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A member registered Nov 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! We'll put the music on Bandcamp at some point and when we do I'll post it here.

Thanks for playing! We originally wanted the level transition being the Snake God swiping you off the board but we didn't have time unfortunately.

Nice to see another game from you! I had fun with this one, I liked the clever twists like the gates and the paint.

Thanks for playing! That is a very fair complaint—admittedly the death mechanic was one of the later things added, so it's pretty crummy. Something to revamp for sure.

Thank you fellow scared queer.

Took a moment to figure out how the merging works, but a nifty little game. I was really confused on how to do a pentamerge at first because it seems like the game only accepts configurations in straight lines, when I was trying to make bent shapes and plus shapes. I like that you went for a cosmic horror type of game. Reminds me of Thaumcraft!


I really liked this one, I see a lot of potential directions to go with this. I appreciate the metaprogression system since it offers a lot of replayability. I think my main feedback is that I would love for more punchy effects to make your rolls feel really powerful, or effects for successfully defending, etc. Also, it would be cool to look at your bags when you gain new dice so you can better decide where to allocate them.

Cool concept! I think adding some constraints like only having a certain amount of a certain type of die could add another strategic element to the game—otherwise you can just do something like roll evens again and again and form some easy equations. I like the idea of having dice with negative numbers, and special dice that can modify them too. The special dice are particularly powerful, maybe they could be given to a player when they successfully fill in an equation.

I really liked the voice acting, I think you nailed it. The game itself was pretty tricky, mainly because I found myself fighting platforming a lot. Especially those gears, they softlocked me twice. Beware the gears. They will eat you alive.

I liked this one! The visual style was very charming. Thank you for including a tutorial since it was a little tricky to sort out what was going on at first. Also, unless I'm misunderstanding, when I added multiple dice to an attack, it only seemed to roll the first one?

I like that you can combo your attacks, I was delighted to see that if I shocked some water and cast more water, it would also get shocked. You could definitely expand on this concept.

I like the core concept, I think if it was fleshed out sufficiently it could lead to a pretty interesting game! I also like all the little dudes you fight. They are silly.

I really liked the presentation of this one. I think the core idea of spending different amounts of dice to do different actions is pretty interesting too. I beat it on my first try by prioritizing building towers, but I tried out all the different traps and spells when I could. The rock trap was very effective against the final enemy. I was a bit unsure whether the elemental shields meant that they resisted those elements or if I should attack with those elements; I assume the former. I hope this game gets updated further!

I really like the concept of assembling a random weapon, I think that's a good core gameplay element. I think just adding lots of types of weapons and other attributes like elements could lead to a pretty unique and engaging system to play with. My main gripes were that enemies could spawn anywhere, including unfairly close to you. I also found the camera movement kind of disorienting. I would also totally like to reroll my weapon more than once per run, but I think that would make more sense if the game had stages or something like that.

Thanks for the kind words! The art style disparity is what you get when you have like 8 different people contributing to something in such a short time span while also trying to learn how Godot works. 😅 We wanted to include a bit from everybody. The dice equipment could definitely use some fleshing out, most of our time was spent just getting the base engine going. There's some fun interactions you can get that we could have done better showing off like stacking Stunt Doublers to multiply your next roll.

yessssss. i'm glad someone else appreciates this one as much as i do

goddamn this is cool

don't we all

deltarune chapter 2 made me laugh SO hard and it raised so many interesting questions that i feel like we have more questions than answers since chapter 1

awesome to see some kota fanart, thanks for sharing :]

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i think it's sorta both? there was a physical event with a sudden gust of wind and asterion writhing around and the MC reacts thinking asterion almost had some kind of seizure. i think there's also a metaphorical (well, maybe "mythological" is the more accurate word) part too that has to do with the semi-sacred shenanigans that just happened prior: kindling the hearth, wrestling with him, his star birthmark appearing. definitely check out this thread on the birthmark if you're curious! my take is that doing all the stuff underground rekindled the ancient divinity in asterion's soul (robert talks about this if you spend enough time with him) and that's what causes the scene. probably fitting that the sensation he feels is described as "expanding outward, like a star about to burst", although i don't know what to make of the ring of fire imagery

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it's so full of love but also heartbreaking. i can only hope asterion's future is discussed because things like the rusty knife you can find in the valley ("Perhaps, centuries from now, Asterion will find it and be reminded of your time together.") really make me wanna cry... like asterion said, i don't wanna imagine his future without the MC

bitches love logic & reasoning (it's me, i'm bitches), i really like this theory! now i gotta check out the things i skipped in the hinterlands

i was captivated from the underground scene all the way through the rest of the game so far, there were just SO many great moments...  one smaller detail i really loved was seeing asterion's reactions to your choices during the drinking game, seeing his face light up when you match some of his answers brings me life 💞

oh my god the birthmark came back because he regained faith in himself, this RULES i love it 

i was on the windows build. i did some investigation and it looks perfectly fine if i force the game on my second monitor... i have a high DPI on my main monitor and normally scale everything by like 150% so i think it might be related to that

that part i did know LOL, in my case i think reacted too slowly to combat the storm in time and i used up all my available windy clouds while making up for it

my curiosity was too strong and i paid the ultimate price

this game would be really good for teaching someone about centripetal force LOL

i liked that it was just kind of an open world, although sometimes the antenna would pick up a nearby course's docking station which confused me the first time 'round. similar to what Surfdaweb mentioned, i think a cap on the speed might be good just because i wanted to go REALLY fast but you can't see far enough to let you do that without smashing yourself into something. 

this is a neat take on a management game and i love how expressive your little cloud dude is! shelter was the hardest thing for me to manage since there were so many storm clouds at once. i didn't realize you could merge with multiple clouds of the same type until i figured it out by accident, but it was a nice surprise at least! i agree with Jornam that it could be a sweet zen game 🙂

i agree with other comments that some more feedback on combos and such could make things extra juicy. i think it'd be really fun if the momentum you threw ice cream with affected the scoops, so if you're really frantic then it might be spinning/moving faster and you have to be more careful. i'm not normally into these sorts of games but this one was quite fun once i got the hang of it! i got a score somewhere in the 40k range

my first guess was his open wallet LOL

i'll try not to echo other comments as much and instead say that i had a slightly rough time because my laptop doesn't have a right ctrl so i had to use the on-screen one, but i won't get upset over a 48 hour game jam game not being to handle every potential keyboard layout, haha! i don't know if it was intentional but the stamina bar was really obstructive, like it took up a third of the screen? it seems like at least one other person had a weird stamina bar too so who knows what's up there

as others have said, i love the designs, super cute! i also have a fondness for the music because it reminds me of old computer/genesis games 😊

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when it cuts to you collapsing dead in real life because you bumped into a table i can't help but laugh! i was a bit confused how to dodge because it seemed like i moved sluggishly, but i realize that's just how it was animating i think? 

cute little game, i think you could definitely expand on it if you wanted to! i liked the music and theme (although i'm curious what exactly the father is holding?)

now that's something i've never seen before, awesome idea! i appreciate that stats are genetically inherited, although i feel like i only used that to my advantage with the heart stat (but maybe i'm just dumb)

i loved this but what the hell was level 11 😭

the laser's bounce is somewhat chaotic (mainly because there's often walls obstructing the linked points) but honestly i think that adds to the fun