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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!!! Glad you liked it!!!


Thank you!!!

Really loving the aesthetic! The descriptions fit each song really well too, I can almost see the game already!
Though every song sounds... muffled? If its an aesthetic choice then it really makes it feel more retro, nice!
Especially enjoyed the surf-rock vibe of Cephalopod Shuffle.

Thanks for the advice! I do get a bit carried away at times, making songs overly busy, that is true... But I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Aftermath - very enjoyable string instruments, sounds really cheerful for an aftermath of an apocalypse though...
The Cyber Effect - very cyberpunk! has a lot of action in it, could be used as battle theme too maybe?
LWR - nice walking bass, dark piano, the 3/4 tempo gives it a sophisticated feel, and it does sound fittingly grim. Turns into a haunted mansion theme, gets real spicy at the end
Ol' Atlantis - mixes robotic synths with more gentle instruments like pianos and bells (I think those are bells?), really fits the description, my favorite track by far

Overall a really nice soundtrack! Well done!

A lot of variety in this OST! One could think that, with such different and unique styles, every track comes from a separate game, but the lore in the description really ties all of the different tracks together!
On another note, Desperation at the space station gives me some real Ridiculon vibes.
Nicely done!

Lo-fi beats to rate submissions to
Doesnt really fit the theme... but sounds great nonetheless!

Thanks for the feedback!!! 

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

This is incredible
And I want more of this
Keep that feverish creativity going my man

The transitions are incredibly beautiful and natural, I couldn't even tell where one song ended and another started!

Each song feels like a journey,  the use of strings and piano in "Tides of Time" makes it feel calm and gentle, and the oboes and bells in "Revival of Youth" make it feel busy and lively without sounding overwhelming. I also really enjoyed the grandiose feeling of "I See it Now". Great work!

Thank you! Glad you liked it!


Really liked the action feel of Mechacanthine chaos. And all the other tracks really set the chill aquatic mood. Very nice!

Such clarity...
Such attention to detail in the quieter tracks...
And "In My World" completely flung me out of my seat
One of the most immersive submissions I've seen! Great job!

You made this in a DAY?!
Too good to be true

Accurately recreates what it feels like to live with PTSD
Totally omoriful!

This is how this soundtrack feels
Steam Workshop::Soyjak Calm Skies

Wowie that's loud
Really expected it turn into breakcore at one point
Definitely one of the most unique submissions I've seen
Nicely done!

Hell yeah

I uploaded the wrong version of the killer theme teehee :3