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No wonder that one kid is so timid. He's disturbed by his DEMON VISION!!!
I like how that other character was like, well, maybe that dark spirit is just trying to help.
Neat game!
The ambient noise gets interesting, too, if you wait long enough.
But, in one room, I didnt understand why i couldn't try to solve the glyphs on the barrier around the generator. And i thought i couldn't punch the pillar cuz i tried every single one except the one you're supposed to punch lol.
Didnt get to see the cutscene. Maybe ill try again later cuz im kinda curious to see it.
I love the graphics! And the music! And the enemies on the ground! Loved how they'd just topple over when hit! And the npcs! Especially that one "cat" who insisted we should just surrender lol.
But the controls were weird. So I used my gamepad, but the dash didn't work on it. So I had to press shift while holding the gamepad.
Love the brightly coloured and funny art! Something is really fun about shooting those giant balls.
I appreciate how the walls "cull out" in narrow corridors, instead of the camera awkwardly trying to squeeze between the walls and the character. And how the instructions were given in funny dialogue, at different points in the game, instead of crammed into boring text.
I enjoyed the music, too! A bit loud tho, even for my big headphones.
The creator-ghost reminded me of Dr Wily from Megaman or something, which was interesting!
Edit/Spoilers: I beat the game! I defeated Dr Wily! Lol
Do not underestimate this Runescape clone! Even after only 1 upgrade, you begin to FEEL THE POWER!!! I also love how the guy at the title screen screams GOBLIN THIEF!!!
But I kept hitting esc by instinct to close the shop menu, which would quit the game. And I wish i had more time to enjoy THE POWER OF THE UPGRADES!
I guess it's for the better that it's a short game. It might be too addictive otherwise lol.
Thanks! I made the enemies. For the harder enemies, creepy was what I aimed for. Programmers also said to make the harder variations scarier and scarier.
The bat enemy that was cut due to time constraints (afaik) wasn't as scary.
But the ghoul enemy (also didn't make it) was painted by the other artist. I told him make it look like a gross zombie. But it was too gross, even for me! I guess you were spared from such a gross sight lol. But if we had time, we probably would have added him in!
yeah the atmosphere was probably a result of the other artist, the sound guy, and I think one of the programmers did special effects/fog/ night sky? I liked the starry night background.
YES! Someone liked my cutscene! Thanks!
Yeah I used rule of thirds and balance for the cutscene. Those are the two camera compositions tricks I recently learned that sounded the most important to me, and easiest to do.
I'm glad story was clear, without having to do a lot of explaining dialogue. I heard "show, don't tell" is a writing tip. Yes, the dancing ghost guy was funny. A teammate said it was dark that he was taunting Trevor, which is also true when you think about it.
And yeah, I'm far from mastering animation principles. I know of them, but would still need lots of practice. I did focus on facial expressions and did improve on body poses tho.
And yeah it was a team effort! I couldn't have made this game without the team and vice versa!
Thanks for your feedback and beating the game!