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Whispers of Airona (OST Jam 7)View project page

My minimalist and ambient soundtrack entry for the OST Jam 7 (2024).
Submitted by SleepingSafari — 21 minutes, 57 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3293.4073.500

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

1. Game bio:

Airona has the power to summon portals that allow her to peer into other worlds and dimensions. She has only ever been able to observe these worlds, but never visit or interact with them, leading to an extraordinary but often lonely existence.

That’s until she meets Gregory, the first person to ever peer back and communicate with her. Suddenly, Airona has the ability to interact with and influence these distant worlds.

Dive into a narrative-driven experience where your choices not only impact your life but can transform the very fabric of existence. Meet people from other worlds and decide where you will intervene and where you will let fate take its course.

The choice is yours.

2. Track explanation:

The song represents an emotional blend of wonder, loneliness, and innocence. The lead line represents the rising of bubbles, symbolic of the various pockets of enlightenment Airona encounters through her journey.

The track serves as the Title or Main OST of the game.

However, the song was written in a way that you are able to use certain parts to complement different types of scenes. For example, the lead line could be used to convey whimsy and discovery, while the cello (by itself) could be used for emotional and/or sombre moments. The song as a whole represents the convergence of all these emotions.


I started by laying down the lead line. Then I added the cello and experimental orchestral line to fill up the gaps and tie together the spaces between the stark separate notes of the lead.

Then I added the complementary synthy lead and occasional sound textures to give the song a fuller and more well-rounded feeling. The song then ends with a minimalist approach to give you a moment to reflect on the experience and bid your final farewell.

Ambient / Minimalist


Software used:
Reaper with a variety of VSTs and plugins:
Spitfire Studio Labs VSTs
Guitar Rig

Minecraft (C418 songs for Alpha & Beta)
The Shins - Red Rabbits
And to an extent, Danny Elfman (Edward Scissorhands tracks)

You are welcome to use this song in non-commercial projects as long as I am notified and credited.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Both the art and line “Inside my World” served as strong inspirations for this soundtrack.

The song and imaginary game were created to fit the theme's (image & text) sense of wonder, magic, and whimsy. The story is also heavily influenced by the art theme's otherworldly imagery and the line "Inside my World".

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services


Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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this was so lovely ^-^

Great job!!


Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I know you didn't intend for this but the description part that says;

"decide where you will intervene and where you will let fate take its course. The choice is yours."

Made me think of those crappy mobile game ads with people in an awkward scenario and you were given 2 equally terrible options and then the ad would be like 

"Your Story! Decide your fate today!"

This doesn't have anything to do with the song it was just funny to me.


This cracked me up so much :)

So, yes, didn't intend for this, but now I can't unsee it. I work as a copywriter, and we often have to churn out some random shit in super short time span to hit deadlines. Think a bit of that run-of-the-mill mentality seeped in here. Appreciate you calling it out! 

Now, I have only one thing left to ask...

Will you forgive me for my sins, or are my actions irredeemable?

The choice is yours.


When I see the illustration you made, I found it matched really well the mood of your music, well done!


Thank you so much! Had some trouble nailing down the artwork, and then decided to first finish the soundtrack and then jump into the artwork. Feel like it worked out a lot better and easier that way. Really appreciate the listen :)


Minimalistic, relaxing and so on... I don't even know how to describe it in words. Supportive? I would definitely call this composition supportive, because I feel a small helping hand that this track wants to give me...

...... and I am ready to accept this help


Really enjoy your description :)

Definitely wanted to get a warm and fuzziness through, that cosiness of your "own world".

Thanks so much for listening!


As someone who loves minimalism and more ambient styles I was really excited to go into this piece! And Ithink that you rmain hook and ideas correlating to that match the style well, and I see how was inspired by the different artists you mentioned (c418 especially). I think one thing i would be careful of when approaching more minimalist music, is making sure you develop your ideas, since you mentioned C418 and specifically Alpha, I'd encourage you to listen to that and note how sometimes even if the melodic material is the same for an extended duration, the quality of the sound (shape/style of synth, instrumentation, volume) will have much more drastic changes to accommodate for that. Its probably one of the harder things to nail down in this style because the line between a relatively one note song and just developed enough to stay interesting is a very fine line, so this is in no way saying you did a bad job, just something i noticed! Well done.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Thank you! 

Yeah, the composition you hear now I got down about midway through the jam, and then struggled to take it further. Kept going back and forth with ideas, but didn't find something that stuck after the initial composition. And, yeah spot on. Felt that I got the hook I wanted, but still need to get some of that richness in to complement and round it off. 

Indeed, just listened to Alpha a bit. So many little variations in melodies and keyshifts. Also, a lot of switching out one melody for another to keep it dynamic. Such beautiful work :)

I'm going to listen to it a bit more and take note of the shape/style changes of the sound, as you mentioned.

Thank you for listening, and really appreciate the feedback!


No problem! Hope it was helpful


I love these sounds that blend retro and minimal styles. The melodic construction gives the impression of an infinite scale of sounds, and the continuous addition of elements, one after another without ever leaving, contributes to the concept's depth. Personally, I would have added even more background elements, like arpeggios and other electronic noises. It works well with the chosen artwork. Personally, I think you've done a great job; it's dreamy and relaxing!


Yes, always love it when loads of different minimalistic sounds layer over each other to create one big soundscape! And yes, totally agree. Would love to make it a bit more richer. Still feels like it needs that finishing touch. Had some trouble taking it further. Just didn't find another sound that worked for me, and the deadline eventually caught up.

Thanks for listening and dropping some feedback!


Nice chill and relaxing, almost contemplative piece. It makes sense with the picture you added for the submission. I didn't even see the 4 minutes go by. Liked this a lot!


Thanks, appreciate it! I'm quite fond of minimalistic pieces that leave some room to daydream, so really enjoy the description "contemplative" :)


it worked wonders for me, great job!


Easy listen, super atmospheric easy listen. If I may be a bit more critique, I think you could put something to make it move a little more, some subtle sound design element here and there, I hear some high pad doing some motion from time to time which is nice but I would need something especially after 2 minutes of the same thing. Good job !


Of course, I appreciate the critique!

Yes! Wanted to experiment with SFX. I usually love to play around with SFX in soundscapes but decided here not you. I guess the way I approached it was trying to keep in mind that, in a gameplay setting, there would already be a fair amount of gameplay SFX and didn't want to detract from that or confuse a player in terms of what is song SFX and what is gameplay SFX. Might have overthought it a bit! 

Regarding movement, I defintelyagree there could be more dynamic elements. The song you hear now, I pretty much had down by Wednesday. Since then, struggled so much with additional layers. Just didn't find something that worked for me. It felt like it cheapened/detracted from the overall sound. 

A few people mentioned that the song was kind of muffly and low-end, and could do with some brighter, higher-end sounds.  So did have something interesting going with bell sounds at one point (kind of Edward Scissorhands vibe), but the deadline unfortunately caught up with me!

This jam was certainly a great learning curve, and a great way to experiment a bit. 

Thanks for listening, and providing some feedback. Really appreciate it!


Hi! I enjoyed the chilling vibes of your music and the sense of space that has a lot to do with the cover art.

Marvelous work!!


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! I love big, atmospheric sounds!


Nice! Such a chill, easy listen. Only wish is that there was more!


Thank you, appreciate it!


Love the minimalist/atmospheric approach!  Think you filled up the stereoscape really well, love the textures you added.  Very nice and easy listen, can definitely hear the C418 influences in the way you processed the arrangement, especially in the slow synth arps!  Good job!


Thank you! Yeah, C418 helped me understand how to develop a minimalistic track, and how that repetition starts becoming hypnotic. This jam was a super fun learning curve!


I love the track, definitly see the Minecraft inspiration, really ambiant yet have a lot of character to it ! GG ! 


Thank you! Dig your work too :)