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Aligned Games

A member registered Oct 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great work!

(1 edit)

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Really cool, fundamentally seems well made and has loads of potential! 

Thank you :)

Its not inverted btw, that is how I intended it, but I can see how that might be confusing. 

Is it not working for you? I know there is an issue where the gun locks up but the UI is functional as I intended, or do you just mean it should be more descriptive?

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for the detailed comment!

I agree with everything you said and I think there is a lot of room for the game to grow!

I would have loved to be able to explain the mechanics better but I ran out of time unfortunately!

Enjoyed it! 

Good progression system with the asteroids getting more and faster and fun gameplay overall!

It reminds me of a similar game I used to play as a kid, nostalgic stuff :)

Good job dev!

Yeah, the text at the start does say to progress but I know its not the best way to show someone what to do, just didn't have time to do it properly. 

And yeah I wanted the game to be hard but also survivable so its a difficult balance!

Thanks for playing :)

Impressive stuff!

The game felt really polished and well made.

I liked the visuals alot too, although at times it could be hard to see things clearly.

Great job.

Very cool. I liked the art alot, although, the bug had a whole different art style which broke the emersion a bit. 

The game was also a bit too slow for me, but thats more an opinion than a critique.

I love the unique feel and look of the game. 

Very well done overall.

I made a wild guess and got it right...10/10!

Some feedback : The mechanics felt amazing, but I would have liked a nice 50s style song to go along with the game as the gameplay is very slow.

Overall, great job!

I wasnt sure what to do and I had no audio, but I liked the visuals and feel of the game alot!

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Very cool, took me back to making potions in Skyrim!

The song got a bit much after a few minutes though!

A overall, great job :)

The art is awesome btw! And the song is great :)

(1 edit)

How many budgies are too many budgies?
Great job dev!

Thank you! 

The loot mechanic was something I've always wanted to try, to have sort of world space UI elements, so I'm glad I got a small part of that implemented.

Back in the day Splinter Cell had this system where all the UI in the game was cast on walls around you which I thought was so cool.

Anyway, thanks for playing :)


It was a challenge to make all the art on the first day but I feel like I got alot done. 

The zombies AI are very dumb though, at least they are zombies so it works XD

I really like this one, your idea was great and the game is already a lot of fun.

Seems like a unique idea! Sucks that you weren't able to get it done, but that happens.

Thank you!

This is what I came for. Im rich babyyyy.

Very cool idea.

The art seems very familiar, is it Synty?

Sound is great too :)

Great job!

Cool stuff! Its almost like a first person wipeout style game!

Good job, very fun, and quite hard!

Thank you for the kind words! Im glad you liked it :)

And I agree, the UI, map generation and enemies need some work!

But, its just a game jam game, with time it could be good :)


And I agree, it definitely needs a lot of work to become a full experience but its pretty fun nonetheless!

Thanks for playing.

I also worked with my time pretty well to be honest for example when you walk through the foliage it has a little sound and animation, but I made one generic animation that I then just re-used and tweaked a bit. 

I would have liked to add more animations like reloading and jumping but ran out of time!

My biggest regret is that I had no time to add better logic to the enemy AI, they are pretty...zombie-ish XD

Thanks! I would have loved to add more guns but time ran out!

I made everything from scratch for the jam, its a lot of stuff but its also a pretty simple style with everything atlassed to one texture. Its a style that I developed along with the shader in the game on the first day.

I did everything for the jam in the jam! Worked non stop haha. 

Believe it or not I had a lot more planned but ran out of time haha.

Thanks for playing :)

Good job! Visuals are really cool and overall its quite impressive. Controls were a bit weird feeling as well as the camera.

Overall, well done!

Interesting art style. Game has quite a unique feel to it. 

Felt a bit hard, never had any green zones. Maybe I just got unlucky.

Good job!

Very interesting idea, its still rough, but has alot of potential! Good job!

Well made!

I really love the idea! Great job!

Yup, those land mines are quite the hazard!

Did you manage to extract at least? XD

The polish is really well done, good job :)

My arm got so tired XD Don't know if I was playing wrong but my mouse pad isn't big enough haha.

Very cool game, well done!

Very well done!
Simple, but effective idea and execution!
