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Banished Crown Studios

A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ooh you are certainly getting far. Decided to play the game after if ended huh.

You can essentially mute the music by reducing the music volume to its minimum in the pause menu. The instance to instance idea does seem like a good one however, I'll note it in the noted issues.

Thanks for the offer, while we are unlikely to update this game for quite a bit if you wish to provide a sampling of your prior work we would be happy to keep you in mind.

Interesting game idea and surprising good assets for the ones that were made for the jam. The game feels a little uncontrollable, but it does certainly seem like something that you would be able to get used to.

Rather fun game, however after a second playthrough it becomes rather apparent that the merging of weapons is much more of a predetermined thing as the weapon drops are always in the same order, and you cannot skip a drop and then pick up the next weapon. There are also a couple of spots in the map where the player can funnel all the zombies with very engaging gameplay (the bottom left house being one of them). Lastly as the zombies spawn in certain areas, regardless of the players location, you can essentially become telefragged if you accidently stumble into one of the places.

However the gameplay as mentioned is quite fun, and overall this would really just benefit from a bit more though out map design, spawn mechanics, and larger arsenal that allows players to actually make choices on the guns that they want to merge. The music as others have mentioned is near inaudible however, which is kind of underwhelming.

Thanks for playing, controls being slippery is something we are pretty aware about and might try and fix after the jam.

Interesting idea, but the shooting does feel a little clunky. It might help to allow the player to shoot faster, and just up the enemy count.

A minimap is a pretty good idea and we do understand the problems with the slippery controls that we can probably fix by reducing the speed a bit/adding in a quicker speed decrease when you aren't clicking around. Thanks for taking a look at our game!

I wish this went on a little longer, but for the jam this is certainly really cool to see. The music and art for the game works really well with each other, giving a very charming feel to the game. And the controls work quite well. The thing for me is that this game very much feels like something that will rely more on its content than inherent gameplay due to the fairly simple enemies you need to deal with. Enemies that are more aggressive/harder to just run past would kind of help the game feel a little more challenging. 

Yup, thanks for playing. As we have mentioned prior the lag is due to the rigidbodies that we used to make the atoms having to do physics calculations that start to lag the game as they greatly increase. We always kind of knew it would feel alot like agar.io but we wanted to see how we could put our own spin on it.

Rather unique spin on the 2048 concept as most have said before me, movement is pretty good but would be nice to increase. Perhaps as well a dash cooldown bar would be useful for the player.

An idea very similar to what we took on, but with a very different spin and direction.

The game feels a little clunky with respect to selecting items, and having the resulting fusion be spit into your inventory rather than staying in the output would be nice.

Seems like a rather good fit for phones, gave me a bit of trouble playing on the computer. Honestly something like a bit of visual touchup and some additional objectives would help this game really shine.

Thanks for taking a look!

Interesting little game, for some reason there doesn't seem to be an option to restart or go back to menu after you achieve a game over. A bit more information given to the player on where they need to aim for to begin orbiting around a target would be nice.

Thanks for the look!

Honestly the concept is just something I have a hard time getting my head to work efficiently with. However the execution is nuts, especially for the time you had to make this. This would be a great game to have some custom made levels with more of a puzzle based feel to better ease into the harder and more complicated main level that is randomly generated to my understanding.

Rather cute game at its core with simple yet most certainly workable mechanics. The custom voiceovers do add to the charm of the game, but it would be nice to not have to deal with the ghost each time I play the game again. The ui is underdeveloped but the assets obtained for the game do produce a rather consistent style.

One thing that might help that I can provide right away could reduce your tiles tearing, go into edit > project settings > quality then turn antialiasing off it might reduce the flicker that seems to happen on the edges of your tiles.

Yup, most people seem to have trouble with the input as it is quite slippery and fast. Thanks for taking a look however!

Rather interesting concept, with surprisingly well thought out execution. As it stands right now, the gameplay loop feels rather fully formed, albeit not that deep.

Impressive that you were able to get this done and as well polished with just one person over the short time period. Good work!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Quite fun to play, might do with a bit more complexity but otherwise rather sound.

Glad to hear it!

We'll make sure to consider it, thanks!

Ah, gotcha. So the point is just to bounce the orange balls around with the red block or attempt to dodge them instead. More of a make your own fun sort of game circa the Magnavox Odyssey era. 

I guess the best feedback is the game is rather bare. The balls bouncing around certainly feel good and the movement works and is responsive but that's about all I can comment on. Otherwise I hope you build from this experience with your next game(s) to make more fully fleshed out games in the future. 

You might want to pack the .exe, .pck, and the .ico into one zip as it seems that the .exe needs all of them to really function at its best and being able to download all of them at the same time would make getting into the gameplay a bit easier. I believe you can upload new builds and whatnot so it shouldn't be impossible to put in after you read this.

This game is certainly rough around the edges, with the menu, other ui, and general assets working but aren't the most intuitive or readable. The menu almost looks fuzzy, and most of the text on it is hard to read because of it. The sound effects/music are charming but having a cleaner loop of the music would make the slight pause before it loops around again a little less abrupt.

I do however rather like the spell merging as after getting a hang of it it really started to show me the interesting part of the game. However the gameplay depth mostly ends there. Overall a very good first project, but there are certainly things to improve on.

Very nice art style, and an interesting gameplay loop. You might want to disable itch.io's fullscreen button frame option for the webgl version however as you already have that implemented with unity. It also seems that the sound doesn't work on the webgl version, atleast on my end. Shame as the music and sounds on the windows version are pretty darn good. 

Is there something I'm missing here, it just seems like a ton of balls with 2d physics that bounce around. Are there any controls to take player input?

Rather interesting, the one thing that does confuse me is the gems. Do they give extra points or something, as I couldn't find a use for them and they just cluttered up my inventory. Otherwise honestly really fun gameplay, the music is just a little grating if I'm to be honest.

Rather fun game all things considered. The lack of any sounds or music is kinda disheartening however. The merge mechanic is cool, but being able to merge 2 of the same tower of different levels to create a tower of the combined level could have been a cool thing to implement. The fact that the towers need to be the same level even when merging colors is also a little disheartening.

The tower defense genre feels kinda out of place for a high score based game, but having randomly generated levels after 20 makes it seems a lot better that I would have thought. Very good pixel art, and actually a pretty cool tower defense game in general!

Very interesting angle on the theme. However after I got the hang of it, it almost felt too easy. I can see the complexity does ramp up, but it does feel like it does so rather slow.

Quite an interesting game idea and execution on the theme. The only big issue I have is not having a ton of direction or some sort of tutorial that I could use to better understand my objective from the start. I really only figured out the flower being able to give you a game over when the slimes attack it by my first game and the fact that weapons use you as ammunition as well.

The weapon variety is actually really good, and the means of using them is really cool. The only other thing I might point out is that the grass being so detailed kinda made the game a bit harder for me to read, and you might actually have better game visibility if it was a little less detailed.

Yup, certainly understood. We were just having a bit of a hard time figuring out a good way to implement easier intuitive sizing, so we added in the size to help a bit. But certainly having both intuitive sizing and a size number would be best. Thanks for the look however!

Thanks, happy to hear it!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks! We ran out of time to do a lot of performance evaluation and cleanup,  but a performance boost is planned for the future. 

Thanks! We ran out of time to do a lot of performance evaluation and cleanup,  but a performance boost is planned for the future. 

I'm sorry, you had such a hard time with the game. you play as an atom floating around in space with only natural forces to control you. It's supposed to be hard to play. It's a time trial that takes practice. The controls are an acquired taste, it may take a few minutes of trying to get better. Hope you can get a high score sometime!