Yup, it works correctly! thanks!!
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Hurray! I'm so glad I've found this. It's definitely on my top 3 Tetris games. I appreciate the customizability and the wonderful visual effects.
Here is a small suggestion. On the finish screen, if you get a new record, it would be nice to quickly see on which position.
For inspiration, here's how another game (Mr Driller) does it, by showing "2nd" before your name.
The funny thing is, it was implemented real time initially. I added the turn based logic in order to easily investigate some bugs in the collision code. Then I realized it just makes a lot more sense to be turn based. I'm glad you like it. I might have some time after the compo to add some polish and features to it (including real time)
I don't have much experience in designing game, but I have to admit that using a gravity change mechanic in itself is challenging. Your game also allows walking on walls and changing the polarity on those as well, so it's an extra dimension of complexity. As a player, I find it confusing when left / right are inverted. You could try keeping absolute left / right even when changing polarity from floor to ceiling and viceversa. For the lateral walls, it's a little different, but similar in a way: when going from floor to right wall, my brain could easily understand that right key goes up, but after switching polarity and landing on the left wall, somehow it's very hard / unnatural to switch the expectation that right key goes down. However, this might prove tricky to handle when going from floor to wall, and viceversa.