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A member registered Jul 11, 2023

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adorable :]

I see you are a man of culture as well...

I love this! I tried twice but both times they broke through on my last egg :(

An absolute blast, the controls are so nice and everything really ramps up towards the end, very anxiety inducing!

This was amazing! I beat it after only one death (to the mountain guy) because I wasn't paying enough attention lol. Would love to play any expanded version of this!

amazing! I got green clears on every level after enough tries :)

Keep in mind that most jam games last only like 5-10 minutes

Got spawned in a softlock my first run lol, I was stuck in a corner blocked in by a bunch of boxes and I was so confused

I absolutely loved how you can draw your own sprites! In a fuller version of this, I can see everyone who plays having a totally different-looking game from everyone else at the end, like the old Draw a Stickman games!

(1 edit)

Yeah so turns out cookie clicker was lagging out the game so hard that it couldn't load the sprites somehow... that's what I get for constantly having that game open in another tab lol (high score 272 btw)

This is very cool, but my game was bugged somehow. For some reason, the character sprites were not working. Most of them were showing up like this:

The only part of them that worked were the little animation when you complete a purchase, the skyrim guy for some reason (all of his animations worked), and Isabelle's cute entrance animation. The rest of the time they showed up as those glitchy blue things. I reloaded the page and stuff but it didn't fix itself, unfortunately. Do you guys have any clue what caused this or how I can fix it?

If I remember correctly, there's one action where the command must be symmetrical, and another one that has to have 4 of the same symbol and one different one, right? I got something like this: "&&*&&" and that could fit into both, and it ended up being the symmetrical one. Although I might be misremembering a little. Also, this was the only instance where anything like this happened that I noticed, so the whole system is mostly watertight! Writing this up makes me tempted to play the whole game again lol

This is amazing! If I keep playing much longer I'll give myself carpal tunnel lol

This was awesome. Honestly my one complaint is that it's sometimes really hard to find the streamer, because the map is huge and the streamer character is tiny. Maybe being able to see where he respawns after each jumpscare would help? Or maybe making the flashlight cone brighter/bigger? Regardless, very cool game! And the constant streamer commentary is golden. My high score is 564!

This is just DELIGHTFUL!! I love it! I managed to win on my first try with only 2 fodder skeletons remaining at the end. I was sweating bullets there but I made it! 

Very cute game! All the little animations really add to the charm.

Oh I'm in love with this! I can see this being a really big puzzley game, like with branching storylines and everything. Maybe if you have plans to make this a full game, there could be something where you have to talk to other spirits or explore places when you're not in a seance? Like Ace Attorney if that makes sense? That might be too hard to make though haha. Either way I really really like this whole concept and I would love to see any sort of continuation! And I really want to help these guys figure out their mystery!

Very cool. I think that maybe to increase difficulty, instead of a different timer for every trainer you could just have one big timer and you try to help as many trainers as possible within that limit? And if you plan on fleshing this out more maybe you get more money based on how many trainers/pokemon you heal and you can use that money between days to buy potions or get more equipment? Idk just an idea. Also I love the adorable graphics!

I love the presentation on this one. Sound design and artstyle are flawless. Although I do wish that when there's only 1 intruder left, you can hear where they are, because in the one where there are 9 intruders it only tells me that they are 'everywhere' which is unhelpful when I'm searching the whole house for the 1 remaining intruder. Anyway, this game is wonderful.

Very cool! I got 403 on my first attempt!

This is great! Easy-to-understand system that can be utilized in many different ways.

This was absolutely amazing. I kept playing even after getting every ending and found new collages every playthrough! There's so much to do, and honestly if there were even a couple more levels like this one I could see this being sold on Steam as a full game.

Very cute artstyle and vibes! Although the boxer bear felt a bit too OP, maybe give Bompurr a little heal before the fight, or make him easier? I couldn't manage to beat him both times I reached him. Or maybe just let players restart from the beginning of the bear fight? Idk, either way this game is great!

I loved this! I would love to see a more fleshed-out version of this, maybe where you go through different scammer's computers with different puzzles or more complex security? Also the music made me feel like I was pulling off a bank heist lol

Very cool game! I feel like there could be some more mechanics in here, like players trying to cheat in ways other than bribes? Like choosing their object a second after the other person to guarantee a win, or choosing a gun, as that could add lots more complexity and could also work with the bribes? Idk just an idea. 

For some reason the sound wasn't working for me? But other than that this seems like a very interesting idea. The roguelike aspects were interesting.

Wonderful game! Felt like the actual inventory section was pretty useless when you could just use whatever the monsters drop right away, and lots of loot tended to fly off-screen when enemies died, but this was amazing! Love how it looks.

I loved this! It was so satisfying to jump out of the water and eat everyone once I was big enough. Although, I feel like some kind of progress bar would be nice so people would know how far away the next level up is? Also, the sound design is just amazing. 10/10

I loved this, and the music was way more of a bop than I expected!

I loved this! Loved the achievement system :)

Very charming! Although I wish I could make dialogue scroll faster without the risk of accidentally hitting a response without reading through it. Could use a little something to change up the slight monotony, because it's kinda boring how players ask the same questions in the same order every time. Maybe you could make it so some of them ask different questions, or ask them with different phrasing, or just skip it entirely and accept the quest right away. Stuff like that to spice things up. Regardless, this game is quite nice!

I really wish I got to this before the voting period ended so I could give it five stars in all categories! I love it

Very nice! Although I wish I could submit my answer with the enter key so I don't have to keep switching back to my mouse after typing in the answer.

This was a very nice puzzle! Proud to say that I completed it without writing anything down. Quite challenging but fun! Although there should probably be something preventing commands that could fit multiple separate actions from coming up, as that happened to me and it threw me off a bit. Also could I just say that the little sound effects are hilarious!

My high score is 6! I love how the icon and points change color whenever you bounce. Very satisfying to play and I love the music!

Wonderful! The only ones I had trouble with were the fidget spinner and the rocket ship, because it doesn't specify which way the curved lines face or which orientation the "table" should have. I couldn't end up guessing the spinner but I got the ship once I flipped it. Regardless, I had a really fun time and I love the art style!

Very cool concept and I love all the little drawings for the ads! The music is way too good and fits the theme perfectly (never thought I'd be jamming out to dial-up noises, but here we are). I never got past the first level despite choosing ads that I thought fit Grandma Jenny's interests, and her reading speed is painfully slow, but I still enjoyed myself. Any plans for a post-jam version? I'd love to play a more functional version of this, but no worries if not.

This was really cool! I loved the crunchy voice effects. Although, I do wish the text above the players was more visible, as I couldn't read any of it. Maybe just make it white or black instead of grey? Regardless, a wonderful experience.

Very cool! I enjoyed it a lot and it was a fun puzzle experience. But I do have one suggestion: maybe make the next level start right away when the little guy stands on the green square, because I had to restart levels multiple times because I didn't click the green square when the little guy was on it and he fell off. Either that or make it so that the next level starts regardless of where you click on the screen. This might just be me being bad at not misclicking, though.

Pretty neat, but like everyone else said, the section where the dots move in random directions could use some improvement. Like a way to tell which way each dot was going, but even then it would be really hard to predict which way every single dot was gonna go. All the other levels were pretty nice though! And it fits the theme very well.

Very cute but frustrating. The physics, art, sfx etc are very good! Very charming little game :)