 2.750 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #329 | 3.407 | 3.500 |
Quality | #465 | 3.082 | 3.167 |
Overall | #536 | 2.952 | 3.033 |
Impression | #556 | 2.758 | 2.833 |
Composition | #564 | 2.704 | 2.778 |
Creativity | #582 | 2.812 | 2.889 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #382 | 3.299 | 3.389 |
Creativity | #501 | 3.082 | 3.167 |
Composition | #564 | 2.704 | 2.778 |
Overall | #568 | 2.790 | 2.867 |
Quality | #602 | 2.541 | 2.611 |
Impression | #627 | 2.325 | 2.389 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #467 | 3.082 | 3.167 |
Creativity | #519 | 3.028 | 3.111 |
Overall | #560 | 2.823 | 2.900 |
Composition | #564 | 2.704 | 2.778 |
Quality | #569 | 2.758 | 2.833 |
Impression | #601 | 2.541 | 2.611 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #354 | 3.353 | 3.444 |
Creativity | #480 | 3.136 | 3.222 |
Impression | #543 | 2.812 | 2.889 |
Overall | #553 | 2.866 | 2.944 |
Composition | #564 | 2.704 | 2.778 |
Quality | #631 | 2.325 | 2.389 |