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A member registered Oct 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really nice! Was fun, pretty original too! Glad I saw this game!

Interesting idea with cute art!

The controls are a bit fast and hard to keep the character from falling off platforms, I also don't think the dice system for the platforms is working? I could  stand on any platform regardless of the dice's value

This was... amazing! The implementation of the theme, the monochrome pixel art, it was nice! The  chance a die could roll making you choose a losing option (at least that's what I think happened) was cool too!
I enjoyed this, and will probably revisit to try to find all the paths. Great job!

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For the tutorial, it was not clear that the shape of the level was to tell you to use the "R" key, I only figured it out after accidentally pressing R and   getting somewhere in the level. This could easily be fixed by actual text instead of using  the terrain.  While the weight of the die to affect stuff is cool, the randomness of the roll makes it frustrating, especially when it was difficult to get the die into the needed spot, just to have to do it again because the die wasn't the right weight

The change in gravity is a pretty cool feature for the platformer, and a nice use of the theme! Is the cat supposed to lose its outline when moving?

This was really neat! The "weapon upgrade" in the form of a die with a higher sum and different values for each side was super cool!

At first I didn't get it, but once I did I was impressed by the look and feel y'all were able to achieve in 48 hours. Great job!

Common issue being reported:
I can't see the color trails/there are no color trails

The color trails are a separate "rule" from the  two "lose if you step on (opponent/your) color"  rule. Because of this, it is very possible, and it fact the more likely outcome, that one of these lose rules will be drawn before color trails are left.

My opponent isn't following the rules

I believe this is due to my quickly and terribly implemented UI. The list on the left of the play field is simply letting you know what rules could be added next time a rule is added. They are not rules. Pressing E will give you the list of rules.  
I believe this is what is happening as I have been unable to replicate the complaint of the opponent not following rules

It was pretty interesting! Sometimes   the ladders would  be in a spot where they didn't help at all

The opponent does pick a random space to move to, then checks if the move is possible. If the move isn't possible, it picks a different space to move to. If it goes through all the spaces but there are no possible moves, the game sets a win for the player.

As for the opponent not following the rules, I'll have to look into that, not sure why he's breaking the rules

I like the art style,  I haven't been able to get to any of the companion challenges, tho

This was pretty cute! I enjoyed this take on a dating sim, the only issue I would say is it doesn't appear to matter what random words you pick, though it might just be that the ones I picked gave me that impression

This is a  super cool idea, the tutorials explained all I needed to know, and there being a little guide to show you what direction the buttons make the dice move depending on the angle you're playing at was a nice touch!

Pretty neat so far! Definitely a great base for whatever you have planned! Cant wait to see it completed!

It appears your game is missing the files it needs to run, it looks cute, but can't run it

It's pretty cute! The hot pink color is pretty bright, however

Very cute! Would have been cool if there was some interaction during the race, even if it had no effect on the frog's performance

It was a nice game, tho I clipped through the grass or something in the last level and got stuck. Very relaxing, would be a neat full game!

Was expecting this game to just be a joke but was actually a nifty rythmn game

Very nice!  Do the bullets follow the player or is that just my imagination?

Sadly the game is broken

This is pretty cool, but  the controls are pretty difficult to use, and I often lose from the dice pushing me into a spike much faster than  my perception would make me think it would.

This is cute, but the grim reaper bunny keeps killing my rabbits ;-;
I could probably write about this being a metaphor for the inevitability of death, but I'll just leave y'all by saying it was fun to play around with ^-^

The chase board game is an interesting take on the theme, nice job!

(1 edit)

Papers please, but  with gambling! I kept drifting in the web version, but the windows version played a bit better ^-^

Hi! Thank you for your comment - I will check out your game.

To address your concerns:

The swap in controls is due to the characters having different keys in order to swap. The long haired character (Lucille) uses E, and the one with shorter hair (Robin) uses Q. This is to prevent a game breaking issue where if someone gets both onto a switch it would disable both characters with no way to reenable them. I will add to the wording to make it more clear which character is being disabled.

As for the sounds - I was going to add them on Sunday but had an issue in Unity so had to forgo that in favor of finishing everything else. I do plan to go back in and add SFX and music :3

I am very aware of the tediousness… I am going to revisit all the levels that take a lot of time once one knows the way to complete it, and make it more of a puzzle versus slow tread to the finish.

Thank you again for your comment!

This is nice, but a bit too difficult at times, ended up being frustrating later on and repetitive

It works but I  can't understand what I'm supposed to do.

You will want to look at the "I have 17 videos" hints (don't want to spoil it- the fun of this game is figuring it out :3)

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A very nice game, would prefer a longer version, but as this is free no complaints (only took me 5 minutes, and while the challenge was fun it left me wanting more)