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Thank you very much for your response! So many points to answer and so little time... :) I try my best to pick the most important points:

- The co-op puzzles in TLS are missing in Sweet Science, because the story is not really coop... In TLS there were a few friends getting caught in an adventure, here are a few people that slowly become friends, therefore co-op puzzles wouldn't have fit as well. Also, there is no big action here. I got the feedback from TLS that the parts that players most liked where the non-action parts with lots of fun interaction between the characters, that was one reason why I focused on this aspect in Sweet Science.

- I like to promote things that I think might also be important to others. Go is definitely not known enough in the West, and I got feedback from some players of TLS that they encountered it for the first time in the game and were fascinated by it. Same with science topics. I think that in this way, a game can have more positive long-term impact on a player: when it makes them discover a new world outside the game itself.

- Thank you for the suggestions regarding the games you played, I'll take a look at them by myself. I have played some, e.g., Everlasting Summer which definitely had a big influence on Sweet Science. I have also played a bit of its successor ("Love, money, Rock 'n Roll") and was disappointed (similarly as you).

- For your missing endings: For Ben I have written down how to get a good ending in my guide on Steam. For Honghong you need to solve Go related questions well, solve the escape room well, be approachable and flirt well in the romantic scenes and in general be smart here and there (like remembering Li's phone number, the correct song line etc.) Then you should have romantic scenes with him on the date, in the forest and on the "sea". If you play as man in the rainbow mode, in both cases (Ben and Honghong) you will have interesting conversations with your mum, obviously... ;) So while the endings are the same, the story changes a bit between rainbow mode and non-rainbow mode, as well.

- Honghong's knowledge extension: he can basically access Wikipedia in his language (and a bit more), but that does not help him with translating words much. And mathematics is more than knowing things: It won't help you to remember Pythagoras (a^2+b^2=c^2) if you need to solve a math problem where this formula is used somewhere if you don't have a good ability to process information in a logical way. Learning by heart only helps you a bit when you need to solve math problems. It's usually not enough.

Finally, something entirely different: Since I've read that you are Ukrainian: I'm sorry that your country is suffering from this terrible war right now. I don't want to write too much about politics here in this forum, but I sincerely hope that a good peace for your country will end this war!

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And thank you for all the replies!

Thank you for explaining a few things that bothered me, and also thanks for the hints to Honghong and Ben, I will definitely close the game for all achievements soon)

Also a special thanks for discussing more creative things, it's great to hear your thoughts on what influenced the game as well as your motives.

Ahem, yes, sorry to take up so much of your time. (about politics, yes, not exactly the best topic, especially on the forum about the game, especially with me, who tries to ignore this topic)

Anyway, thanks again for all your answers and for your time. Good luck and all the best!

Just now I remembered, the game will be translated into Russian / Ukrainian, when will it be released? 


I'm sorry, although I had TLS translated into Ukrainian and Russian, I do not plan to translate Sweet Science. I don't know anybody who would be willing to do the necessary edits of an automatic translation (understandably, since it is a huge work!), and an automatic translation, while being useful for some players, seemed to upset other players (my experience from TLS). 

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Yes, I understand, thanks!

Honestly, I had the idea to do translation correction when I was reading TLS, I just have no experience with this engine, but I would really like to try to do it.

If you'd like, I could do that (I've done a couple of sketches already (translated menus, main characters, settings and common.rpy, and now in the process of translating the first chapter), but I have too many technical questions, just, for example, when translating a note, it is not added to the game itself, etc.). I can translate text and pictures, but I have very little experience with code. But still, if you want, I'd be happy to do it.

I'll add a screenshot as an example. (I left the English name, because when adding Russian, the name disappears (Azuki's name generally disappears both here and in the game, possibly due to the fact that I don't have it in "cast.rpy"))

Thank you for your offer to help!

I will have to think about it, but adding a new translation is a lot of work. I have in many cases programed Sweet Science assuming that there are only two languages. Also, adding any new language should only be attempted when the whole game is complete...

If you want to help improving the Russian (and/or Ukrainian) translation of TLS, however, that would be great and fairly easy to implement. In this case, please contact me on Twitter or with the contact form on my webpage. Then I can send you the necessary files by email. You don't have to know any coding for that, don't worry! It's quite nifty and the game files themselves will not be altered. (Otherwise the game would run in only one language.)

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ok, I got it, I contacted you through your site - Feedback

P/s: I just looked a little at what I will need to translate with, and decided to warn in advance that in Russian and Ukrainian there is a link to the gender of the speaker (for example, yesterday I worked it sounds the same for a guy and a girl in English, but in our languages we add an ending), so I will, if possible, remove the gender, for example ("when I went to bed", I will replace it with "when my eyes were already closed" because in the second option there is no reference to the gender of the speaker, I mean the main character Tim / Sophie). So I'll probably ask, will this option suit you? This will fit in the meaning, but a little different

Oh, I see....... That's a problem, but it can be mostly solved with some trick. I'll write you by email.