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A member registered Mar 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for checking it out!  I have it so you can't spawn every frame, but the spawn rate is quite generous.  I did 0 balancing so that's certainly something I should look at moving forward!

Thanks for playing!  I looked at yours too!

Thanks for checking it out!  It was all I could do to get it submitted in time, but I plan on working on it some more!

That's an interesting take on reverse tower defense!  It plays like an RTS game, which given the time limit, is impressive that you got it this far!  You ought to keep working on this and see how it fleshes out!  Great work!

Couldn't quite tell where the buffs you mentioned came in or how they affected the gameplay (maybe they haven't been implemented yet).  But still, this is a good starting point for a classic top-down shooter!  Hope you keep working on it!

Looks good and works well for what it is!  Changing the game mode and setting in the main menu is creatively implemented, but could be made more obvious (ie. make the buttons look more buttony).  Still an awesome game for just 48 hours in development!

This is a real brain bender!  It's almost a rhythm game at certain points!  It looks good too!  Only thing I'd suggest is maybe an outline to show the character's next move visually so it's easier to predict where and when the character will move next.  Great job regardless!

Controls could be tighter and feedback on who's getting hit and when could be made more obvious, but the game assets look great and the idea is so unique!  Great job!

Oddly, enough, the loader at the beginning (with the Unity Logo) stops at bout 90%.  Not sure if this is a windows issue or what.

Love the idea!  I personally thought of something like this, but shied away from it because of the need for pathfinding and AI, which I felt would be too time consuming for the 48-hour window.  If you continue fleshing this out, it could be a really unique game!

I appreciate it and will keep you posted!

Thank you!  I actually did consider Godot for this!  I installed it very recently and am still super new to it, but would like to get to a point where I'm using it for all my 2D game ideas!

Thanks!  I totally plan on it because I really fell in love with the idea!

This is super unique and refreshing!  The music and sound design really create the perfect atmosphere (no pun intended), and once I got the hang of the controls, exploration was super fun!  Awesome job!

Yea I came across the Pixel Perfect Camera Component like 50 times when trying to figure it out, but found it didn't completely resolve the issue.  Even with that, when game objects AND the camera are moving, there's some timing issue that causes one to update and render just before the other making things appear to jitter back and forth as they move.

With your game I barely noticed, and only did so during the moving between sections.  In mine, it was nauseating so I had to get it fixed.

Very simple but effective concept!  With the 64x64 resolution, going with a zoomed out view didn't allow for much detail in the visuals, but still a good start for a turn-based strategy game!

Visually stunning for a 64x64 game!  I also ran into the sword in the sky on respawn bug, but otherwise, the mechanics all seem pretty polished from what I could tell!

Personally, I felt the need to be able to jump and recall the sword from afar.  Those could be really solid additions that you could do some cool things with!

Overall, love it!  Great job!

Awesome game for having to change gears in the middle of the jam!  I did my submission in Unity too and getting the pixels to all behave while the camera is moving took up the entire first two days of the jam for me.  I noticed some of the same jittering in this when the camera was moving along the path.

I was able to finally smooth things out by updating the camera in LateUpdate to an "appropriate position" (the player position for my submission), and by calculating the "appropriate position" by multiplying the x and y by the pixels per Unity unit, rounding that to the nearest int, then dividing by the pixels per Unity unit.

Otherwise, it was very seemless!  Great work!

Hello!  I've made some updates since the game jam, based on feedback from the game jam!  I decided not to use the grid movement for now to maintain some of the difficulty because I believe in you guys!  Also I hope the improved hit feedback will help with the learning curve.

Please give the game a play again and let me know what you think!  I plan on continuing to update this game, so follow the page if you'd like to see and further discuss how it develops.!

Hey!  I've made some updates since the game jam, based on your feedback!  If you want to, give the game a play again and let me know what you think!  I plan on continuing to update this game, so follow the page if you'd like to see and discuss how it develops!

Hello!  I've made some updates since the game jam!  Feel free to give the game a play again and let me know what you think!  Please consider following the page if you'd like to see and discuss how it develops.

(1 edit)

Hey I've made some updates since the game jam, based on your feedback!  If you want to, give the game a play again and let me know what you think!  I plan on continuing to update this game at least until I get it to the original scope of the game idea (which was obviously too big for the game jam), so follow the page if you'd like to see and discuss how it develops.

Beautiful!  The particle effects along with the constantly changing light made this game very visually stimulating!  Plus the font worked really well for the geometricness!  Didn't expect to see what is almost like a rhythm game in this jam!  Great job!

Thank you!  I was thinking I would've liked to have done more tweaking of values to strike the right balance of speed/control for the player, but that grid-based movement idea could be a good solution to that while providing a whole new challenge!

Working through issues is part of building a great team!  I am glad you guys were able to get it done!

This felt really clean!  Animations and controls were tuned very nicely!  And I love the idea of a "touch spikes, you die" platformer where you have one side to use as a weapon!  Great work!

Agreed!  I made most of this game in the last 24 hours which is when you should ideally be playtesting in any Game Jam.  There are values to be tweaked to make the game more balanced.

Really, I ought to just make  enemies take one hit to kill.  However, I had the idea early on for enemies to GAIN health when getting hit with the wrong type of shot.  This is implemented, but again is not obvious because there is no feedback to tell you they are actually getting more health.

Thank you!  Glad you liked it!  If I had time I would've put in a simple scoring mechanic based on enemies killed - this would incentivize the player to risk engaging enemies rather than endlessly dodge.  I also would put in more varied enemy movement to make them less easy to dodge.  Something for next time perhaps!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!  I put it in a comment below, but you have to hit enemies three times to kill them.  There is no feedback on hitting enemies so the player can seem ineffective at first.  Just gotta spam those shots and choose when to shoot and when to dodge!

Thanks!  I think it seems harder than it is because you have to hit enemies three times to kill them.  However, that is not obvious because the enemy hit feedback is non-existent.  That would be the next thing I'd work on if I had time.

Nice take of the theme mixed with Tetris!  I liked the music and how you matched it with the display in the main menu!  I found that I was able to find a lot of success turning the slidy blocks into jelly blocks as the physics engine allowed blocks to be stuffed into their side in a way Tetris would never allow.  I don't think that was intended, but it was fun to do!  Great game!

Couldn't play it because I got errors on download.  I recommend posting a WebGL build to if you can.

Love it!  The switch mechanic works and feels good!  I like what you did with the music within each world version - I'd dig into that and see if you can switch it at the exact point in the song.  The platforming + switching does get pretty tough pretty quick, but still a well-made game!

Very nice game!  Definitely roped me in with the Rougue-like in the title (which it technically was not), but I liked how you used the room "choice" as part of the theme.  The UI design I found particularly stylish!  Great work!

Not a bad idea for a game!  I could see this being built upon into something interesting!  Unfortunately, I personally had trouble with the app not responding very consistently to my attempts to change sides of the cube, so getting through the levels became way less possible than they should have been.  Even so, I like the idea!  Great work!

This type of game works so well for the theme of this jam!  It's simple, but well-made.  I like how you inch closer to the bottom of the screen as you get stuck on obstacles to the player some forgiveness, while informing them of how they're doing.  Nice job!

Simple but effective!  I like how the theme of the jam is basically the entire object of the game!  In terms of making the game more challenging, I'd say lower the starting time AND make the player choose from more panels (I found I could make it pretty far pretty quick by mashing space and letting RNG do the rest).  Otherwise, a solid game!

Wow I really liked that!  Very well put together puzzles all placed cleverly within the game.  Great work!

The art was nice for being put together for a 72 hour jam, if a little hard to make out at times.  At its core, this is a fine turn-based game, but some quality of life things would help - such as multiple control schemes for easier navigation (mouse-only gets tedious on a laptop).  I'd also say some effects would help the game pop as well as keep the player informed - it took me a second to get what was going on because the only indication of progress was catching the health bars moving each turn.  Still a great base for game done in 72 hours!  Great job!

This is a nice take on the classic side jumping game that fit the theme well!  A little sensitive on the controls, but fun when I got the hang of it.  While it was a bit short and repetitive, it was a great product for a 72-hour jam!  Nice work!