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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very addicting I must say. The sound effects are satisfying and I enjoyed running around and dodging the attacks. I liked it! 

I'm glad you enjoyed my game! I completely agree too, the original plan was to have chocolate and strawberry ice-cream as well as a few more fruits that you would need to collect in a "hunting mode". Also a story that would progress as the days went on??? This was my first time using Unity and C# so there was some complications. I was forced to scale it back a lot but I'm mostly satisfied with the end product for what it is. Definitely something to consider in a future project or possible update though.

This game is awesome. Actual GOTY material right here

The crashing issue is being looked into right now. I'll update when it's fixed. I sort of rushed the game to upload it before the jam deadline so I am sorry I overlooked it!

Apologies for the incorrect file upload. This new work should work