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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! The screenshot looks nice :P. 

Yes, it was supposed to be more challenging but sadly we don't have enough time to conduct playtests. As the artist, I named the enemy model "WEAK chess" but obviously, we don't have time to implement any STRONG chess hahaha. And the resources gained increased exponentially but with the same amount of cost, it resulted in too much lol. 

Yes, for the UX part, we should probably stop the camera movement when placing buildings. Floating UI OnHover would also help too. We will def take your opinion into account. Thank you for the review and the photo :)))

I like the 2.5D style. Game level feels great and challenging. The Day night system is fun and I enjoy chasing all the villagers to their home when it just enter the night period lol. Would like to see more combo but it may out of scope for a game jam. Anyway, I think it is fun.

Really fun gameplay! The skill sets of different candies are well-designed which leads to different combos. I really like the idea of "on sell" of the candy too, though I feel sorry for bringing them out to block the damage and then just sell it in the next turn haha.
The gameplay is solid, I enjoy playing it a lot.

Thanks for playing!
Yes, I do agree we should add more life and reducing enemy health to make playtime last longer. Congrats for scoring 92!! Around 100 scores are already very high, I think you have already known the strategy to score that high hahah. Don't want to say this, but I score 294 points are totally base on luck lol. That time, I got a lot of pigs and fewer enemies. I even ran out of steps. Then I never reach 200 again hahah.

Some strategy:
1. When the portal appears, try to keep distance and keep close to Bow tile. If it is enemy, deal damage with the bow.
2. Ver important!! PUSH enemy when he is close to you, NEVER walk aside with any enemies.
3. Stepping hammer tile with DFD (1) only deal 1 damage, pushing the enemy sometimes can deal more damage!

Thanks, rated yours and left a comments. :]]]

hahha, fun little game. I like the dialogue system and the camera panning.
I like the mushroom concept. I think it is creative and particularly fits the theme. It would be nice if more weird things happens. Large scale stairs and stepping on birds are fun, while crossing the road with cars seems a little "not mushroom" hahaha. In my opinions, perherps changing the cars with some crazy birds would make the game more consistence? 

I experienced the same issue with the final boss: not seeing any of the HP reducing and win suddely. I guess you are run out of time so it is fine. Are player suppose to run up and stair and jump on him? I think I get hit and pump up high enough to step on him lol.

Anyway, I like your submission and good job :]]]]

It did have a lot of clever puzzles! I enjoy all the challenges along the way. 
The graphic and the music are on point, the levels are well-designed.

Though I think this game is not friendly as it is a little bit too hard and have a lot of unreversed situation that would make you feel stressful. It is a bit too "action-game" than "puzzle game" lol. 

I love the game a lot and I think you did a really great job on the level design. It is really challenging and interesting. I like it a lot. If you have some time please check out our game :)

Rated and Commented! :)

The Ying Yang theme design is very attractive.
The music is on point, I am very impressed by the music.

I think the features of having two circles using different planes can be developed more regarding the level design. Some tricks such as stucking one on the wall, keeping a distance from each other etc. 

Overall, I am digging the music and the atmosphere here a lot. If you have some free time, please do come and check out our game.

Rated and commented!

Fun puzzle game. Glad I find out the p button reading other comments b4 playing it lol.
The puzzles are cool and the dialogue is fun. 

For the UX, I think you can bind the "Z" and "X" into "A" and "D" as it feels more natural. You can also change the color of the current selecting box as when the boxes are far away, it is hard to tell the difference just by scaling it up a bit. 

The background changing from terminal to nature gives a little refreshment, its a game jam so no big deals. Anyway, I enjoy using myself as a stair and left me behind hahaha. 

If you have some spare time, do check out our game :)

Rated and commented!

Loving the alien theme! The art is unique and cute. The audio is great and suit the theme a lot.

Controlling two characters at the same time is hard and challenging. Shooting switch from character and character make it even more challenging. So it would be great to have the main character to have some buff. I would like to have the bullet move faster as most of the time I need to focus on dodging other than shooting. And the laser beam can be longer lol.

Having an alien die hurts too much. It would be nice to have is revived if the charging bar is full. I think this can extinct the game play time. 

Overall, I really dig into the alien theme. Moving the alien is so funny!


You guys did a really great job on the graphic and music! The game build up a strong atmosphere from the start.  

Collecting bullets and shooting enemies are nice.  I like the idea of having the life represented by the distance of the souls. Yet I think the feedback of getting hit by the monster can be improved. Maybe adding a shaking with red screen can help, or bouncing the monster out a bit when hit so the monster don't feel like always move toward to you. The tutorial texts can be put with more spacing as to give user to digest and testing. 

Overall, the game is very well-polished. It is enjoyable to play with.

Rated and Commented!

(1 edit)

This is a great concept with solid execution, the lightings sure make them need to stick together. 
Different moving speed for each character makes it particularly suit the theme as the player need to take specific care to the teammate.
The bgm and the sound effect fits the story a lot. It gives a feeling of emptiness in space.

Since the AI gunner shoots better than me, I use the attacker all the time. The gunner walks faster than the attacker when it is in controlled and it will put him in danger. It is unfortunate that I didn't use the gunner a lot. My thought is that it would be nice to add maybe a special ability (with cd time?) to the gunner so that players are encouraged to switch from time to time. 

Overall, a very nice singe player game. The graphic is cute and it is polished beautifully. With more kinds of monsters and skills, I can foresee a wonderful game. 
And if you have some free time, please feel free to check out our work!

Rated and Commented!

This is nice! When I start the game I feel like it is alike 7 billion humans but I am getting more and more surprise later!

The level design is well-planned. Controlling one minion --> controlling more --> cannot pause --> a pause function --> blue box etc. I especially like the pause as you save us some tricks but adding another new challenge from level to level. 
It would also be nice if the undo and retry button is on the screen so I could just play with my mouse (it is just I forgot the keys for it in the later level, I actually have nothing to complain about so ignore me lol)

Overall, it is a solid puzzle game! The level design is especially clever. I like it! 

It is great! Rated and comment is left.

Ok, this is beyond amazing.

The level design is epic, level 8 - 10 is very smart too. Although it goes off-screen, the destination is shown first, I think it is very fine.
The music also fits the graphic a lot.  I am liking it from the start. Oh, and you make the music by your own? That's so cool!

Level 5 feels a little weird to me as I feel like to stand on a pillar, it should be "combined", but your way of separating two cubes certainly make the control more challenging. 

Overall, very solid gameplay. It is a great entry. I like it very much. Do check out ours if you have some free time. 

I would love to play your game, but it just keeps the loading circle in Chrome and IE. 
I will probably try it with another computer later. 

(1 edit)

Rated and commented!

Lovely intro and cute animals! I like the design of the eagle that flies only vertically so that every form of animals gets its strength while not overlapping.

Storytelling and instruction are simple and strong! It is all chill and refreshing playing this game.

Work is hard, advertising is hard, marketing is also hard. 
So Lets' post your game here and WAIT for Rates. :)))

A really fun game! A Simple mechanic with a solid concept. It starts off relaxing and satisfying, and later on, it gets really busy.
The change in music is very nice. 
The mini-map also helps a lot.

I am thinking could it can be like the mouse is slicing all the time, and when left click --> drag the view. 
Would it be more userfriendly so I don't need to hold down the left key all the time and save the WASD key? I don't know, this is just my personal opinion. 

Anyway, I like it very much.  the virus is sure becoming strong together but so do all jammers:))) 

Here! https://fhy.itch.io/ghostly-delivery
If you have time, please check it out!

It would be nice if you can try ours: https://fhy.itch.io/ghostly-delivery
Any feedback are much appreciated!

It's a browser game. Any feedback are welcomed!

Here is our entry! https://fhy.itch.io/ghostly-delivery

You just need to click and drag to manage the delivery ghost boys! Hope you have fun!

A classic space shooting game. The flow of the game is smooth and friendly. I love the boss fight too.
Overall it is a great entry, sadly it is not that related to the theme. But I do have a great time playing it. 

If you have some free time, please feel free to check out our game.

Here is our entry: https://fhy.itch.io/ghostly-delivery

Hire little ghosts to deliver boxes together! It just use mouse click and drag to play the game.
If you have some free time, please check it out. :)

This one is our entry: https://fhy.itch.io/ghostly-delivery

It is a browser game. Through click-drag, you need to manage a whole bunch of little ghost to delivery boxes. If you have time, please check it out :)

A fun game to play! The control is  intuitive and the game play is smooth.

I just hope that the boost up effect could sustain longer. 
And, I don't think it is a "Baby Level" lol. I try multiple times and I don't think I can beat a baby. 

If you have some spare time, feel free to check out our entry!

A really nice little game! The concept is unique and fun.
I like the overall experience, with the bgm, it is smooth and relaxing. 

One thing is that I think the colours are a bit too saturated. I think you could try looking for some Color Palette on Pinterest in order to give it a more relaxing and dreamy feel. Randomise the color could also bring refreshment to the player when playing the second time.

Overall, I like the neat game concept a lot.
If you have some free time, please feel free to check out our game.

Thank you so much for playing our game and leaving a review in detailed! As the artist of the project, I am flattered to hear that the game gave you the Supergiant vibe lol. Hooray, Hades!

Yes, you are right. Giving a break for the player would enhance the gaming experience since now the game is too busy for the player. You need to keep rerolling the shop, lifting and hiding boxes, buying things etc. Maybe spawning the box wave by wave can give the player a break. The stats are power, speed and cost but in-game, we don't even have time to read the information. 

Anyway, thank you so much for replying. I just left a review on your game. Feel free to check it. 

A really fun game with rich content to play! I like the level design very much. The three times planting is really nice. The transit of the game state like falling from the well, taking the rose seed back to break the walls is fun. A well-designed map! 

The top UI is lovely. But I think it would be smoother to auto open the UI when the mouse hovers on it. (Though I notice clicking the top border can water the seed without loading the UI and I stick with it later on lol) The music and the sound effect fits the game very much. The green character looks in nature.

I ran into the floor bug a few time. I think it happens when you are standing close to the rose flower and the rose flower shots. Maybe a collider issue. If you are on the lake, you can try to plant more flowers to get out of it. But if you run out of water...

Overall, the game is quite challenging and creative. I like it very much.

Here is our game: Ghostly Delivery.
I'll also check yours when I get off work! lol


This is our work, Ghostly Delivery. You need to use mouse to drag-select the ghost delivery guys to lift the boxes. Hope you like it! You can either play on the mobile with webgl (though it said it is not supported) lol
Link: https://fhy.itch.io/ghostly-delivery

Fun game and cool concept. Usage of different instruments each time did bring out the game. I think adding simple sound effects for the notes declaring if I press correctly or wrong would help.