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A member registered Mar 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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I can tell you put a lot of work into this entry, very nice! Great take on the theme by the way!

That was really fun! Great take on the theme! I had to start over once I realized I needed an extender for a new body and my current body was already full. And my projectiles definitely went directly through some of the enemies without damaging them, but overall great entry!

Visuals were nice! Dang those Zebras though...they're brutal.

the atmosphere was really great! Maybe I just need to get good, but I found this to be an absolute labyrinth. I found the key by happy coincidence, but after about 15 minutes of wandering around was never able to find the find the door it unlocked (I found it near the beginning, but couldn't find it again.)
The visuals were great, loved the old-school look to them. 

Nice work!

Kinda seems like my version was broken or something? A bit confused, cause the page shows a whole bunch of minigames that just didn't exist in my version (there were some trees that I could interact with, but when it changed to the minigame camera nothing happened)
Nice worldbuilding! I liked the look of the level, as well as how the player controlled. Also, not something people mention much, but nice work on the main menu, those buttons were satisfying. 

Wow, this is a BIG and ambitious project for 1 person for 1 week! Really nice work!

I know you used asset packs for art, but honestly HOW it was thrown together was great. The world felt fleshed out are filled to the brim with all sorts of interesting things to look at and interact with. The dialogue was often quite witty or funny, and the walk speed/sprint felt about just perfect for this game.

Constructive feedback: 

It actually felt a little too big. I found out you could remind yourself of what to do for quests in the quest menu, but I found myself running in circles a lot trying to remember where certain characters or landmarks were. Though I expect a more robust minimap could have solved this as well. 

Unfortunately, for both Nikki and me, we had to restart the game at the goddess right at the beginning multiple times as we just couldn't get the dialogue to stary. Not sure what I did differently to get it to get it to work but eventually it just did. I also had to swap between the gamepad and keyboard/mouse several times throughout playing and ended up having to use a hybrid between the two to be able to continue. 

So overall, a little bit buggy, but considering the vast amount of content in there that makes sense. Really great work with this one! 

This one was fun, and i bet it was a LOT of work to put this together! Really unique how you had to choose how the enemies got strong too, I quite like that.

I did end up getting blocked later on by the enemy upgrade screen where neither of the buttons did anything so I had to quit.  

Nice job!! 

Nice visuals and solid controls (except for getting stuck at the top of stairs every time.) - Would have liked to be able to hold the mouse button down to fire instead of clicking individually each time, but wasn't too big a deal.

Nice job!

is that....was that....a SASQUATCH behind the counter?!?!?! pahahaha I love it.

Had fun playing this one! Nice job!

The dialogue mentions cross-breeding but I couldn't figure out how to make that work in game, But I got myself up to a pumpkin!

Having the controls listed on the page would have been helpful, I didn't realize you could jump for a little while. Had fun with this one though! Nice job

This was a fun little platformer! The lightning FX were sick af by the way! Sometimes the next cloud spawned right in front of me giving me nearly no time to react which led to several deaths. Wish I had known I could move with the arrow keys earlier lol! Using AD and left shift to run is always a weird stretch on my hands that doesn't feel comfortable. But the arrow keys fixes that!

Super ambitious to make a multiplayer game for a jam! Though it made me realize how few friends I have, which made me sad :(

In all seriousness though, while it was a unique choice to have no singleplayer jam entry, I had fun playing this one! Plus I liked how you could swap characters. It played really well for a 1 week multiplayer game, well done!

Had a fun time with this one! Beat it in about 10 minutes so it was pretty easy. I did press Escape to take a bathroom break and realized that I'd lost progress which was a bit shocking! But I got back to where I was in no time. Nice graphics and sound as well!

Great use of the 'Evolve' theme. Art style was good and it was fun to see what kind of mosters you'd get. I was surprised to take damage by walking into fruit, and once I realized you can click anywhere on the map then I just parked in the corner to avoid taking damage and focus on getting new monsters. I don't think I saw any of the Genie's characters in this entry anywhere, but it was still a fun game to play!

Really great take on the theme with this one! The hints were really clever and quite a few made me laugh! I definitely needed the hints turned on for this. Was really polished, and I liked the jumpy animations the character did during conversation as well!

pahahahahah that voice. Loved the voice. Had fun with this one!

Wasn't too sure what I was supposed to do. Despite my best efforts it didn't seem like my bullets actually damaged anything, so I just stayed away from the soliders. Also, was the slider at the top supposed to do something? Was super curious about that 

(1 edit)

Holy wow this is a hard platformer. I couldn't beat the game after quite a lot of attempts. I saw in the comments that this is your first gamejam so congrats!! It was fun and the visuals were nice, but just a little too difficult.  P.S. I saw you submitted 15 seconds before the deadline lol wow!! Congrats on getting it in on time.


Thanks! Yea the controls were something I would have loved to tighten up a bit with a little more time. Thanks for playing!!

Thanks! It took quite a while to get them working in 2D actually. Though I eventually learned you can use Unity 'Recor' to export frame-by-frame images in PNGs which I turned into sprite-sheets so they'd be affected by 2D light. It was my personal mission to not make a 3D game lol!! 
Thanks for playing

Thanks! Really enjoyed your title as well!

Thanks for playing!!

Yep I agree, thanks for the feedback and for playing!

lmao omg that is a LONG time! Well done!! And thanks so much for playing!

The sell price for everything shows up if you hover over the items in the inventory with your mouse (I forgot to put that in as a tip :( )
Cheers and thanks for the feedback!

Thanks so much!

Hey man! Just finished watching the section of Cropolution in your stream.
Thanks so much for taking the time to go through so many games! It was REALLY interesting just watching someone play it and how differently you did things compared to me. 
Loved all your suggestions (improving tools, sprinklers, being able to purchase higher level seeds) - would liked to have been able to add those things in if I'd had more time!

Haha sorry to disappoint you about Gamepad support. Just wanted to point out though, that in Cropolution if you hover your mouse over the items you'll get info (like descriptions, sell value, whether fertilizer was required to grow crops etc.) - which can let you better plan your buy/sell strategy. Glad you found the fast-forward button Though!

And yea the song that played in the main game was just from a music asset pack like you mentioned. Not sure where you've heard it but I'm sure it's been used in lots of games before. Though my son did do the music for the main menu! (Also to answer your curiosity at the end, Nikki did work on this with me as she did all the art (except for the Genie's character obviously.)

Glad you enjoyed it! I'll be playing Butterfly Effect later on today as I finally have time to sit down and get through a whole bunch! Cheers and thanks again, the stream was invaluable.

"Evolve eyebrows and hair for those cold winter nights" pahahahah that had me in stitches. This was a fun one. I saw in the comments that this was your first ever gamejam, ncie job!! Fairly ambitious to make multiples kinds of games inside one game :)

Some of the enemies in the first level felt impossible to dodge based on their placement, although since your health was basically points it felt arbitrary so I just focused on getting the toilet and the book lol!

Cheers man, I had fun playing

I managed to get to the exit! Took me a couple tries though. The first time I pushed one of the key blocks right into a corner, and despite trying from multiple angles wasn't able to free it so had to restart.
The sound and atmosphere is really on point here. I even think the greybocked level works kinda well for this type of game. The AI on the zombies was fairly impressive, I liked being able to lure them away from the blocks I needed to free them up (but then they'd kinda go back and patrol that area.)

I had a LOT of trouble finding my way around in the opening area and would have been helpful to have a flashlight there. It was so dark I sometimes ran into walls without realizing it.

Great submission!

As others said, intro was pretty great!

The gameplay itself was pretty fun, though it did start to lag quite a bit towards the end, making an optional windows build would have been cool. The movement also felt just slightly off, like it should have been 20% faster or so. But overall nice work! Especialy with taking the time to implement a leaderboard, nice!

That was really fun! I liked that you queued up input for the grid movement, felt super appropriate for a movement system like this and it made it really responsive. The graphics were great, sound was great, gameplay was great. Just wish it went on for a bit longer! 

P.S. I LOVED the summersaults (and the fact that Alex would stay standing on his head) - it was hilarious, but also made the movement more fun.

That was really fun to play! Definitely a great use of the 'evolve' theme for sure! Loved the idea as well, it's just really clever. Plus the art and sound made me feel like I was playing an old SNES game or something, and I loved it!

Great art style, the music fits it perfectly as well. I really enjoyed the floating character shooting the bullets! Was confused about the different shoot speeds till I read the jam page, my fault for not doing that first! Really clever mechanic there. That's a perfect example of a great risk/reward scenario. 
I felt like the HP and XP bar being above the player was fairly distracting and blocked my view a bit. I preferred playing from the top and working my way down when possible.

Also, as other mentioned, quite a bit of lag. i would have loved to have the option to download the game onto my PC as I imagine it would have run much smoother.

Anyways, great entry!

Same as the others, i only get an error when I try to load the windows version. 

gahh I went through SO many waves before noticing there was a 'speed up' button!!
So this was a fun entry that was really ambitious for a jam. There are some balancing issues for sure. I was swimming in resources in no time and wasn't finding it challenging at all until the larger guys started showing up. They gave me more of a challenge. But really, the only limitation was the amount of space on the map for where to place my stuff. The resources themselves were something I hardly had to think about cause I was able to build so many buildings.

A few minor visual bugs but nothing that really brought the experience down. Overall this was a great entry and I really enjoyed playing it!

First off, congrats on your first game ever made!!!
Second, what I haven't seen mentioned that was SUPER good, was the music. Whenever the pumpkin came to life hold...I was wearing headphones and it made hairs stand up on the back of my neck!
Also nice work on the models! Even though an outline shader on the vegetation would have been more work, I think it took away from the scary vibe slightly.

The ghost behavior got a bit wonky at times, one of them moved like it was being dragged along the ground horizontally, which was funny so I enjoyed it.

Very impressive submission for just a week, dang! REALLY liked your taxi screen transition. Everything was really well polished and smooth. The level design is what I really appreciated though. I got bored with following the roads and took shortcuts, which CAN save you time...but there are also loads of obstacles to avoid (and yet always a path forward, which felt intentional.) Well done