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A member registered Jan 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey, I'm a 23 y/o composer/sound designer! I've done a little bit of work with Godot before too.

Here's a variety of musical snippets: https://soundcloud.com/anubhab-sett/sets

I did the sound design on this game: https://cityships.itch.io/yeti-vs-bats

Hello, might you need a sound designer/composer? I've been focussing more on sound lately, so I've actually been wanting to work alongside another composer. I have a little bit of experience in Godot as well.

Here's my music portfolio: https://soundcloud.com/anubhab-sett/sets

I did the sound design for this game recently: https://cityships.itch.io/yeti-vs-bats

(1 edit)

Hey, I'm a composer/sound designer! I was wondering  if I could join your team? I have a little experience with Godot as well. There's a link to my SoundCloud portfolio on my profile. Feel free to send me a message on Discord at comet1772.

Hello! Sound designer here, I've messaged you on Discord

Hey, I'm a composer/sound designer. Not in EU timezone either, but at UTC +5:30. I've been focussing on sound design lately so I'd love to work alongside another composer and a team. The relaxed vibes you're going for with this game is something I've been interested in capturing. I don't know what the scope of your game is - maybe it's too small for needing a sound designer? Either way if you want to chat, send me a message on discord at comet1772.

Here's some of my musical work: https://soundcloud.com/anubhab-sett/sets

I also did all the sound design on this project: https://cityships.itch.io/yeti-vs-bats

Good luck with the jam!

Hi there!

I’m a musician/sound designer looking to participate in this jam. I’m happy to work with a team, but (since this jam allows you to be part of multiple teams) there’s also a game I’d like to create myself, for which I could use some help.

Here’s my music portfolio: https://soundcloud.com/anubhab-sett/sets

You can check my profile for the games I’ve worked on.

I did all the sound design and a little bit of GDScript programming for this one: https://cityships.itch.io/yeti-vs-bats

Recently I’ve been focussing more on sound design because I lack experience in that department.

If you like my work send me a message on Discord! Username is comet1772. 


The pitch for the game I’d like to make is –

You play as a young painter who is visiting a remote village when the pandemic happens and travel is locked down. To get by, you take on odd jobs and delivery work. Through the course of the story, you pursue a painting project based on the events you experience and the village itself, and you try to make friends with the villagers and slowly uncover more things about them. The story primarily explores themes of connection and isolation.

Of course, every idea is subject to change. If we get to talking, please feel free to make suggestions or point out ideas that are bad or out-of-scope.

While I would prefer that this team fit into the 18-24 age category, I won’t say no to working with someone I get along with.

The skills I need help with are (you could fill multiple roles if you are able to) –

  • 2D art that replicates traditional painting styles (I was thinking oil and watercolour) with full-body NPC portraits in those styles as well. I would love for the portraits to have occasional animations (at super low frame rates, like 1-12 fps)
  • 3D modelling the terrain of the village as well the houses and props. The style should match the traditional look of the 2D art.
  • Programming. I was thinking about using Godot with Yarn Spinner for the dialogue and Wwise for sound, but with a programmer’s help, I’m open to using other engines or solutions.

What am I doing? – I’ll be handling sound, music, and narrative. And hopefully some programming unless the programmer finds I just get in the way haha

If this project sounds interesting or speaks to you in any way, feel free to send me a message. I can also link you a GDD on Discord which goes into more detail so you can properly evaluate it.

Perhaps it is true what they say about eldritch horror being more suited to text simply because our imagination does the rest of the work.

I like that the descriptions don't run on. There's enough ambiguity to create a sense of paranoia but enough detail to feel specific and tactile. I liked the sequence at the top of the lighthouse for the same reasons - it's spooky throughout but the moment you get to inspect it you end up re-evaluating what happened. The hidden text could be a bit of a bottleneck for some people because the hint isn't listed anywhere, I figure that's one feedback you will get often. I was lucky enough to find it on my first playthrough. After that, I ended up checking a lot of places, only to find nothing. When it works, I think it can be a great moment; it really put in me in the headspace of a paranoid Lovecraftian protagonist. I also liked the indirect nature of figuring out the laboratory password. All in all, a fun little game.

Good luck with your degree!

Thanks for playing! Yeah the way the bat was programmed, the sticks can take out multiple bats if the collision happens at the same time.

Alex whipped up some really nice art in the short time we had. We didn't have the time to get some extra animations set up unfortunately. I added an extra chirp-sound to the bats getting hit to provide some auditory feedback, but it's not ideal.

Thanks again, appreciate your feedback.

You're welcome. Really enjoyed the game as well! Though the parkour mechanics are broken hahaha. Once I understood the mechanics I skipped a bunch of campfires and headed straight to the final one.

I had the same issue for the web version, so I got the downloaded version and it was much nicer.

Ooh, that's an interesting engine. Seems like a labour of love.

Obviously take my observations about the level design with a grain of salt. But I can tell you what I enjoyed - after trying to interact with the ship and getting a come-back-later message, it felt nice to remember to go there the next morning and be rewarded for remembering.

Yes, the message I got when I tried to start a fire before getting the flint was "Now I need to start the fire." so it didn't imply that I needed anything, or what I needed specifically.

"Throw sticks at the bats." actually shows up in the tutorial text after "Bats will damage your campfire." but it's possible to miss if it's outside your view.

Yeah, I can see that some tweaks could be made to the controls. Maybe left click will suffice for both the throwing and picking up.

This is very cool. Feels very complete with all the UI and settings. I didn't expect an intro cutscene as well!

I think the way the opening area is designed can make the objective confusing because of the order in which we encounter points of interest. I had most of the items collected before I understood where I needed to set up camp. I did run around and press interact on anything that looked interesting, so I got by.

I had some trouble positioning myself exactly where I needed to be to interact/pick-up things. I thought the player speed was a little fast for that kind of precision.

About the flint-stones, I got them because it was a unique looking object along the shoreline. But when testing what happened if I set up a fire without the flint, it didn't give me a message about needing that item, so I imagine that someone could be lost if they didn't have that.

I really enjoyed it overall and liked the art - especially when Aika gets that cloak from the sails! I'm curious which software you used to pull this off so quickly.

Thanks! Some bat sounds were actually missing which I recently patched.

Yeah, once a summoner screeches, the number of bats can get overwhelming. Maybe the lack of sound made the summon mechanic unclear? If you knock them out consistently you should have no problem. I actually made some minor balance adjustments but I don't know if that makes it much easier.

Nothing much happens after the bar fills up lol. The bats stop spawning and you win.

Hope to add a "Try Again" button at some point, maybe post-jam. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! If you throw a stick at the bat, the bat should disappear, if that's what you mean?

I love the storytelling through the puzzles! Had a little trouble with the second last one because the background texture felt visually cluttered. The reveal of all the boxes on the last puzzle caught me off  guard! Did you start with the last puzzle and work backwards?