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David Schmitt

A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback, Tom! The red golf balls do curve toward the player like a gravity effect, but we could add another ball type with a much stronger gravity force toward the player.

For the shadow effect, it took me a while to find it, but on YouTube people seem to call the effect "Fake height". My implementation is heavily based on this video by GucioDevs:

I added a small vertical offset to the shadow so you could still see it when the ball is on the ground, and I changed the horizontal and vertical launch speeds to be based on the player's distance from the golfer instead of random ranges.

Thanks for playing our game, and good luck with your work on the golf game! ⛳

From one golfing game to another, great job! The movement felt really crisp, and the golf balls becoming edible right before they explode is a really clever mechanic! The difficulty curve was really well balanced, too.

(1 edit)

Very cute game! That bunny's kind of ornery sometimes... stopping so suddenly he falls off the back of my platform 😂 Feel free to check out the game my friend and I did if you're interested!

Cute graphics and simple controls! The paralysis power got me 😢

Same feedback as everyone else, haha! Art is amazing, and gameplay is pretty well put together. I really like the tutorial messages being written on the walls. It fits in with the theme pretty well. I could only get so far without checkpoints, but good game!

Thanks, and I appreciate the feedback! I wanted it to be a game my friends and family would enjoy playing, but the gameplay is probably a little slow for most gamers. In later updates to the game I plan on making breaking orbs an urgent need. Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much! I love your idea with the depleting bar. I want the game to feel more urgent, so something that will put the player a little more on edge would fit nicely. Thanks for playing!

Haha, I did! I love making music with FL Studio, so after I made the tune I just picked a few notes that matched the key and recorded them. As far as incentives for big hits, I really want to add a combo system where if you hit enough orbs in a single break, it would give a multiplier to the number you destroyed. Hopefully later on I can release an update with some new features. Thanks for the feedback!

Great points. During the jam I tried to make the game easy enough for friends and family, but there wasn't much to make the game more interesting after the first couple minutes. Having a bar that depletes if you don't collect enough orbs would probably give that sense of urgency it needs. Thanks for playing!

Good feedback! I think I could use the space on the right to create a tree showing the different selection options and what keys to press to get them. 

Thanks for playing the game!

I think it would be a good project for gaining more experience, especially how to build complementary mechanics and polish a game through iterative playtesting. It's up to you!

It's a neat theme! I like that both players can actively be moved with separate controls. That means you can have a friend play with you and each use one character. The puzzles were pretty simple, but with the electrician theme I could see many new mechanics included like you did with the switches and doors. Good work!

Thanks for playing! The lives are updated to the game manager's value every time the spacebar is pressed (except for when you lose your last life, where it goes straight to the game over screen). I'll play through some more and see if I notice anything odd. Breaking multiple red orbs in a single selection will make you lose multiple lives, but I'll have to check!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to hear you liked it! It means a lot :) I thought about a few different control schemes and settled on this one. If I could do it over again I would have prioritized a small tutorial at the beginning explaining a few of the selections to use.

I like the follow the leader style mechanic! It was tough to get the followers to do what I wanted, but eventually I got it! The end screen was worth it, though! The pixel art was cool, too :)

Great job putting together multiple weapon types! I like how you can make enemies your ally. I like the AI for the enemies, although it gets pretty challenging after a bit. Like you mentioned in your reply, some type of scoring or progression would really round out what the game still needs. Lots of potential for this type of game! I could see maybe the more enemies your current object destroys, the more it levels up and gets more powerful. Then when you get rid of it you can get a much bigger explosion or something. Maybe you could even tether to more than one enemy and toggle between all the connected objects?

Quick, simple game! I liked that level 1 and level 2 had different mechanics. Over time you could probably add more game types like going from one place to another while producing the least carbon emissions you can, or you could see wind patterns across the screen and you need to place turbines in the spots that have the most wind. Good theme!

Cute pixel art! You did a great job laying out the levels in a way that got more complex as you went along. Some options for improving the game could be some kind of danger that the cats have to avoid (puppies, kids, or Roombas could fit the peaceful home theme) or maybe a time limit for each level. You could potentially add some cat treats in each level you need to collect. I liked the ending, too! Keep learning and growing! You've got a great start :)

Cute idea! I found the change to night time a little spooky and unexplained, but it was neat to click on the different birds and match them up. I think having real bird calls and after matching showing what kind of bird made the call would be a neat learning element to the game.

Cute little platformer! The last two levels were quite a bit harder than the rest was. It seems like the leaf was only for aesthetics, and I couldn't get the grApple hook to work. A few bugs with collisions and the quit button, but good job!

Nice game! It was tough to figure out the mechanics, but once I did the last few puzzles were a good challenge. I think if you want the player to stumble upon the mechanic like in level 9, it might be easier if the options in the level design is more restrictive so the player has an easier time finding it. I liked the art style a lot! And the grid system works really well. In the future I could see a level editor for a game like this, along with blocks that break the chain up into 2, or blocks that destroy the first player they touch. Great job for the jam!

Really neat game for a 48 hour jam! I loved the assets you used, and the level design was well thought out. Having the 5 mechanics all combine was a good way of using the joined together theme. I think having more levels where you have to decide which powers to use could be fun.

That last of the 5 powers is OP ;)

Fantastic job on all the artwork! I thought surely for a 48 hour project I could go through all the endings, but there's so many! Luckily I got the ending I was after. Really well made! And I agree with Automatree about having checkpoints of some kind. Maybe the story could be divided into chapters you could go back to after you've gotten that far in the game?

I agree losing after getting hit once makes the game really hard. I think I got pretty far, but it's hard to tell. The bullet patterns were pretty cool, and it was neat seeing the huge ship coming up through the screen. A progress bar or visible score would probably help the player get a sense of where they're at in the game. Really cool assets and music, too!

Same issue here. The cover art looks cute, though!

Ah, I missed that then. I was playing on a laptop with a trackpad, so I would drag and drop the letter and then rotate and scale it. It makes sense to hold the letter while you're working with it. Great work!

Incredibly polished game with mechanic that fits the theme well! I have no idea how you could pack so much into the 48 hours, but it puts you into the top games for the jam in my book. 

One small critique would be to allow the letter you want to work with to be selected with a left click. I found that I would drag a letter into place, but then if my cursor ended up over a different letter I'd be modifying another letter unintentionally.

+1 for the working scoreboard and level maker!

Incredibly polished game with mechanic that fits the theme well! I have no idea how you could pack so much into the 48 hours, but it puts you into the top games for the jam in my book. 

One small critique would be to allow the letter you want to work with to be selected with a left click. I found that I would drag a letter into place, but then if my cursor ended up over a different letter I'd be modifying another letter unintentionally.

+1 for the working scoreboard and level maker!

Incredibly polished game with mechanic that fits the theme well! I have no idea how you could pack so much into the 48 hours, but it puts you into the top games for the jam in my book. 

One small critique would be to allow the letter you want to work with to be selected with a left click. I found that I would drag a letter into place, but then if my cursor ended up over a different letter I'd be modifying another letter unintentionally.

+1 for the working scoreboard and level maker!

I've got pretty much the same thoughts as Punica. Really well put together! I love the dialog and the plot! I wish I could beat the part after gaining the dash, but it was too hard for me to finish. Great music, but really hard to beat!

I really enjoyed the art and assets! There were some issues with collisions climbing up the assets in the first level. I couldn't figure out how to complete the objective for the third level.

Great game! 

Pros: Great level design, useful abilities, awesome title music, neat laser field art.

Cons: Robot movement is a bit too touchy, the different robots are very similar looking, the shooting animation could have a little more pizzazz to it.

Other notes: I really, really liked the last level!

Thanks so much for the feedback, Draconium! I was interested in putting some kind of tutorial together, but didn't think I'd be able to get it in for the jam. Nice job on hitting 1000! I love the idea of manipulating time during the game somehow, and I bet there are a few different kinds of orbs that could be added to the game down the road. I also considered adding incentives for breaking a large number of orbs at once (like combo multiplier or dropping in special orbs). The selection outlining was surprisingly tricky for me (learned all about Unity sprite masks doing it), but if I can find a way to automatically draw the correct outlines I'd love to allow the circles to move and change size.

Thanks for the suggestions and review! It means a lot 😁