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Dora "catdotjs"

A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you've enjoyed the game. I'm very subtle with the message hehe.

I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

Really fun lil game. Aesthetics were on point, and the way employee's fall down was satisfying. I was also able to play it on Firefox with no issues at all.

Thank you for the review! I appreciate all the praise and I do agree, I could've made the stones more noticeable. Most of the problem comes from joining the game jam last 6 days. If I started at 1st of June and worked on it whole month, I would've probably ironed it out further.  I'm glad you enjoyed the game and got the message I was going for.

Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy that you enjoyed the game 😊

Thank you so much for kind words!
Due to time constraints I really had to cut a lot of things I wanted. Mainly animation and Sound effects. I'm not an artist so it was already quite a challenge to get art for game. If I get to find someone who would like to do work for the game, I'll be sure to add it.

You're 100% correct about Half-Life gravity gun and flash-era Portal. I love Valve games and this was a labor of love more than anything. I'm so glad you've enjoy the mechanics in game. Believe me patching all the ways to prop-fly was worth it, if people enjoyed the game 😅😅.

I'll be sure to update the game in July with chapter 3 and 4 to end the story. I hope to see your review again by that time!

I liked the idea of a shooter with controls of a dungeon crawler. Not really something that has been done before but a lot of the controls just didn't work for me at least. I tried "reading a note" by pressing R but all it did was to hide my UI

Controls felt bit unresponsive. I had to sometimes press twice to move or rotate. Fighting wasn't visually clear but, I managed. I like the premise of the game. Needs more polishing.

Before anything, movement in this game jam was required to be on a square grid. Collision seem to be off by a lot. I can walk through the table.

I'm not sure what my goal was. Was I suppose to serve customers? I tried clicking on them, nothing happened. I touched them, nothing happened. In the end the overflowing barrel keeper left me confused.

uhh... what? This game confused me so much.
Here is a small list of stuff that I didn't understood:
-> What is the objective? Am I suppose to collect the crystals? Touching them seems to do nothing. Is there a key I'm suppose to press?
-> At menu there is a drop down menu with words "small", "medium", and "large". What does that mean?
-> The camera turns so sharply its disorienting. I can't tell how much I've moved or where I am without constantly adjusting.

I'm not sure how to rate this game

(1 edit)

Great sound design and music. Sprites were also quite nice. Game-play however had few bugs that just made it impossible to win. I was in one fight against a rock golem and when I tried to attack character just wouldn't, enemy was left in 1HP too! After some polishing I think this game can be very good dungeon crawler. Of course it is expected for a jam game to be janky but few bugs I found were game breaking and I had to find a way around it. There are times where after you win a battle game throws you back to battle scene. Only way to get out seems to press wait and then exit.

In the end I would love to see this game polished and even released in steam! Keep up the work!

I'm not sure which engine/framework is used to make this work of art. It really had that RPGMaker vibe but I don't think RPGMaker can do graphics like this so I'm not sure.

I really realllyyy had a lot of fun playing this game until, I went to 3rd level(I think I'm not sure) and one of the chests had the armor I bought just before opening the chest and that really put me off. I suggest to never put stuff player can buy into a chest. Chests should have their own custom loot that is more or less equal to buying.

Fighting mechanics were fun, the classic RPG mechanics were there and you can't really go wrong with those but, the random encounters were so much every few step I took I had to one shot an enemy just to continue. At some point it became too bothering. Perhaps enemies could be actual sprites on the world and I can have the option of dodging them by cleverly walking around them?

Graphics and Audio/Music was fantastic. Enemies looked very nice and audio/music felt just in place.

This was one of the rare jam entries that I actively played multiple times. Aside from few problems I had, It was genuinely fun! I would love to see this game worked further after jam!

If you can supply a download link I can still give it a try and rate it. I suggest putting that download link on description too.

Game fits to the theme but, It feels very confused about what it wants to be. Game really doesn't seem to make a world to immerse you into. Starting ghost talks to you in a manner that doesn't feel right, using words like "ironically" really put me off.

Gameplay was confusing as well battle system was mostly reading text and then choose an option(of which first one is best anyway). Enemy names contained word "(clone)", I assume you instantiated a prefab for each enemy therefore unity named them with word "(clone)". 

I did enjoy the visual novel aspect. the choices I made did steer the conversation differently.

The forward key(W) doesn't work. I still tried playing it using A,D,S and it was a weird experience with that. I don't know how to feel about this game. On one hand it perfectly incorporates the theme in a generic yet good way. I like how you deal less damage if you use too much fire or too much ice.

On the other hand, game lacks visual clarity. I couldn't tell when I was being attacked or when I was attacking. Maybe when you deal some damage a number shows up showing how much damage you have dealt?

Can't boot the game "missing UnityPlayer.dll"(have you forgot to put rest of the stuff in compiled folder into the download folder?)

I loved the gameplay. Its a cool way to make a game about duality. I only have 3 problems with it. First, the download size is absurd 300MB for a Jam game is just too much. Secondly, The amount of steps being limited just makes the game less fun, especially with my third problem of those 8 things not being placed in good positions but rather random positions. Game needs to clearly tell me that those 8 symbols give me some amount of energy back.

Even after all of those problems I just really find the idea and gameplay so cool, so I'm giving it 5 star on both of those metrics. I'm sure with more work on this game it can be seriously fun puzzle game!

just no

- Aesthetic and Art-style -
This game was on my radar, I was looking at the screenshots given by NekOz at discord semi-religiously. The art-style is just top notch. The synth-wave aesthetic felt so cool. 3D models and just the vibe of the game was hilarious personally. I found it very fun to look around and just see all of the madness.

The game had few instances of Z-fighting (specially floor) and some weapon(great axe for example) were just white squares in my inventory but, due to the aesthetic I'm really not sure if it was a bug or intentional.

- Game play -
I really liked the simple fighting mechanic of blocking and attacking. I do wish game was bit more clear about some weapons needing to recharge after attacking(maybe like a progress-bar?). I do have one complaint regarding the fighting mechanics. When you charge your attack it breaks enemies defense, that is fine but, I can't see a reason to not charge my attacks. 

Charging attack both dealt considerably more damage and broke enemy's defense pushing them back. Normal attacks on the other hand, can be blocked and even if they are not blocked they deal less damage. Game having a trade -off between charge and normal attacks could make it even more interesting.

A way to heal would've been very nice(If there was I couldn't find it). I find myself on low health after a single encounter and usually just skipped rest of the enemies, since as far as I can tell killing them doesn't really benefit you.

- Audio -
I must admit every sound I've heard felt just in place. Music was also very nice(can I have it as a mp3? I would love to listen to it time to time). 

- Overhaul
I think you peeps did a really good job for a jam. Aside from few bugs(again I'm not sure if they are bugs or not, aesthetic really covers it well) the game was very fun and enjoyable. I would love to see this game expanded on further after the jam.

Its a nice fun little game overhaul but one thing puzzles me . Why does it ask for firewall access? The game is as far as I can tell not multiplayer. Also quit button doesn't work.

Here is what I mean by "Asking for firewall access": 

What a game! I really loved the audio design part. Every sound I heard just fit perfectly. Gameplay was bit confusing at first but once you get hang of it, It is very fun. It felt bit satirical rather than serious. I think it was the intention but I could be wrong. I would love to see this game worked on further after the jam. I think it has potential to be very fun!

(1 edit)

Cool design and Art style! Game-play was confusing however.

Fun idea! I wish it was more clear to play. It really took me a minute to figure everything out. Looks very polished. An A.I. Player would be appreciated though.

I personally really enjoyed the fighting. It was a fun mix of quick time events and dungeon crawler. I do think fights could be bit faster and have more variety. Perhaps you can do different attacks and that may give you advantage or disadvantages.

Art and Audio needs a lot of work. I can tell that a lot of care and love is given just needs more work. For UI, I suggest using Unity's UI toolkit and for graphics I suggest using aseprite.

In the end I would love to see this game idea expanded and worked on further. It is very fun to fight, just needs more work in general!

I really love the concept. A mini-map would be very helpful though. Audio is just not there in my opinion but, with these jams audio is usually later thought so it is understandable. I would love to see this game worked further(Perhaps procedural generated dungeon?).

It took me few tries to understand what game wants. I couldn't tell first that I can't kill Demon and I'm suppose to kill other beasts from other dimension to sacrifice. Game does require more clarity.

Lastly the art and theme is just top notch. Only thing I would suggest is perhaps the game is bit too bright for itself. If it was a bit darker I feel like it would be even nicer. Overhaul very nice game!