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Aviv Youker Harel

A member registered Jun 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Easy Releasy community · Created a new topic Two questions.

How do I make the banner have a transparent background? everytime i attempt to put a banner it makes the page wrapper around it and makes it have a white background instead of seeing the background art

Also How do you make a page end? like have a rounded bottom or art? : 

Its ok, Good luck

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yep, i had the game ready when the jam was over, but i had trouble uploading it, so i did so independently.

Hey if you still need one heres mine: https://aviv-youker-harel.itch.io/stop-hitting-yourself

https://aviv-youker-harel.itch.io/stop-hitting-yourself Heres mine!

Hey, I had trouble uploading the game so i missed the deadline, if you wana try out my game and maybe continue it its right here: https://aviv-youker-harel.itch.io/stop-hitting-yourself

Give it a try!

Should have ranked higher! You were my favorite game of the jam :)

Congratz on the win! I'm so glad you managed to squeeze into the top 100, Since your game is so amazing and heartwarming, im glad it got showcased!

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I like the concept and puzzles, but the isometric view kinda messed it up for me, I kept messing up the puzzles just because of the controls.

but i enjoyed the simple visuals and consepts and how such nice puzzles can be created with them :)

Its a rar file, you might need to download an extractor like WinRAR

Probably the most fun i had with the jam games so far! This is so silly BUT WORKS SO WELL!

If you ever think of adding more to this game, it would be nice if the ninja would traverse some sort of level, so there's a feeling of progress.

but still a very good submission!

The art style is absolutely incredible! i wish there were a bit more levels, but still great submission!

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Surprisingly very enjoyable, its nice the player was open on what makes the level better for him, that way i could fix it next layer, like some sort of real time mario maker - but dungeony,  well done!

(Also if you could check out my game as well it would be highly appreciated :D )

Really Fun puzzle design, Simple concept that works really well! I also saw you progress post on the gmtk discord ;) nice to see how it turned out! Good job!

(Also if you could try out my game as well it would be highly appreciated!)

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Really fun and creative! This hits a little too close to home, at the start i didnt under i need to insult the drawing i just created xD , but once i understood that the game flowed really nicely. Good job! (I got 530, i guess its fine, EDIT: 1300 HEck yeah


(Also if you could check out my game as well it would be highly appreciated :D )

Really interesting concept! The idea of a war between nature and settlements is a really cool basis for a tower defense type game, And the art style is just beautiful! kinda reminds me of steven universe!

sadly i encountered some bugs along the way so i didnt finish it, but I still enjoyed the portion i have played! Good job!

(Also if you could check out my game as well it would be highly appreciated :D )

Nice twist on the original! i like how the player is more involved than even the normal cookie clicker, and it was really fun to play! good job!

(Also if you could check out my game as well it would be highly appreciated :D )

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Interesting concept! I always love murder mysteries, there wasn't much gameplay, but it was fun playing around with the dialouge, also the visual direction was really cool! felt like a jackbox game . Good job!

(Also if you could check out my game as well it would be highly appreciated :D )

The opening is just genius. very cool concept! was fun to play

Now that you say it.. its kinda true! Thanks for checking out our game!

Really nice concept!Could really develop some interesting puzzles if you had more time,  the environment look amazing, even without considering the short time span. Good job!

(Also it would be really appreciated if you could go check out my game!)

Haven't played yet, But i just wanted to say this is a very cool idea for a game!

Really useful! thanks!

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I've been doing Game jams for a couple of years now so i have a bit of experience in this :) Glad you liked it!

What do you think of it? Did you like it? :)

Hey Adriend! It's me! aviv13243546 just played this game! and it's really cool! I love how you took my ideas and combined it with the characters in your existing series, it led to a more meaningful experience as each character has its own history in your past games and their own personality! I liked how you made its a new mystery every time, it added it more replayabilty value! oh and the clue system was an interesting take on the whole "Testimony" part, you had to pick carefully who to question next in order to make sure the testimony is accurate and not a false one.

Thank you so much for this! and good luck with the next chapters of your series!

P.S also, I got ending 5, the best ending.

Omg same

It is similar, but I put a different twist on it, mainly the fact that they Always move together, and the fact that it used a hexagonal grid instead of a square one, which actually made a really interesting mechanic! and I had a couple of puzzles there that we really cool! 

Its not too long, so it wont really take long (about 20 levels if you include tutorials and ending levels)I've got a lot of reviews there so don't feel obligated to try it out, but if you want its just as free as all of my other games! :)

Super cute and well designed mechanic, there's lots of room for more levels and expanding!

Good job!

Thank you so much for trying my game! and for the well thought out comment! 

You don't know how happy it makes me to see this old game of mine get played! I made it when i was just starting out as a developer (I think it was my third game ever!) and i felt really good about the end result, it was pretty fun and challenging, but unfortunately no one played it after i released it, which made me feel like i just wasted my time putting all of this effort into it, but thanks to you and a couple more people that stumbled into it, i don't feel that way anymore!

Like you said the game is far from perfect, but I still think of it fondly when I look back, and i'm glad you found it enjoyable! 

So once again, thank you!

Super cute game! I enjoyed the teamwork factor that was needed here, the only problem I had was with the bee's movement, since sometimes when you tried to select another bee, it just moved the already selected be away, or when you tried to add a bee to a flower, it pushed away other bees.

but still, I had a lot of fun! nice to see more bee games :)

Thank you, If you still want to see the rest of the game, Take a look at the bottom of the Game's page (Not the submission page) I uploaded a full playthrough of the game if you want to know the solution, And I shared a little cheat code that can skip levels :3


here's mine!

Omg, you are insane.


Yes! I could export it as a standalone, but sadly I cannot do it while the jam is still ongoing, Since they don't allow me to update the game.

Thank you! Im glad you managed to push through!

You might enjoy my game if you like puzzle games:https://aviv-youker-harel.itch.io/hivemind

And here are a couple of my favorite games that I tried in this jam;

https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1680428 - a spooky little retro game

https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1680327 - A fun Auto pets style battler

https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1674673 - A really funny platformer with a small assistant

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You need to constantly remind the people who you rate to come back and do the same to you, But i would still have expected more than 2

Here's my puzzle game: https://aviv-youker-harel.itch.io/hivemind