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A member registered Oct 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Oh wow! You got the topic nicely!

I love the effects. It was fun, but the turrets and the portals needs more balancing and polishing. Great job though!

Is this the new Half-Life VR thing? :O WOWIEEE

It was a little confusing at the beginning, but after a while it becomes really fun to play.

WOWIEEE! So much fun and the visuals... An amazing and polished game.

Kudos for the shader and that you're learning how to create one. I didn't understand the boss' hitbox when he charges towards the player. I did it twice, but never beaten the whole boss. I think that the head should've not been a hitbox/collider, so as to be easier. idk

Good job!

What a nice puzzle game, the sounds though... Amazing music!

That was a surprise of a bug :D 

WOWIEE! So creative!

WOWIEEE! This was so much fun! I've got a little annoyed when I reached the portals (level/stage 3?). It's a little overwhelming and I can't find the player when I teleport to the other teleport somewhere in the room. You should color the player a little more vibrant or to be with a unique and salient shape. Anyway, it was a really nice experience. Great job!

You need to drop to the bottom of the blue beam and you will reach the next which is above it.

It was something interesting. I've got annoyed when I pressed R and it sent me to the beginning of the game instead of the last checkpoint (before the worms). Then I started again and I pressed R again by mistake :( I really liked the bee animations when the worm eats them.

Oh wow! Yes you got stuck. It happened to me once I started playtesting the final version that I've already uploaded to Itch. But I really appreciate that you've got to there. Most of the people that played the game got stuck on the detach-reset-detach puzzle with the 2 tall steps. This is where the game becomes fun - wall climbing, double jumping, dashing and no more detaching bulls**ts :D

Thank you for playing the game and reaching to at least 50% of my silly and (un)intentionally buggy game. This means a lot!

Interesting game, but I didn't understand the numbers above the platforms and the enemies. Why is there a support for A/D moving the character horizontally but there is no support for W to jump with? Good job though!

I was a little annoyed in the beginning. Then I understood that I can hold space+direction and I'm not falling? But then I was even more confused what's happening :D I reached a platform which is too high and I think I should've used the holding keys technique, but I'm not sure how. Anyway, fun little game, but I found out about the explanations (the bug button) too late. Probably you could've add the explanations on changing the screen. IDK. Interesting game for sure!

WOWIEEEE! The main "song" is amazing :D The game is kinda fun, but I didn't understand the bouncing single colored squares with a numbers of clicks required. Why I was losing the "points" when the square appeared. IDK. But I played for 10 minutes straight. It was fun. You can make a pretty dope clicker game out of this idea.

The game is so nice and it has nice visuals. One of the screenshots spoiled the puzzle with the platform below the character. Great job! There was 1 little problem - if you lose the ball or the platform (throw them away), there is no reset button and they don't respawn, so I had to restart the whole game.

Thanks for the feedback. It means a lot!

I already played your game and commented on it, and you replied... :(

The visuals, the music/sfx are so good and polished. The controls though... I gave up. The starting cutscene is amazing!

Thanks for the feedback! I agree with everything you said. The game is far from polished. I started adding content after content, features after features and at the end there was no time for polishing or even to find some royalty-free ambient music. BTW if you are interested, you can watch just the beginning of my walkthrough video (first 15 seconds) to see how the game should've started, the ground enemies actually should hit and damage the player, but on the final build something went wrong.

Thanks again for the feedback. It felt really honest and constructive. I'll play your game tomorrow!

What a nice music. The difficulty is pretty hard though. I reached a place with 2-3 screens without a checkpoint. Interesting puzzle game

What a nice music. The difficulty is pretty hard though. I reached a place with 2-3 screens without a checkpoint. Interesting puzzle game

I liked the glitchy visuals! Also it has some nice effect when colliding with the platforms, like the square is spinning, it's a nice original touch.

What have I just played??? *confused noises intensifiy*

It was... something. It was ART! It's the most original and creative submission so far. 

5/5 creativity... NO, 500/5 creativity... NO!!!


'P' 'L' 'U' 'C' 'K' 'W'O'W'I'E'E'E'E'E'E

her body unswept by laughter, reaching as a dialed moon.

Ikalumbabam??? Is this the word in the song? What does it mean. It sounds amazing!

Anyways, great submission. Good job!


Nice game! I love top-down action games. That's how I learned Unity - I made a top-down action/shooter game but 1 level with 10 waves and a boss (the game is on my account). Good job if you created the procedural generation with no help and made a game to implement it for only 3 days! Kudos

The last round or two became a laggy mess, you could've made a projectile count limit or when they became too many like an arc it can be 1 object instead of hundreds. Great sounds though, super satisfying.

This is so creative and it fits the topic perfectly. The visuals and the music are nice. It's a little too complicated. I'd appreciate a zoomed out screen/camera when modifying the level, because I can't see what am I doing. It's probably intentional not to see the whole levels. Great submission! WOWIEEE

Ok... This is a hidden gem. It's amazing! It's fun, it has simplicity, it fits the topic perfectly. I saw 1 little problem - the projectiles are not going to the point of the screen I'm aiming at. Once I've got the same issue in Unity and I fixed it by tweaking the angle (rotation) of the instantiated projectile.


So simple, but so much fun! I've got to 2600 score, but when I died I was 1400 and it saved my last score? Probably I should've killed myself when I was at 2600? 

Great submission! WOWIEEEEE

I agree that the game has no music at all. I left the music/sfx as the last task and then my time went short :(

Did you manage to complete the game? At least did you reach the "fun" part with the wall climbing, wall jumping, double jumping, dashing? Thanks for playing!

Nice art! Nice music! The death animation is too long and I got annoyed. Then I started rushing through the maze yolo'ing, which surely didn't help at all.  BTW is there any rhythm/timing for the tiles' colors? Great entry though. WOWIEE!


time: 10:47

deaths: 52

So polished and well done. It has nice level design. I want full game!!! Imagine this beautiful idea to be expanded into a full adventure.

It's good, but it would've been even better if the attack was the fart particles and not clicking with the mouse.

WOWIEEEE! The visuals are so good. The animations as well. It took me like a minute to get used to the delayed jump, it's kinda weird, but it's nice on the double jumping where you have to release the jump key and quickly hold it again so as you can get a higher double jump. I ragequit the game when I fell from the thin platforms where you need to go right on them. It's annoying without a checkpoint.

You just need to get the glitch and go through the gap fast. Just jump and go through as fast as you can

WOWIE! Nice game. I've escaped the facility and I've got some Portal vibes of this game. Really creative and nice topic interpretation! There is one puzzle that I didn't understand at all, although I managed to do it with the help of the developer, I still don't know what actually happened and how I clipped through the wall. Amazing game though! I think the idea is too good for a game jam game :D I need more levels to understand the glitching mechanic. I hope this game is going to have more levels in the future with a nice learning curve for the mechanics. I'd play the whole game for sure. Great entry! WOWIEEE

Hey y'all! Did you read the warning part in the main page of the game. In order to start the game you need to press BACKSPACE 4 times. It's an unintentional bug that I didn't have time to fix and also not appearing on my computer (as you can see on the walkthrough video I've made).

Just press backspace 4 times. I hope you can get at least to the fun part where you can dash, wall climb, wall jump, double jump. Sorry for the annoying bug at the very beginning of the game.

What do you mean? Did you read the WARNING part at the top of the page. You need to press BACKSPACE 4 times to start the game. Sorry about that. Did you manage to reach the fun part of the game - the wall climbing, dashing and double jumping?