This is great!
Any tips on how you did the procedural generation for the tracks?
I tried my hand at procedural track generation and got things like these… not as fun as yours!
Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get a build up in time for the jam!
So this isn’t a valid jam entry, but here is a build.
Here is a build.
Fun game! I think that if restarts were closer to where the player died, it might make playthroughs a bit more fun for timers – as then I would be able to practice the bit that I keep dying in, rather than having to play through the whole map again to reach the same spot.
Maybe something like
OnGroundedTrigger --> SetLastgroundedlocation( cached position from 1 second before)
OnPlayerDied --> RespawnAt(lastGroundedLocation)
Maybe you can tack on a penalty time “+5 seconds” every time the player dies to penalise deaths.
This was loads of fun! And nice to see that you managed to get the leaderboards working :D I took a look at the code – something to do with FKS? do you have any suggestions to what I can look into to get a leaderboard working? I tried to use dreamlo but didnt succeed with getting the leaderboard to work in