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Blue Elixir Studio

A member registered May 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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We loved this one, the concept of breaking the stage to make your own way while you explore is perfect. The fact that you can get your objetive shooting in many ways and making completely different routes gives this a lot of replayability. It's also impresively polished!

Many thanks for the comment! The time constraint prevented us from adding as many visual cues as we would have liked (some of them were even designed, but they weren't included in the finished build). We are excited to add that in further versions after the Game Jam! Again, thank you for your input!

There you go! Here's our take on the Exploration theme:

You are a psychoanalyst who needs to enter your clients' dreams and explore them to unveil what happened in their past. Hope you enjoy!

Don't worry, it's normal to have issues when you only have 48 hours! We had some problems too! It happens when we play the game on browser, didn't try the Windows version yet.

Simple but interesting idea!

We had a really similar idea in my mind at the beginning! We loved this because you nailed it!

It's a really interesting approach, the only downside we noticed was that when the character dies, the game doesn't allow us to play it again inmediately and we needed to restart the page manually. Other than that, it feels really polished and cool!

Loved this one, it's pretty addictive! I would love if you could dash even when there's no dashable walls in front you but other than that, this game feels pretty polished!

The story-telling approach really got us into this one!

Simple and cool idea!

Really cool and fitting for the subject. It also appears to be well-polished.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

It happens when you enter the house. When the indoor map is loaded, we are unable to move :(

Thanks for the comment! Glad you appreciated the way we handled the jam's topic by incorporating some narrative into the exploration :)

What a cool and intriguing idea! The art style you choose only adds to its intrigue. We enjoyed the way you threatened it like you were playing a paper-based role-playing game!

A big thank you! We're happy you enjoyed it! We initially intended to create three distinct stories, but since two days weren't enough, we had to scale back, haha!

Really interesting idea, we hope you continue making more levels after the Game Jam! :)

If there's a way of beating the game without triggering that bug, let us know! We liked the concept and we will love to complete your game!

Thanks for your comment! We are glad the stories were interesting to you :)

This game is really fun, fits the theme in a really good way and it's also very well polished for a 48 hours project. Loved that, hope you continue it in the future.

Really nice ambient there, loved it.

It's really cool, we love this kind of platformers. We hope you continue the game after the jam, it's really nice to play!

The atmosphere is pricess and also fits the jam theme so well, loved this one!

A big thank you! We had three storylines planned, but we had to narrow the focus. We're glad the game's premise appealed to you :)

It's a simple and effective mechanic, really addictive! The concept is really really good :)

Thanks a lot! We're so glad that you find the concept interesting! :)

It's a cool concept and literally what comes to my mind when I think about exploration, it fits the topic nicely! My only issues was not being able to move when entering a house, so it's imposible to continue the game :( If you fix that in the future, let us know to play it again!

Thanks a lot! Wow, 100% of the objectives! If we would have achievements, you would have completed all of them :)

We absolutely loved how you did the tutorial section. This game is too much fun!

A big thank you! We like seeing people who find this concept appealing! :)

Oh, it's a really original concept in this jam, didn't see similar games as long as I remember! Really fun, simple and effective!

Nice approach! It's the classic hot and cold game we used to play at school! If something, it could use a keyboard key to open the chests, so you could play using only your keyboard.

Thanks a lot!

Hi! We are glad you liked it! If we polish it after the Game Jam, we definitely will consider the Sprint Button! If the game had achievements, based on the captures, you would have 100% of them, haha :)

We're glad you liked the game! We will definitely polish this kind of things in the future! :D

It's really well polished, loved the experience. It also fits the exploration theme so well. Got some Alan Wake vibes from this game, liked it a lot! Only feedback we could give you is to make some quality of life improvements such as being able of skipping the tutorial part after the first time.

Cool concept! If you continue developing it after the jam, let us know!

Absolutely loved your concept!

Came for the pun in the name, stayed for the exploration.

We loved this one! Pretty nice feeling on the combat. Would love being able of using another weapon during the cooldown of the one we just used, other than that it's really fun!