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A jam submission

soulOS: memories not foundView project page

What secrets lie in this dead computer?
Submitted by isopyrum, UwUCatAgent — 13 hours, 3 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#654.0374.037

Ranked from 80 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game Description:
soulOS: memories not found is a Zach-like puzzle game with visual novel elements about repairing old, worn down computers, long since out of date, eaten by bit rot.
Each client brought to the shop has its own story to tell, as do the computers they bring.

Music Description:
For this EP, we chose to make a mixed-electronica soundtrack, blending between glitchy and natural textures as a way to bridge the conceptual gap between the digital and physical.

01 - Power On: Main menu theme.
02 - Booting Up: BGM for the first cutscene at the start of the game, showing the start of the player's career, and introducing the first customer's computer.
03 - /dev/null: One example BGM for the puzzle solving section of the game.
04 - In My World: BGM for the cutscene that plays after solving the first computer. Represents the way memories can be hard to access after a period of time, and may need some coaxing to remember.
05 - Freed Memory: BGM for the resolution to the first customer's story, after the player is able to restore the customer's computer, finding old photos of them with their mother at the beach.

We used a variety of DAWs, VSTs, and other bits of software to create this. The non-exhaustive list includes: FL Studio, Ableton, Reaper, Bitwig, MuseScore, Pitchmap, LOVE, Valhalla Room, Valhalla Shimmer, Emergence, Disperser, Kontakt (various libraries), and more.

Process and Inspirations:
After seeing the image, we started brainstorming various ideas, and decided on a botanica-like vibe. We recorded and found water/ocean samples based on the aesthetics of the image, and drafted a motif to work with. As we worked through the jam, we were inspired by a few videos that we saw to move towards our final conceptual game idea, which really helped tie the entire EP together.

Message from the artist
This was a really enjoyable experience for both of us, and we can't wait to get your feedback!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
We used both the image and text prompt as inspiration. The outlined female figure in the picture juxtaposed with the full color child made us think of themes of memory and forgetting, especially with the child being the only thing depicted in full detail. Additionally, we interpreted the text prompt as getting an introduction to a character's inner thoughts and emotions, peering within them to see a view "inside their world".

We chose to make the game concept revolve around computer restoration, as often nowadays, so much of who we are is stored on our computers and phones through digital photos, text messages, and the documents we leave behind. As such, restoring computers seemed to be a good conceptual fit for the way time decays the accuracy of memory, and the ways one can peer into another's inner world.

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Very creative and well implemented idea. I'm amazed how in Booting up you managed to delicately transform the sound design into a concrete music. All the musics are amazing. You deserves your stars ! Thanks for sharing.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)



Submitted (1 edit)

There's some really sick sound engineering / production here (especially 1:10 in 4 - In My World), and the overall vision for the OST is one of the strongest and most compellingly executed. Usually I have to work a bit to imagine what the target game would be like, but this track communicates the vibe and cyber/tech atmosphere so well it stands on its own. Great job!


I really enjoy your rendition of the theme. It's very original but still fitting.  The way you mixed the different styles is also very nice. Overall great work.


Really cool game concept, and an amazing soundtrack to go with it! The sound design is awesome, and it was a lot of fun to listen to everything. I did find track 3, '/dev/null/' to be a bit repetitive. I think it's because that main sound effect that repeats a lot (sounds kinda like the computer is screaming?) is a very memorable, 'harsh' sound, so listening to it over and over again made my ears a bit uncomfortable. I understand that track 3 is meant for the puzzle-solving section of the game, which is probably why it's more repetitive than the other tracks, but I wonder if it could either have more variety to the sound, or texturally be a bit more comfortable to listen to. Other than that though, this OST was a really enjoyable listen, great job!


What an amazing musical experience! So unique and original. I really loved everything about it. Good work!!


I love this interpretation of the jam's theme, and the way you captured your interpretation through sound design. Super cool soundtrack.


this is a really nice soundtrack! your style is very fluid and you did a great job including various styles while making the entire soundtrack still seem like one cohesive unit, achieved through various effects that are repeated through several tracks. the computer theme is great and i love how you chose to represent memory and time through such a unique concept.
"in my world" really sums up how i feel about these tracks. it evokes so much emotion and really tells the story you are aiming to tell. 
however, as a jazz fiend, "freed memory" is my favorite. it's such a nice ending to your OST and really gives you a sense of conclusion and satisfaction, with that mix of nostalgia from looking back at your journey. 

GREAT job. you've mixed so many styles within this track and i truly don't have much to critique you on. amazing job, and i'll be looking deeper into your music!


Awesome OST! It’s very experimental, and all the songs really stand out from one another, helped by the inclusion of various computer sound effects in some of the songs. I love the computer theme, and each song feels like it tells a story, which is definitely a good thing to have in a soundtrack! All in all, great job :]


"Booting up" is very well thought with all the soud design you've made, you tell us a story, I really liked it!

Really fun to hear "Freed Memory" just after the chaotic "In my world"! Great inventivity!

Nice Submission :D


Really cool! Very creative with the computer sounds, and then emulating startup sounds but turning them into something.

So, this is what I would actually call "impressionism" (as opposed to the music of Debussy and Ravel who both hated the term for their music). Its an impression of life, and it shows.

Excellent work.


Here, there’s something truly original! First of all, the idea itself is original, and the music breaks classical conventions and could easily exist in such a video game, even serving as an inspiration for other composers. It’s genuinely a game that would work, and for 10 minutes, I forgot about everything and entered your world. Certainly one of the most original ideas I've heard in the contest. There’s no heroic plot; instead, you’ve managed to tell a common life story that no one else had thought of, and you nailed it with how well you did it! Great job!


Really unique interpretation of the theme. The overall concept of the soundtrack is great, and the execution is even better. All of the sounds used really reflect the setting well and create a very immersive experience. Great work!


Extremely unique entry! There's a lot of different textures and sounds between the tracks, but I think they're all super solid and present a cool story. The whole sequence of Booting Up was really creative and I enjoyed that a lot. Freed Memory is also a banger! One of my only complaints is that the very intense section of In My World is just a little too loud compared to the rest of the mixes. I had to turn my volume down to comfortably listen to it. Overall, great job though! 


The sound design goes crazy here. Great job all around super creative!


very unique styled composition i loved each passing motif with each peice it sounds very interactive. Very based 🌵

- Bumpus?


5 stars, very good job, I loved it!


Beautiful sound design and ouse of sfx in general. Nice interpretation of the theme. Love how sound evolving from track to track from digital emptyness to hardest culmination, and relief in the last track. Great experience, thank you for this work!


Your use of sound sources and textural layers is excellent here and there is a really unique soundworld that you have created (was not expecting the Bossa in the final track!). Booting up is a fascinating work, reminds me of Yosi Horikawa in the use of sound design. Very impressive work all round :)

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