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A member registered Jun 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Delightful!! I love that idea of the resolution growing as well as the lobster, and loved the absolute Gameboy charm this had. It was really clean and I loved all the animations! Really impressed that this is a solo project, nicely done :D

Awesome idea! Loved how easily you can be dropped in and understand quickly what the game is and the role reversal with rage mode is so fun! Props to the screen shakes and the clean UI!

Same hat!! From one lobster enjoyer to another, thank you for playing (and sorry about the bug)!

Thank you for playing!

Aw man sorry you couldn't make it to ACM (the axoltol)! Yeah unfortunately the sink mechanic made moving sideways pretty hard especially at the bottom of the level, it was one of the things I would've liked to refine, as well as making the level longer or adding more stages, if we had more time. "Flee from the boulder" is a good way of putting it. I've always admired the pressure of "rising lava levels" for that feeling in games like Mario so I'm happy that feel landed for you in our game!

Thank you for the kind words :D

Haha yeah it's a REAL big lobster!!!!!!! Shoutout to our artist Ann for making truly the most terrifying lobster I've ever seen; putting the sprite in for the first time and playing had ME scared LOL

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Thank you! We definitely took inspiration from that kind of game like as our jumping off point but wanted a mechanic with a different twist. The challenge of balancing weight vs mobility was one I wasn't sure was going to be as fun as I hoped so I'm glad people are enjoying it as much as I did during playtesting! (Shoutout to Brian for making the sink mechanic real :D) That's a good point about those other games existing though and their impact on a player's experience - something to keep in mind for future games and if we add in the player sprite growing in size along with weight (something we wanted but didn't have time for). Thank you for playing despite the bugs and enjoy your lobster!

Oh this was so cute and I had lots of fun trying my best to stack things xD Love the vibe of really feeling like I'm in a playroom playing with toy blocks, getting to throw the tutorial UI as a intro to swiping was such a nice touch too <3

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Incredibly fun concept and well done! I had to look at the comments to figure out you could scroll to see the rest of the recipes, but had so much fun running around to cook both before and after! I think for UI the scroll was a bit slow to keep referencing instead of flipping the page but trying to keep all the recipes in my head definitely added to the chaos! The sheep getting so big that you have to build up to keep feeding it is such a good idea, had me scrambling to get up and chuck food at it! I laughed so much playing :D

The idea for this jam kinda ended up like a reverse rising lava level in platformer games just y'know...with a giant man-hungry lobster LOL. Adding that kind of pressure on a player with the weight mechanic made an interesting dynamic that I was pretty happy with during our limited playtesting, so I'm glad you like it too! In the ideation stage the more it started shaping up like an arcade game, the more we joked about speedrun potential xD so I'd love to add a highscore board, or at least record a player's personal best! Thank you for the kind words, and thanks for playing!

What a delightful game!! Truly had me puzzling over my own spatial awareness xD but it felt so good to hear things to click in place. I mostly do 2D art but been meaning to pick up 3D modeling at some point, maybe this is a sign I should start lol

Had some moments where I couldn't find an asset in the platforming stage, particularly the eggs for the Dragon Keep (they were white and blended in with the platform) and the trees for the Dragon Keep (couldn't find the platform for a bit there xD) but it was really fun to go hunt down an asset before getting to click it into place.

All the models were so well done and I loved the shakes and the sighs of relief to really hammer in the stress of the deadline and the feeling of delivering your asset just in time!

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Helloo! Yeah, the idea spiraled from those games like and getting the player sprite to grow too was something we wanted to do but unfortunately didn't have the time to make it happen! 

Aw man, I'd love to try to fix it after the rating period -- right now there's definitely some weird bugs! Thanks for playing our silly game regardless :D