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I wasn't able to find any info on this. I didn't look much ofc, but I'll need some proof before believing you.


JasonAfex started dating his spouse around when she was 15 (allegedly), but he says she was 16 but everything added up to his spouse being 15 at the time they started interacting (he had also used her Voice Acting in a pornographic video when she was a minor.). JasonAfex is also a very dogshit human being. He has been on twitter (X) and has basically made a joke out of Dragoneer’s Death (furaffinity owner).

If you still support him after this thats just wild.


why are you here then? Look people make mistakes, I fully understand that what ever happened is wrong (if it happened) but he makes good stuff, also most people should be given a second chance, also i don’t think this type of conversation should be had here. Just a side note you shouldn’t shame others for liking something that is good just because the person made a shit mistake, just take Harry Potter for example.


AMEN MAN! Seriously, why can't people understand others can change their ways? Oh's the internet. It's just like, yeah, they made a serious mistake, but they can change...if they chose to. And if they don't, well that's on them. Some people I swear can't let things go...and I would know...


you cant change your ways after still dating the person you dated as a minor, a pedophile will always be a pedophile. I am explaining this here just so people know to stop defending jason.

Deleted 1 day ago

I'm not defending that bastard, I've ignored him for a long time before the whole cuck thing...sooooooo, yeah. I'm just saying what I'm thinking as a NETRUAL observer. Nothing more, I couldn't care less what happens, just saying he could chang


im not saying everyone that follows him is a creep, but the more people know hes creepy the less people will follow him. but everyone in this comment section dick riding him is beyond wild. Hes a creep and should be treated as such. Regardless if kab is fine with it, he still dated a minor and used a minors voice in a pornographic video.


'Sure he's a pedophile groomer, people make mistakes'
Amazing showing of the average furry gooner IQ


this brings a hopeful tear in my eye that maybe there is hope for humanity🥲


Did you actually go through your evidence, or do you just pick up what someone said?


The twitter post was insensitive, but he didn’t joke about a person’s death, nor did he make it a joke. While I do not know about Dragoneer’s way of founding FA, without the community founding it, FA would be gone by now. (Though I must admit that I couldn’t see the 366 comments, as I never had an account on the so-called “social media” site named X formerly Twitter and never will I have one.)


And the entire evidence about him being a pedophile (by law) is based on a Twitter-account, that (I quote) “is a parody account dedicated to hating Kabier.” Though by now it is in the past, as the account no longer exists, it was meant to attack JasonAfex’s wife.

And yes, JasonAfex got into the relationship with Kabier – who is 5 years younger than him – when she was 16, neither of them denies that. Admittedly it feels strange despite being legal where they lived back then and where they live now, but Kabier (probably in her early 30s by now) actively said that JasonAfex didn’t act wrong towards her.

But hey, why not repeat claims that were already shown to be simple hate 6 years ago and ignore the person (Kabier) who should know best?


A pedophile is still a pedophile, for all we know he couldve groomed her.

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No he didn't. If you had read your own evidence you’d know that Kabier explicitly wrote what is written here in this screenshot.

[Edit:] Why is the screenshot this small while shown in the comment but good readable when opened in another tab?

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bro i posted the journal for a reason so people can (edit: try to) disprove me. i said "for all we know" we dont know if he did or not. groom victims will usually avoid saying anything.  How about we all collectively agree that dating a minor as a 20+ year old man is creepy. No age of consent will change that. But no just cause he made your favorite sex game he is on this high pedestal. This man is beyond disgusting.

(2 edits) (-1)

A. He did not made my "favorite sex game" and I do not put him on a high pedestal.

B. I am NOT your bro, nor anyone else’s. (The same goes for every other wording suggesting familiarity)

C. They’ve been harassed for something that troll-account on X formerly Twitter said, ignoring what Kabier has to say about her own relationship. And you just do it again.

If JasonAfex had been 25+ yes, I would have said the same as you. But he was 21, barely a full adult himself. (no, I do not see 18 as adulthood, but 21 since not all are fully developed before 21.) Someone dating a 16-year-old does feel strange to me (as I already stated) but JasonAfex married Kabier 6 years ago and (as far as I can say) still is married to her. That is not a pedophile “loving” children but a guy who found love.

[Edit:] The reason I even reacted to your comment is that seeing a denouncing comment like yours, where evidence must first be requested, already angers me (and without proof that was denunciation). But then your evidence actually speaks against your point, but you still choose that to make your stand?

Heavens above and hells bellow, I am no native speaker, but I still understand what is written in that long discussion on FA, where only gunstinger tried to die on that hill of JasonAfex being a Pedo (well, besides JasonAfex and Kabier only four held against her. But if it were more than simple hate, at least someone would have helped her). 


can we just report this squat guy and stop talking about this, he is not listening and to be honest I stick to my word, THIS CONVERSATION SHOULDNT BE HERE. And it’s pissing me off

oh god forbid i alert people that they might be supporting a pedophile...

Stop sucking Jasons dick he isnt gonna sucks yours.

Hahah yeah look i just liked the first game okay😂 i wouldn’t call that sucking his dick, and I’m keen for the second one but shit i didn’t realise that people that are so up them selves about one thing haha take this conversation elsewhere because as I said last time this is not the place for it, but I’m tired of hearing this bullshit cause that’s what this is, but you think what you want to think it’s only making you a worse person 😂

Ps imma ignore any new comments about this because you just don’t want to let it go😂

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You're right that this discussion shouldn't happen here - or anywhere else, as far as I'm concerned - but ignoring people accusing others based on no or insufficient evidence is also not a viable option.

insufficient..? he literally said himself he dated a minor .-.

Or or... we dont defend PEDOPHILES!!!!! god maybe this fandom is full of fucking pedos 🤦🤦🤦

been here since 2000s and i still fucking hate it .-.

For the love of whatever divine being you may believe in.

JasonAfex got together with one… ONE (singular) person that was 16 somewhat around 15 years ago and he married with that person for 6 years ago. He doesn’t go around looking for minors.



So maybe do not call him a Pedophile with evidence that goes against your point.

And if you hate this fandom for over 20 years, maybe rethink your live and go somewhere else, as actively seeking out something you hate means stress and thus is not healthy.

Bro, why are you dick riding jason so hard? He DOES love minors if he DIDNT he wouldnt have DATED a minor and then got MARRIED to them. But since this is some guy who made your favorite sex game awhile back doesnt mean you should defend him.

And the evidence does not go against, actually it supports me, cause he DID date a minor. And we cant be FOR SURE that he only loves kabier.