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Anaconda Games

A member registered Nov 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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We were 2 working on this and there was definetly more than 2 days worth of work since we worked for around 30 to 40 hours each on those two days, we just literrally did nothing but the creating the game during this week-end ^^

I don't know how you did your game jam but that's how we like to do them! That's probably not the smartest way but it's really enjoyable once you are done!

Nice game, not sure if this was intended but I think I found a bug, when you jump and switch transformation quickly it drop a bush were you are. Anyway, I like the mood in this one!

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We wanted to really introduce not more than one mechanic per level, to not make it harder than it already is. But we definetly needed more levels with harder puzzles,  we just over-estimated our time left. We are use to 3 days game jam, that's probably why.

Not going to lie, I had a lot of fun looking at you replay some levels, clearly this wasn't your type of game, but you still tryed it for a pretty long time, thanks a lot!

Thanks, you are right, we should have avoided these hard platform, when making the levels they were looking quite easy, but we kind of forgot that when making a game it's always easier for us to play it, won't do this mistake next time!

We made sure that it wasn't possible for player to cheat going over certain gates and gary's can't go on those path since we have to define them manually and we didn't. But we would be happy if you could prove us wrong and  show us some shortcut!

Thanks for you comment, it seems like the shadow issue is reccurent. We won't forget this next time, Thanks!

Nice entry, would have loved to see a little leaderbord, to see how much point other players were able to do, I was not really good at it.

Really cool implementation of the theme! Not all mutation made sense to me at first ^^ but really fun once you understand the combination! Well done!

Nice concept, I enjoyed playing it. However, I think the money is earned too fast.

Nice work :)

I really like the art style! The two headed character give me some really nice vibes! Good Job!

Well done for a 2 days game! only thing I might have to say is that I'm not quite sure if there is a way to know how much movement points we have left. I might have just not seen it I don't know ?

Really original, took my quite a while to understand the mutation, but once you get it, it's pretty cool

I really enjoyed the art style, very cute.

The gameplay fits perfectly with the theme and the puzzles are well made.

Impressive work ! :D

It was really fun to play! Nice implementation of the theme in the mechanics. I really enjoyed the visual aspect of your game. I would have liked to be pushed more to use all the mutations, I mostly used the flying one.

Nice work :)

Fun little game, I really liked the sound and particles effects on the stickmans! I would have enjoyed some more weapons :)

Thanks for your comment! We wanted to add this screen, but with the tight deadline we weren't able to, there was a lot more planed, like 3 or 4 different Gary's that would have spiced up the gameplay, but yeah 2 days is a bit short, we are use to 3 days jam which would have been perfect for this game. For the shadow thing, I'm not 100% sure about it but with the settings in ultra we had everything right. We just forgot to test lower qualities, that's probably why we didn't saw this shadow issue and I'm sorry for that.

Great game, I won't lie, I would have loved to play a few more challenges.

Nice game, especially the artwork. Great job!

C'est vrai que la visée est la dernière mécanique de jeu que nous avons ajouté et elle aurait mérité un peu plus d'attention, mais nous en avons pas eu la possibilité. En ce qui concerne, la génération procédurale nous avons déjà eu l'occasion de faire des prototypes de jeux plutôt simple (EndlessRunner, Labyrinthe, etc.), mais en ce qui concerne un platformer cela nous aurait demandé un peu trop de temps pour vraiment avoir des énigmes différentes les unes des autres pour ne pas avoir un effet trop répétitif, on a donc choisi de créer nos propres maps, mais cette idée reste intéressante a exploré pour une mise à jour future. Merci pour ton retour :)

Nous sommes désolés d'entendre ceci, nous avons tout fait pour limiter les performances nécessaires dans le temps imparti, mais visiblement cela n'a pas été suffisant. Cependant, nous avons une des trois personnes de l'équipe qui, lui avais un PC relativement faible et le jeu tourné a plus de 60 FPS. Toutefois, merci pour ton retour :)

Merci beaucoup :)

On n'avait encore jamais étendu de cette compétition, mais après un tour sur votre page cela nous donne vraiment envie de tenter notre chance, espérons que l'on trouvera le temps de produire quelque chose. :)

Aha, oui d'ailleurs à la dernière minute pour limiter ce genre de problème on a ajouté un son très léger sur les pièces pour mieux indiquer leur position.


On aime beaucoup l'idée que tu proposes, qui sait si un jour on a le temps de reprendre un peu ce jeu on pourrait probablement l'étendre dans cette direction :)

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Merci pour ta review, mais je tiens juste a ajouté que,

le flou était principalement là afin de camoufler le fait que le niveau n'a rien pour caché ces limites et donc empêcher le joueur de voir la limite du monde.

En ce qui concerne les assets, nous sommes 3 programmeurs donc oui on ne maitrise pas (la modélisation 3D, etc.) mais cela n'empêche pas que nous essayons de nous approprié les assets en les utilisant d'une manière qui n'était pas forcement celle imaginée par celui ou celle qui a créé ces assets

Oui on comprend, le 3e niveau n'a pas été entièrement fini comme il aurais dû être on a eu de gros soucis de build dans les dernières heures alors on a choisi d'essayer de le finir très rapidement afin d'avoir tout de même 3 niveaux.

Merci, ce côté un peu flottant, été voulu pour rendre certain passage plus difficile qu'ils en ont l'air.

La transformation est très sympa !

Très sympa ! J'ai beaucoup aimé :)