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A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I got super sick and didn't fix the first area like a dingus. Don't waste your time, it's broken.

Hard but fair.

I see what you're going for, and I like the idea a lot, but I had such a hard time getting past the first stair case, I don't know for sure what was going on, but I think you did the logic in the process loop without using delta, so when my browser was running at below 30 fps I couldn't jump at all.

I love the time shenanigans, just goes to show, once you let the genie out of the bottle you can't put it back in.

Nice Game, Not bad, love the concept.

Sleeping is too strong, I could just sleep in front of the plant people and heal all the damage they do to me.

The powerups could use some variety, I felt like I was getting the same 3 every time, and that the choice wouldn't matter.

Not bad, I like the use of the limitation, but the snow balls have a weird vibration to them. But I love the ninja, such an underutilized character type.

I made a quick fix to prevent it from crashing, let me know if it happens again.

I'm sorry it wasn't working, I made a quick fix so it shouldn't crash.

Good job recreating tiles! It's such a good concept to base a jam game. Probably shouldn't have used licensed music lol. but at least the selection was good.

I would pay to play a full game like this. I'm not too sure how far you could go with this, but if you increase the difficulty between the first and last levels it could probably be a pretty good puzzle game.

This is such a good game, it's so simple, and challenging. It's a great use of the limitation.

Great Job, This is what I would have wanted to make if I didn't choose to do it in 3d.

Not bad!

I like the art, but I couldn't find the easter egg

I accidentally submitted the wrong game to the jam... Here is the correct game.

The theme is in the title, This week it's "Reflection". The limitation will be revealed in the limitation section under the timer, you can even vote on it right now!

That really is hell, I couldn't agree more. 

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This game made me claustrophobic every time I looked down. Good otherwise

Such an efficient use of assets. I don't quite know what you were going for with playing the same scene over and over, but it lends itself well to creating an uneasy atmosphere, it's especially good here in a game jam.

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I really like this idea. I really do. But it definitely needs some polish. First thing, speed it up. Moving is slow, dialogue is slow and I hate to say it, but the slow time mechanic isn't really helping. Don't throw it away, keep it in your back pocket for the next game, It's cool, just not here. Second, minor quality of life stuff, don't limit the y-axis on the mouse. If you don't want the cultists to look like they're falling over, lock their billboard to the y-axis. If your levels are going to be just halls and walls on the same plane, you could also just let the player walk around on the ground instead of flying, then you don't have to worry about the player going into the floor or ceiling, if it doesn't feel ghosty enough put a filter on the screen. That's about it. Also fix level 2, I accidentally de-possessed a yellow cultist in the two lever room and soft-locked myself, because I was stuck in a room without a way out..

Nice, Simple, stylish. Music was mid. 7/10

Puzzle games are so hard to create good puzzles for. There is such a wide gap between the best and the worst players. I don't envy the job of puzzle designers. For example I felt it was a bit too easy and not clear as to what the spirits will do when the go button is pressed, but it seems other players had an enjoyable time. I get it's a game jam but I would have liked to see harder puzzles where the pieces are larger and must overlap. Otherwise, 8/10

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10/10 Does everything right, the music is pretty mid tho. Improvements include, different enemy types, powerups. For real though, I would love to see a bunch of different enemy types that all harm/help each other in different ways, like a fire elemental that leaves a short trail of fire that also hurts the bats, Or like a skeleton archer that can hit and kill other monsters. and you have to use the growing cloud of bats as a shield.  If the arena was larger you could throw a lot of interesting ingredients in there. and all you can do is

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Dude, some of these other games are like theme parks, they all just wear the theme of hell, but this is the first game I've played here that is actually just hell.

I like 10/10. Simple, quality and good. 

I like this, but the hitboxes don't seem to always work for me. I also kept wanting to cook the crops over the fire.

I enjoyed this. The controls are weird, I like the stilted run and the wall jumping, it feels like you lose momentum when jumping onto walls. Maybe let the character slide up the wall when jumping but stick when falling.
I can see myself buying this if there was more content, maybe reskinned as a flea simulator. Main character feels more like a bouncy little bug.

It's not much of a game. Oddly enough I played it for way longer than I thought I would. It's quite enjoyable to set the sliders to moderate settings and just spin around for a bit.

It's a bit repetitive, I just like the idea that the player character is forced to do no harm in hell

Comfy little puzzle game, the characters are a nice touch. I wish there was a moment to see the sprites, the intro scene where they spin around the table is too small and too far away to see the detail.